Brown Roots & Suds in tub!! Help!

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New Member
Ok. Now the water is getting smokey. When I squeeze the roots they are rather squishy now. This worries me. Hopefully my plant will keep going on til the end. It is a weed after all.


Well-Known Member
Are we just waiting for them to die before you add the h2o2? I'm confused are you writing a pot drama net?


Well-Known Member
do you think it will do harm though?
If you consider this harm: oxygenate the rootzone, destroy dead organic matter and kill any harmful bacteria then yes VERY harmful. H202 is just water with an extra oxygen that breaks off as a free radical when there is something to react with AKA carbon. Living roots just absorb the excess O2,its like putting you plants on life support:weed::-P
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