Bridgelux Vero 29 LED Test


Well-Known Member
Took some more shots this morning of the little ones. Gave them a good water last night as I have been keeping them pretty dry for the last few days. I have been picking them up and noticed they where a lot lighter and the soil was drying out quicker and quicker each day. They got nearly a liter of water each last night, and only a 2 hour sleep.

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Top down view, you where right bumping, there is a deformation on Rodion, a 4 fingered leaf and the main stem looks a little off center.

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Some stem shots of Pana, the most developed one so far IMO. Is there anyway I can sex them before Pre-Flower?

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Lastly, looks like they might need a transplant soon, I think its bad is the light shines on the roots yeah?



Well-Known Member
Plants convert fertilizer to energy best when there is ample light to process.

By using hydro I am able to push feeding cycles up until lights out, but my river rock grow medium is fast draining. If I had a computer program I would reduce feeds by half or more after 4 o'clock during flower

Even though we grow indoors, plants still know/feel that in nature they are most active when the sun is on the way up, not on the way down.

I think you will find better results watering in the morning


Well-Known Member
I agree to, night time is from about 8pm to 10pm-12am, morning for the plants is actually around midnight, and that's when I wet them the most. I did this so I would have cooler ambient temps during the day phase. things where starting to get quite hot right before sleep-time in the real afternoon but I have better ambient temps now so average temps are about 88-90 hottest and cools to about 75 lowest at night.

I don't know why one of the plants is still drooping a little. Maybe too much water or not enough rest? I moved it to the front with higher air flow and see how it looks tonight.

I think you will find better results watering in the morning
But, do you think I should correlate to real mornings rather then making my own times?

If I had a computer program I would reduce feeds by half or more after 4 o'clock during flower
You are not able to do this with the current system?


Well-Known Member
The magnetic energy that leads to photonic energy is based on sun rise- mid-day then wanes in the late afternoon

There is nothing you can do to trump it. IMHO, it's best to work with nature as much as possible

Now if you are forced to run lights during night, then all bets are off


Well-Known Member
So got some more shots in this morning, been to busy to get them up until now. Everything looks good, still a little bit out of place with how much water they should be getting, less more same amount? Anyway I am planning to transplant them into larger pots, I think fabric would be good.

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I think they need the bigger space soon, the roots are starting to flow out of the bottom holes.

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Here's the stem shots, I think this is a good indication to how they are doing, just seems to be shit popping out everywhere.

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Well-Known Member
Just look at each plant photograph. It should be obvious which ones are happy, and which are droopy. Even if the seeds are from the same mother, they are different. In soil you can adjust how often to water based totally on what the plant is telling you.


Well-Known Member
Just look at each plant photograph. It should be obvious which ones are happy, and which are droopy. Even if the seeds are from the same mother, they are different. In soil you can adjust how often to water based totally on what the plant is telling you.
Yes, I think the droopy ones need less water, they are also starting to curl their leaves upward, what do you think causes that, just the fact the leaves are filled with to much water or is this another circumstance?


Well-Known Member
What kind of water, how pure?

When the plants roots are not developed enough to handle too frequent waterings, or high ppm nutes, any number of things can happen

Tap has minerals in it that 'could' interfere with your nutes.

Does your soil mix have a build up of salts....


Well-Known Member
I will check and see whats in it, I am just using Fox Farms Ocean Forest straight from the bag. I get the water from my sink and then let it sit for about 24 hours in open air before I water with it.

Not adding anything to the soil or water. I also spray a little water over everything once or twice a day, the spray water have minute traces of bleach, my thought on this was the spray water might evaporate before it soaks into any thing leaving that tiny tiny amount of bleach there to protect agents bacteria. Don't know if this is a stupid idea or if it helps?

I drink the water from the tap, and I can taste when its clean or not, straight from the tap tastes like chemicals, after about 12 hours no tastes left, longer then 3 days and then you can start tasting bacteria.


Well-Known Member
No need to let it rest, simply swirl with a paddle of your choosing to agitate. Better still, if you have a small bubbler, drop it on to help release the gasses.

One of the many reasons why I no longer use soil, no guarantee of homogeneity. Your roots might have hit a hot pocket and there is little you can do about it


Well-Known Member
Snapped a few more shots this morning. I thinks most of them are doing well, last night I was sparing with the water and let them have a good 4 hour rest, they looked a bit worn out. Before I turned the lights back in they seemed a little happier, even Charley is starting to move along now.

On a side note, they smell "greeny" when just sniffing but when you softly rub a leaf a powerful, sweet, slightly harsh, well rounded flavor is released and stays with you for about 10-20 min.


Mud, is not as green as the others and now has a small spot white spot on one of the leaves.

Your roots might have hit a hot pocket and there is little you can do about it
I think you might be right.


PetFlora, have you ever went from soil to hydro? I don't think I would want to try this time but i wonder if its possible.

My plane was to transplant this weekend into bigger pots with more soil and then I was thinking about building up a 2-3 inch layer of Happy Frog Soil Conditioner after pre-flower. Does this sound like a bad idea?


Well-Known Member
I have. It is messy and your plants will slow down until they get reestablished, but it did work. Try 1-2 in a high volume bubble system


I agree to, night time is from about 8pm to 10pm-12am, morning for the plants is actually around midnight, and that's when I wet them the most. I did this so I would have cooler ambient temps during the day phase. things where starting to get quite hot right before sleep-time in the real afternoon but I have better ambient temps now so average temps are about 88-90 hottest and cools to about 75 lowest at night.

I don't know why one of the plants is still drooping a little. Maybe too much water or not enough rest? I moved it to the front with higher air flow and see how it looks tonight.

But, do you think I should correlate to real mornings rather then making my own times?

You are not able to do this with the current system?

what about the morning dew theory? the cooler night temps force condensation that collects on the leaves in nature so in reality plants naturally receive more water during the night (assuming there is no rain in either the day or night during a 24 hour cycle). In a controlled environment we don't experience morning dew so watering to some extent at the end of the light cycle has merit also. In my experience I find that watering 50% of the dose the night before and 50% mid next morning works best for me. This is assuming you have the environment controlled and your temperatures between daytime high and nighttime low are not deviating more than 7 degrees Fahrenheit. I have found that any deviation of more than 7 degrees Fahrenheit has quite a significant affect on the total bud production as it takes the plants the better part of the first half of the 12/12 light cycle to wake up and start producing chlorophyll. In short, I say water twice on water day 50% in the eveing 50% in the morning and be sure to control the daytime and nighttime temps to within no more than a 7 degree variance. Just my opinion :)


Well-Known Member
what about the morning dew theory? the cooler night temps force condensation that collects on the leaves in nature so in reality plants naturally receive more water during the night (assuming there is no rain in either the day or night during a 24 hour cycle). In a controlled environment we don't experience morning dew so watering to some extent at the end of the light cycle has merit also. In my experience I find that watering 50% of the dose the night before and 50% mid next morning works best for me. This is assuming you have the environment controlled and your temperatures between daytime high and nighttime low are not deviating more than 7 degrees Fahrenheit. I have found that any deviation of more than 7 degrees Fahrenheit has quite a significant affect on the total bud production as it takes the plants the better part of the first half of the 12/12 light cycle to wake up and start producing chlorophyll. In short, I say water twice on water day 50% in the eveing 50% in the morning and be sure to control the daytime and nighttime temps to within no more than a 7 degree variance. Just my opinion :)
Very interesting, I was, in the beginning having a problem with day temps up into the high 90's and then they would drop to mid 70's with the lights off, now with the changes, I have a more constant temp going from about 88-89 high and 77-78 lowest. I can warm them up a little more in the night phase to keep it constant. With high temps I was getting they didn't seem to mind that much but what I see now with lower day temps is, I water them just when night comes and I check on them after about an hour and the leaves seem to pull up and straighten out. Then they might droop a little just before light goes back on. With my times they only sleep for about 3-4 hours so they don't get more water until my morning which is mid day for them. I keep thinking I want to get them back up into the mid 90's for the day temps, I don't know why I just have a feeling they like the heat with the amount of light shining.

I am a little concerned the little one in the middle (Mud) is like bleaching out from the light but I don't know how to tell.


Well-Known Member
I have transplanted them into 5 gallon fabric bags, squeezed in to the space. Charley is going to stay out for now, I don't think it will make it, last time I let her name one of my babes...


Huge fuck up with the first plant, Mud, the bulk of the lower root system didn't make it...


The others went ok...


This was all done on Saturday, Day 21 of Veg, they wilted a lot right after when I turned the lights up, I quickly added some water to the soil and they slowly came back :/


Its day 24 now and they are doing much much better, lots of new growth, I don't have any pics on me but I'll take some tonight. I think this could have set them back a few days maybe a lot longer for Mud but I am glad I have got them in a lot more soil.

Bumping Spheda

Well-Known Member
Some nice roots you got there, man. Well done.

Can't wait for them to grow a bit more, it's gonna be a jungle in there. Diggin' the setup.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Bumping, I was so freacked out after the transplant, like WHAT HAVE I DONE! but I think they are back to normal. I will show you new pics when I can but I think a few of the 3 finger leaves are a bit damaged they might fall off, or I think I should trim them, they are blocking new growth.

Bumping Spheda

Well-Known Member
Idk, there's not a whole bunch of room in there, if you start training them for more branches (are you training them in any way?) it could get unmanageable quickly. I'll wait for others to respond who probably have more experience, but looking at what you've got going right now I'd try to let the girls do their thing as much as possible.

No worrying, though, the girls look like they're loving your Vero's. Pretty shade of Green, very stout structure, healthy roots. All around things are looking great.

How long do you plan to veg for?


Well-Known Member
Idk, there's not a whole bunch of room in there, if you start training them for more branches (are you training them in any way?) it could get unmanageable quickly. I'll wait for others to respond who probably have more experience, but looking at what you've got going right now I'd try to let the girls do their thing as much as possible.

No worrying, though, the girls look like they're loving your Vero's. Pretty shade of Green, very stout structure, healthy roots. All around things are looking great.

How long do you plan to veg for?
I want them to be at least half way up to the LEDs then start flowering, I was thinking about placing a net at that point and weaving some of the branches through it but I might just let them go all natural. It might be another 3-4 weeks before I start 12-12 unless they start to stretch out. So at that point it will be about 50-60 days of veg, I think that's normal?

On a side note, the Vero 29s are Tripling in price from what I paid about $45 to $130 ! I think they have realized how much Cree are charging for there high wattage LEDs and made the move, I need to grab a few more before its to late! Fuck