Bubbleponic Root Question


When using a Bubbleponic system i have seen people saying you need to keep the water level just below the roots. However i have to ask, can you keep the roots submergered if you pump enough air through? I mean if you have the water being pumped with so much air it violently foams then will there be enough oxygen getting to the roots?



Active Member
why do you want to keep the roots submerged? you already did it by accident?

from limited experience i don't think the OXYGEN actually OXYGENATES the water. I think it just keeps the water flowing and not too stagnant. i say this because i see roots in areas of the tub that gets NO OXYGEN and still thriving on top of this when the roots get HUGE how the hell oxygen getting through? also it is my belief ONLY some of the roots need exposure for the WHOLE plant to get oxygen. Kind of like your whole body can be in water as long as your nose is above it.


why do you want to keep the roots submerged? you already did it by accident?

from limited experience i don't think the OXYGEN actually OXYGENATES the water. I think it just keeps the water flowing and not too stagnant. i say this because i see roots in areas of the tub that gets NO OXYGEN and still thriving on top of this when the roots get HUGE how the hell oxygen getting through? also it is my belief ONLY some of the roots need exposure for the WHOLE plant to get oxygen. Kind of like your whole body can be in water as long as your nose is above it.
No i didn't do it by accident, it was a question before beginning the grow. The oxygen has to get to the roots as the plant uses it to break down sugars, at least that is what i understand about plants. The reason i wanted to keep them submerged is simply because it would be easier than constantly adjusting the water level to be just below the roots and also because i thought it would encourage greater nutrient uptake.

Still thanks for the reply although a slightly more definitive answer from someone would be great.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
yup are correct sir :)

from everyone i've spoken to, the idea behind keeping the waterlevel just underneath the roots is based no the fact that if they havn't got water, they're gonna grow out for it, basically encouraging faster root growth.

this is totally optional and is for young plants. once there are established roots, they will sit in the water perfectly content, as you say, due to the aeration of the water by the airstones.

fill your tote to a few inches under the net pots on monday, and just leave that sucker :) no need to touch it really :) that was one of the main reasons for choosing hydro for me


Well-Known Member
To do DWC proper you need plenty of aeration, not just to introduce O2 to the water supply but because of the agitation on the water surface. This area of agitation, or flying water drops, is like a small aeroponic environment. My 5-gallon DWC setup throws water droplets higher then 12 inches.

The reason you leave a gap below the pots is to take advantage of this aeroponic environment. Healthy roots will become fuzzy in that aero layer, and fuzzy roots soak up nutrients like crazy. Heavy drinking roots will reach down into the res, but the roots in that mini-aeroponic environment can account for a significantly larger root surface area due to microscopic efficiency.

The agitation above the water surface is what sets DWC apart from other hydro methods. It is better to have more air pump power then to use water pumps with feeder tubes.

Soaked stems are also prone to rot.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
good post!

although i have to say from my first time, i don't know how easily possible that is. when young, the waters going mad, but now that the rootball filly the entire container almost (9gallon) the bubbles jsut can't get to the surface in that quantity and at the level needed.

as you say though, once enough 02 is being introduced, you significantly increase the pressure in the upper part of the tote, causing it to fog up, and as said, it is a very good environment, but also as said, not essential for your first time. now that i know i can pull off DWC, i can think about really investing time and money into the kit :)


Well-Known Member
When people are saying keep the level just below the roots,
they are talking about the net pots. This will let those bubbles burst all over the
exposed roots.
There is no way you can keep the water below the roots because they keep
growing and reaching down.
I have 2 14" stones in a 30g, and a 1", yes 1 inch, stone in a 5gal bucket.
They both perform outstanding.
But the secret is definitely the bubbles!!


the air stone in a dwc is DEFINTELY for o2 in the water, pftek????????????????????????? what the hell? keep the water just below the net pots and let them roots hang in the water, thats whay its called deep water culture!!!!!!!!!1
I thought most of the o2 would be from the movement of surface water? If you dont use airstone you could probably use a water pump to keep the surface of the water moving around hence providing o2 for the roots I would think.


Active Member
Hmm, very infromative thread. I have an old fish tank I'm thinking of blacking out to do a small DWC grow. Thanks for this discussion, its helped.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I thought most of the o2 would be from the movement of surface water? If you dont use airstone you could probably use a water pump to keep the surface of the water moving around hence providing o2 for the roots I would think.
absolutely wrong. simple movement of the water will not cause aeration on a scale required, not in any small tangible way. look at it this way. would you be able to breath underwater because the water is moving about lots? no.

right on the money dipstick, pftek is rather wrong in his assumptions

D.tea, if you do, don't black it out, in the literal sense. use aluminium tape or similar. this will reflect heat and light away from your water. if the water get's too warm you're gonna encounter serious problems.
Ok Thanks a bunch Tip Top. I didnt think this was possible with more o2. Glad got it sqaured away without sacraficing one of my ladies.


New Member
the air stone in a dwc is DEFINTELY for o2 in the water, pftek????????????????????????? what the hell? keep the water just below the net pots and let them roots hang in the water, thats whay its called deep water culture!!!!!!!!!1
like you would know,,,,

post a pic?