Bubbleponics NooB!


Well-Known Member

I am glad you are starting over man, I can not wait to keep up with this grow...I want to see how attached you will be with your plants...woohoo!!!


New Member
OK here's the update. 5 good popped seeds, the one in the pic pushed the rockwool plug out of the damned way and shot out, this was in the dark on my cpu in a tupperware! I have them under 18/8 light for the moment waiting for the others to push through. As you can see the light is WAY closer than it was and there is a fan about 3 feet away making the little one vibrate a little to stim stem strength. The rest are moist and warm, i figure they are dark enough inside the cube and they already did crack so I'm not concerned...ok so far!?!??? Thanks for the support Texas, will be leaning on you over the next few weeks!



Elite Rolling Society
dude, ive read every piece of paper that came with the system, and ive been researching plenty. Ive asked A question that I could not find the answer to. Roseman im pretty sure it was your BIG Bubbleponics thread in the beggining where you stated to mix half of the nutes and poor some of it on the rock wool cubes. You must be mistaken. I am a forum NOOB so here is the quote from your thread.

"Now get a one gallon jug, and mix half the GROW nutes in it, and half the micro nutes, in warm water and stir it and stir it. Drain it through a tea strainer to catch any undisolved little rocks or clumps. Now pour some of it into each cup or cube, just enough to wet the cubes. If you over soak them, they can possible colapse and you don't want that now. If they colapse later,that is OK."
That was talking about AFTER you see some leaves and then it is time to feed the sprouts. Or it was written three years ago when I first got started myself.
I must of misunderstood your question, sorry, I was stoned. I humbly ask you to forgive me, I was just stoned.

Introduce 1/4 to half strenght nutes, when you see two leaves.


Well-Known Member
OK here's the update. 5 good popped seeds, the one in the pic pushed the rockwool plug out of the damned way and shot out, this was in the dark on my cpu in a tupperware! I have them under 18/8 light for the moment waiting for the others to push through. As you can see the light is WAY closer than it was and there is a fan about 3 feet away making the little one vibrate a little to stim stem strength. The rest are moist and warm, i figure they are dark enough inside the cube and they already did crack so I'm not concerned...ok so far!?!??? Thanks for the support Texas, will be leaning on you over the next few weeks!

things are looking better with her! she isnt as stretchy and looks to be healthy. just dont get too excited the next three weeks are the hardest imo. I would go for an 18/6 light cycle in the early stage to excelerate growth. Keep it up and be carful!

Are you gonna use the nutes that came with the stealth?


New Member
Thats good, I have them on 18/6 I keep getting that confused with 16/8...on top of it in my post B4 I put 18/8...i added more hours to your days kids! damn weed! Also no nutes came with my system, it was a good no frills one off ebay and I got GH Nutes I am cutting in with the water about 1/4 - 1/2 concentration. Also upgraded to a 12" air stone. Will post new pics when the others pop out. I also have been monitoring the temp on the tote lid and it is still under 78 so I lowered the light another 2 chain links. I fig if it is cool enough for the plant then go as close as possible, I dont want to fuck up and stretch these things like Goldmember's leg again.
Side Note: I hate my light ballast. This is a total lesson learned with going cheap. Heavy ass thing is also a "mini" meaning it is barely as wide as that tote lid. When I get proficient at this I am totally getting a different one.


New Member
Yeah totally, I looked them up and that's what I would be getting. OK the seedling that popped out is still super strong looking and leaves are being made. Of course there's a huge delay in the other 4 popping out, I pulled the plugs and saw the white taproots but they arent shooting out as fast as the first one AGAIN! Why is this so unbalanced yet so repetative? Will keep an eye on the temp n humidity I guess. Just gonna wait. Will post more pix this weekend.


New Member
Ok finally a free moment to update. The plant that shot up is looking great. Under 4 inches tall in the pic. I think my other seeds dried out so I had reserves standing by. I have another sprout coming up who will be a little behind but I'm not sweating it. No real issues I see. Will keep it consistent from here. I'm thinking of getting some God Bud seeds if this grow comes out half decent.



New Member
OK heres after another 2-3 days, cannot believe how much quicker the pace has gotten for growth. Only thing though is this is my only successfull plant. I'm missing a step between the seed shell cracking and putting them under the MH. I think a few days in the dark to enhance the roots????? Then another 2 days under Fluorescents???? IDK, but the one is lifting expectations so I think fem. seeds are in my very near future. Don't want to guess about sex and waste all the resources. Let me know what you think.



New Member
My feminized 5 pack of Vanilla Ice Cream from Attitude is en route. I switched my medium height little trooper to HPS and who was that a fuckin ordeal! I stood there and physically watched the temp rise to 102 in about 5 mins. My little closet is now completely useless for HID lighting unless I have a window wide open and now that it's Nov. I think I'm switching up my game plan to Fluorescents. 6-8 light T-5 unit is going to be bought in a few days I think...that way I can solve my early rooting/growth issues, temp and humidity while still having plenty of light for 5 plants plus more if I want to expand a little if this works. Talk about a learning experience! I have the HPS on 12/12 just to see what happens...the plant is holding up fine though. If I can at least get it to show sex I will be happy...I looked at the first node and I think I see 2 small green whispy looking things starting. Going to do it all right w the new seeds or just give up if that tanks on me lol. No pictures please, this is too embarassing lol...im going to pick up some weed!


New Member
Ok the stem looks like I been feeding the plant steroids so Im really impressed, also the leaf growth and new developments have been exploding out of the thing. One question though, why do the leaves droop so badly at night in the dark cycles? I went in there to take a peek with ambient light barely there and I noticed they were drooping down low. Perked up and firm all day in the light. Temp is in low 70's and humidity is at 40%. Not sure if this is normal or not..any info? I can see the little hairs on the stems though at the nodes, im super psyched now. Hope she perks up in the light again, will update next week


New Member
She perked back up again with the lights on. Looks great, fanning out nicely, leaves seem to be getting heavy and crystals showing. where do I look for the bud to emerge from? Also noticed some purple color in stem/leaf area. Looks great, cannot get pics with my cell, the light is too intense...will try with GF's cam this weekend. Thanks for checking in Rose...I also am thinking of sticking with HID lights but getting a digital ballast and a better reflector. My MH bulb seems so weak and the plants seem to lean alot when there are more then 3 of them growing like in the beginning. I switched to HPS and it blew the windows out compared to it. Will check out a local Hydro place this weekend also, hope they have decent prices.


Well-Known Member
Ok the stem looks like I been feeding the plant steroids so Im really impressed, also the leaf growth and new developments have been exploding out of the thing. One question though, why do the leaves droop so badly at night in the dark cycles? I went in there to take a peek with ambient light barely there and I noticed they were drooping down low. Perked up and firm all day in the light. Temp is in low 70's and humidity is at 40%. Not sure if this is normal or not..any info? I can see the little hairs on the stems though at the nodes, im super psyched now. Hope she perks up in the light again, will update next week

I cringe every time I type your name...yuck...LOL...anyways, that is normal for their leaves to droop at night in the dark, mine do it as well...Your temp and humidity is exactly at what mine are...matter of fact, mine may get a little cooler at night. They rock though...keep up the good work!!


New Member
Thanks Longhorn and Rose...you both have ben very helpful. Take a look at this beauty! OK i have to admit I was a little hasty in calling the sex a few days ago...whatever the hell is growing at the plant nodes is a mystery to me thus far. I know I see 2 vertical green spikey hair things growing to a point facing the light on the stems at the nodes but then there's something unraveling out of the leaf joints (pardon the pun) as well. IDK and the pics I have seen don't help me at this stage. However...the bigger point is I have grown a decent sized and healthy plant so I am happy even if its a male. My feminized seeds will be here this week so I can get rolling (pardon the pun) on them too...may go get a cheap single tube Fluorescent ballast to start my seedlings in B4 subjecting them to the MH light..seems the way to go. I really look forward to seeing this little beaut every day! The skunk smell is beginning as well if I get closer to it..beautiful. Checked Ph and nutes appear to be fine, im not fuckin with this thing for another week in any way. Any guidance with sexing would help but it sucks I cant get a good closeup with my shitty cell phone, im stealing my GF's camera Friday while she's stoned and helpless. Any and all comments welcome



Well-Known Member
Thanks Longhorn and Rose...you both have ben very helpful. Take a look at this beauty! OK i have to admit I was a little hasty in calling the sex a few days ago...whatever the hell is growing at the plant nodes is a mystery to me thus far. I know I see 2 vertical green spikey hair things growing to a point facing the light on the stems at the nodes but then there's something unraveling out of the leaf joints (pardon the pun) as well. IDK and the pics I have seen don't help me at this stage. However...the bigger point is I have grown a decent sized and healthy plant so I am happy even if its a male. My feminized seeds will be here this week so I can get rolling (pardon the pun) on them too...may go get a cheap single tube Fluorescent ballast to start my seedlings in B4 subjecting them to the MH light..seems the way to go. I really look forward to seeing this little beaut every day! The skunk smell is beginning as well if I get closer to it..beautiful. Checked Ph and nutes appear to be fine, im not fuckin with this thing for another week in any way. Any guidance with sexing would help but it sucks I cant get a good closeup with my shitty cell phone, im stealing my GF's camera Friday while she's stoned and helpless. Any and all comments welcome


You wont be able to determine the plants sex until you are in flowering. Hang tight, treat it like a woman, and wait out the ride!


Well-Known Member
those growth spots on the nodes are leaves and the plant bushing outward. Sex wont be able to be determined till the 3rd week of growth at the eariest


New Member
Thanks Hydro, looks like small leaves are budding out of thoe spots exactly as U said. The plant was wilting alot b4, had my GF bring me a larger fan and it is perking way back up now. Still bushing out and growing, new shoots at top keep popping out. Color is good and I made a new batch of Bloom nutes yesterday. Nothing great to report, some smaller leaves under canopy shriveling but not turning light or yellow so I won't mess w them yet. Fig I would trim at a time when they were realy not hanging on. Moved the light up a few inches and w the larger fan the light on temp is about 79-81...still getting a digital 400 HPS/MH light as soon as the new seeds come in. Will keep up on the forum every few days...hope I have a gender to report this week.