Brett Support Therad.

What crimes? Since when is someone guilty because you feel that they are? This is exactly the reason why the Liberals/Democrats need to go. They want a system of exactly the way you are talking. Immediately pin guilt on someone just by merely gathering accusations. IF that is the way you want to live, then move to a country that supports "Witch Trial" politics.
“ lock her up”

“Execute the Central Park 5”

2 years and counting, and the sky hasn't fallen. As a matter of fact, Trumps Administration is the exact opposite of what the Media has brain washed you into thinking it is. America is doing WAY better under his watch than the last 2 Presidents. These are just the facts. Facts that people who are determined to be Anti-Trump no matter what like to ignore. Because the thought of giving this Administration any credit, hurts you.
I’ll give this regimecredit for their kiddy concentration camps
You have no idea what a crime is lol.
You just tried to claim liberals don’t care about due process while supporting the fat combover racist who chants “lock her up” and called for the execution of the Central Park 5 after they had been exonerated by dna evidence

You’re a two faced rat
2 years and counting, and the sky hasn't fallen. As a matter of fact, Trumps Administration is the exact opposite of what the Media has brain washed you into thinking it is. America is doing WAY better under his watch than the last 2 Presidents. These are just the facts. Facts that people who are determined to be Anti-Trump no matter what like to ignore. Because the thought of giving this Administration any credit, hurts you.
GTFO! trump makes things better for rich people, temporarily....everyone else can get FUCKED as far as he's concerned. if you can't see that, you're fucking blind. his whole presidency is a joke he pulled to stroke his ego. he fucking sucks, and everyone who supports him is a fucking deluded moron.
i'm so fucking sick of you goddamn idiots pointing to the economy and saying trump is a fucking god.....unemployment is down because a lot of people aren't applying or can't apply for unemployment. employment is up, if you want to work for minimum wage with no benefits, otherwise, tough shit.......
goddamn deluded fucking idiots
brett kavanaugh is a piece of shit. he's a fucking frat boy that abused women, drank to excess, acted like a privileged brat, and now is whining about the consequences of his actions. if you want a disgusting, lying, foul piece of shit making policy for the country....oh wait, you did vote for trump, didn't you? nm
GTFO! trump makes things better for rich people, temporarily....everyone else can get FUCKED as far as he's concerned. if you can't see that, you're fucking blind. his whole presidency is a joke he pulled to stroke his ego. he fucking sucks, and everyone who supports him is a fucking deluded moron.
i'm so fucking sick of you goddamn idiots pointing to the economy and saying trump is a fucking god.....unemployment is down because a lot of people aren't applying or can't apply for unemployment. employment is up, if you want to work for minimum wage with no benefits, otherwise, tough shit.......
goddamn deluded fucking idiots
Stop lacing your weed with crack.
brett kavanaugh is a piece of shit. he's a fucking frat boy that abused women, drank to excess, acted like a privileged brat, and now is whining about the consequences of his actions. if you want a disgusting, lying, foul piece of shit making policy for the country....oh wait, you did vote for trump, didn't you? nm
No proof. You’re deranged.
The resources? Are you kidding me? The resources comes from OUR POCKETS lol. Obama forced people who didn't have healthcare to pay a "fee". That is illegal in a Capitalist Democratic Republic. No one is to be forced to buy a product and also not be punished by not making the purchase.
this isn't a capitolist democracy. it's a constitutional republic.
You’re going to die a loser that no one will remember. And thanks for threatining my mother with rape. I reported you and I am now on the line with police authorities to file a report.
Looks like you got triggered by words

Words people, just words

Also, you’re still at 0 recorded video testimonials