Bruce Banner(?) + Bagseed Experiment (First Time Grow)


Active Member
Well this is it for my first grow, taking a little break til next one, some medical issues with my co-grower. Need to be safe.

may be a tad early on the sativa. But for some regs bagseed it impresses me lol

What do you think??

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Thats the main kola, this is the 2nd one. Then I have another smaller on, and a little lower growth.

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In the brown box now, be jarring in a few...


Active Member

  • Well I am sad to say that my aunt, and co grower lost her battle yesterday. She beat the cancer, had her final chemo treatment and had a bad side effect from it. The chemo drug poisoned her, and her body could not recover. She did not suffer, it happened quickly an unexpected.

    I spent the last 5 months seeing her every day while we did this together, it was a wonderful experience to share with her and I thank you all for helping.

    Puff a big fat one for her today​
