Brobo's Thread for the Bro's (and Sisters, too)...


Well-Known Member
Bobotrank~ Over all everything looks Irie. A few leaf tips up is not bad unless it continues and more flip up. Then I would say it is too dry in there. And maybe lights are too close or heat is above 85. If you are organic you do not want to flush, if sythentics, flush away. I would continue to feed every other watering.
Ph Well set it at 6.5 after you add everything and use within the hour. Ph will rise or lower after a few hours. Do not worry about ph soil, or run off.
Raise your lights up until you see the leafs reach up for them, then lower one or two inches. Flowers will bloom faster.
Thanks, brother! Raised the light... I think with my hood it needs to be at least 17-18" away from the plants (even tho it's air cooled). I was more like 15" or so, so hopefully that'll help. I'd noticed some newer growth flipping it's leaves over when I was still in veg if I got below that 18" or so mark, so sounds like that's my limit line...

Tomorrow, I feed :)

Thanks again, everyone, for your help! Much appreciated... :peace:

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
I adjust PH before watering. I only check runoff PH if I have a problem.
i do the same here, try not to panic i cant really see what u mean which is a good thing lol. i'm in agreement with GG13 everything looks fine. cheeses are known to shed a few lower fan leaves here and there when they turn yellow so even when that happens dont panic either :)

my last crop went yellow at week 6-7 but i brought it back with some tlc and i still yeailded over 4.5 oz of one plant bone dry :)


Well-Known Member
i do the same here, try not to panic i cant really see what u mean which is a good thing lol. i'm in agreement with GG13 everything looks fine. cheeses are known to shed a few lower fan leaves here and there when they turn yellow so even when that happens dont panic either :)

my last crop went yellow at week 6-7 but i brought it back with some tlc and i still yeailded over 4.5 oz of one plant bone dry :)
lol thanks bru! I'm totally the worried parent. Maybe I just need to smoke, and relax, eh? heh heh . . .

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
Update... Cuz I was bored... and I love them.

I've also culled a couple more lower branches that were very visibly shaded, and probably going to be a waste of energy...
yeah thats no probs bro. once they gotten a bit further in u might find that u loose a few more of the lower leaves, ur canopy looks nice and thick which is a good thing so its cool :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, always in RAW... jpgs start to fall apart too much if you have to do too much to them in photoshop. It takes up more space, but if your photos mean a lot to you it's worth it.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Brobo! Jesus brother I just realized I never checked into your new thread lol. Sorry about that buddy I just remembered you telling me about it.

Subbed up now,,,looks to be good timing too haha. I'll catch up with ya


Well-Known Member
Awesome bro! Don't worry, you didn't miss much before lol things are just starting to look interesting. Have a good one!


Well-Known Member
A quick little update...

Things are finally kicking into gear a little bit more. Wish I woulda topped or cropped or fimmed or some shit, though. Just something else to add to my list of 'next times'. . .

I've also broken my use of 'organic only', and thrown in some granulated flower enhancer that I got from a hydro store owner back in the day... I felt like things were running a little behind, and I wanted to make sure I get a decent yield from this round. I think it's helping so far-- I just hope I didn't screw myself too bad. Next time I know how I can make things better, and I'm pretty sure stay with the organics 100%. Ohhhh wellllll. Live and learn.

Alright, I'm out. The wifey is calling me for bed... Here's some shots for now :peace:


Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Morning buddy, girls are looking good! Hey I was just thinking, if your going organic with your grow a great supplement during flower to help bulk them up is mollasses. So your at 4.5 wks now,,,,it's a little hard to tell by the pic but are they starting their fade already?

Real nice job on your first inside gro brobo! Whats going to be on deck for the next round : ?)


Well-Known Member
Morning guys, thanks for stopping by and sayin' hey :)

Yeah, slowly starting to fade below the canopy. Last water I did there were a couple fan leaves that were calling it quits under there. Molasses sounds like a good call, tho, HC. I was going to get some of that Backstrap molasses that everyone talks about (GG13 told me about it), and start mixing that in a little bit. If Westy said his BBC was a 9.5 weeker, how long you reckon I should feed until? 7.5?

I'm thinking either another round of Cheese after this (to really get shit down), and then after that I'm either doing some SLH or bubbleberry... oh decisions decisions. Where you at w/ your next grow, HC? Romulan breeding project still a go?

Have a good day all... I'm off to get the dog neutered-- gulp! ;) Poor little fella doesn't even know it's comin'.