Bubbleponics NooB!


Well-Known Member
Ugh, OK im about at the end of my rope with this growing bullshit. Fucking bought everything within reason to "save" myself some buying cash and the goddamn things just don't want to grow well. One is growing great I guess, standing straight up and the othe rone is alimp dick for some unknown reason I canot begin to figure out. 2 more seeds have been siting in rock wool and there's the other fun part, they crack and begin to grow then fuckin stop all of a sudden just for fun! I'm going to ride out whatever survives, get a shitty yield then dump all this shit and just buy weed from whoever. Comments welcome of course!

I looks like your overwatering to me :( That was my first mistake with rockwool ;) And by the look of the rockwool in your pic i would say you are def over saturating the rockwool. If you get them too wet they choke what little roots you have and you get droopy leaves. I would try to water a little less and/or put a fan right on your little babies, to help with the evaporation of the water in the rockwool. becarful if you do the fan thing though because it will dry them out quickly. just keep an eye on them and keep them "moist" not WET. Its a hard balance to find and is tricky to deal with. Good luck bro and dont give up just yet :) :)


New Member
Well with the bubble system its hard to see where the water line hits all thepots. I do have a good sized fan moving the air around and the hunidity is non existent in the room even with a small humidifier. I helped another seed along, I an see the 2 emergengin leaves trying to fan open in the corner there. See what hapens. Plus I added 2 Power skunk seeds to the mix just as an exp to see if I am not waiting long enough before putting them into the rockwool. They are in an air holed tupperware sitting oin the ballast for the light keeping warm. We'll know this weekend how many viable plants we are working with and what strains. Cant get the 2 other seeds conf. with the feminized ones. Will check back later


Elite Rolling Society
Well with the bubble system its hard to see where the water line hits all thepots. I do have a good sized fan moving the air around and the hunidity is non existent in the room even with a small humidifier. I helped another seed along, I an see the 2 emergengin leaves trying to fan open in the corner there. See what hapens. Plus I added 2 Power skunk seeds to the mix just as an exp to see if I am not waiting long enough before putting them into the rockwool. They are in an air holed tupperware sitting oin the ballast for the light keeping warm. We'll know this weekend how many viable plants we are working with and what strains. Cant get the 2 other seeds conf. with the feminized ones. Will check back later
The CDs Guide or Instruction Manual tells you how to determine the amount of water, did you read it?
It says to put 6 gallons of water into the empty tank and take a permanent magic marker and draw a line indicating the top of the six gallons. That shows the top of the water so you know how much to re-fill it later. That ensures the water does not touch the cups.


New Member
The large tub has the marker lines in it, this is the smaller tub I am using for the seedlings. I lowered the water level to JUST at the bottom of the net pots. The water does not come over the bottom so it will be IMPOSSIBLE to soak the rockwool too much. I am going on faith because I didn't think I was keeping the level too high but I guess I will find out tomorrow. Most of what I have read about drooping seedlings seems to be overwatering ...i just don't know why the larger plant just started drooping tonight then. Weird, will update tomorrow when I get in from work.


New Member
I am using a 12" air stone in a bubbler system. I drained out some of the nute solution last night b4 leaving for work. Today the middle plant is laying on it's side (brave little trooper there goes how much more money spent) and the other one is still looking strong, root in the water but the water level still under the pot by a fraction. So, I will make sure the little one isn't getting abused by anything else that seems to have one common sympton of every problem..droopy plants. Got a bag of mexican seeds I will apparently have to put to use since I just flushed 4 out of 5 Bought seeds down the shitter. I am germinating some power skunk standar seeds, want to try using PH balance water with no nutes in it and leave them in vented tupperware longer b4 putting them under the big light. Also going to start the seedlings under CFL light for a week and make sure the root goes through the rockwool first. I think Im rushing them too much and they fail on me...I'm going to figure it out. I'm glad I just started smoking at 29...I figure the wasted money is balanced out by the amount of weed I didnt buy in my younger years...throwing myself a bone


New Member
Major Thanksgiving breakthrough. I figured out I am being a total gimp and just not giving the little ones what they need. It's a humidity problem on top of me rushing them. Now I am giving the seeds heat and moisture in tupperware with holes in the lids sitting on the light ballast then after the taproot is pretty long I put in rockwool I soaked and put back in container on ballast until the seedling pops then it looks great. Total Noob mistake but I have a system now I am going to use from seed that is working well. My only case now is overwatering. the larger plant in the corner is still looking good, roots larger and in the res. Thats the fem. Ice Cream plant so I hope it grows well. I have 2 power skunk seedlings that are going to go in with her, they are regular seeds so I have to be watchful of the sex w my feminized plant. Will get more pics this week when the larger one grows more.


Well-Known Member
The germination process doesnt have alot to do with a seedling that is 4-5 days old. If a plant has formed the first set of leaves and its living and then dies, it wasnt because you germed in a paper towel instead of a cup of water ;) That is a good method for germ but becarful with the ballast though it might get a little too hot for the beans. Plus you dont want ANY water around that thing. You are def having a problem with your system if those babies just up and died :( Most common issue with using rockwool is overwatering. i dont mean to push this too hard but you should just try to have the rockwool just a little wet. Soak it nd then swing it in your hand like 4 times really hard so almost all the water is out. That is how damp you want it to stay all the time. You dont want to dump alot of water right on the cube. You should just mist it a little bit every once in a while and keep them covered for the first 3 days. sorry for being so long winded ;) but you should def try less water. I can tell by how excited you are to get started that you are most likly watering alot :) just try using the less is more method. it works Good luck bro. You will get it ;)


New Member

The long winded responses are fine, the more detail for me the better sometimes. The germ process was shitty for me because I had no consistent method. NOW i have the right steps going for me there and I am going to lower my water lev to just touching the bottom plastic of the net cup so the rockwool has moisture but not saturated. I know that was my problem because ever since I lowered the water b4 the weekend the larger plant stuck upright again. The one seedling that popped yesterday am is under a CFL and is looking emerald green and perfect. I figure I'd move it into the big room in a few days when the roots are visible at the bottom of the cube. Thanks again for the good advice. I will update if the new seedlings give me any trouble. I also will be keeping the humidity up higher for the young plants, I think they were being overwatered and still drying out from lack of moisture in the air.


Well-Known Member
Hey Jizz,

From seed to Vegitative Could take 4 - 14 days then anytime after that is up to you when to put into Flowering, the longer you wait to put into flowering the bigger yeild you shall get.

Best method I have found to germinate is what you are doing now, except I upgraded to a seed heating mat.

I Use the Paper Towel Method Inside a Plastic container with a lid to keep the humidity at its highest until the seed is more than half way open.

Then I put the Half cracked seed into rockwool cube soaked in 5.5 ph'd water(Rockwool was soaked for a good 6 hours, when recommended 24hours)
and I keep them inside the Plastic container until they are sprouting out about 3 inches

When I see the first set of leaves I put them into my Bubbler system.

All The Best to You

Patience Is virtue!


Well-Known Member

The long winded responses are fine, the more detail for me the better sometimes. The germ process was shitty for me because I had no consistent method. NOW i have the right steps going for me there and I am going to lower my water lev to just touching the bottom plastic of the net cup so the rockwool has moisture but not saturated. I know that was my problem because ever since I lowered the water b4 the weekend the larger plant stuck upright again. The one seedling that popped yesterday am is under a CFL and is looking emerald green and perfect. I figure I'd move it into the big room in a few days when the roots are visible at the bottom of the cube. Thanks again for the good advice. I will update if the new seedlings give me any trouble. I also will be keeping the humidity up higher for the young plants, I think they were being overwatered and still drying out from lack of moisture in the air.

You sound like you are def getting the hang of things. ;) Keep it up


New Member
Well the smaller plants look great, I took the one under CFL and put it under the MH light and raised the humidity in the room. It seemed like it was stretching under the cfl and the leaves weren't opening too swiftly so I am trying out the MH and see if she stands up for the day. The other one germinated beautifully and is under the CFL now and will prob go dark tonight then under the MH for daybreak tomorrow. Will get a group shot later on when they are all placed. Looks good though, I'm glad I got germination process down now I am just worried that my transitions to the MH light may be premature. Any thoughts on a 3-4 day old seedling going under 250 watt MH? Its over a foot away from the tops and the room temp is about 71 w humidity at 31. Comments??


New Member
Oh hell, Well i crisped up the larger plant by not checking the PH after I changed the nutes. It was way high, now the plant has withered and wont pick up. THe smaller plant that was in with it is fine though as the roots didnt touch the water yet. So i am going to scrap that plant tomorrow and I got 5 fresh seeds in just to fill space. I keep losing my plants, I think this is my last shot, no mater how well I do with something I miss a small detail and fuck the whole system up again. I am using the free seeds of g-13 power skunk and mexican bag seed just to see if I can actualy find a female plant or strain that will grow without me being here 24/7 to see what it needs. The smaller one under the VFL Dried out since it outgrew the plastic cover I had on it and I took it off...so my fears of overwatering helped destroy that one, hasnt fallen over yet but it will. Anyone know if the larger one is on nute lockup from the high PH? I fixed the res. but its not picking up. I am so horrible at this...ugh, I think using sative/indica seeds wasn't a smart idea..should have gone with 100 indica or close to it. Going to stick w bag seed, no more buying of seeds and just forge ahead and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Dont feel bad, I'm a Noob too, and I'm on my 3rd round of germination (bag seed till I get it right). Having the same prob's as you. I've been reading different threads for hours each night. I've come to the conclusion that I am overwatering too. Now I'm germing in paper towel, then putting it in sm rockwool cube after "Soak it and then swing it in your hand like 4 times really hard so almost all the water is out" like Hydrokronics said. Then into my new heated germination station with a 6 in vented lid open, directly under a 4 ft shop light (1 inch above the lid, 24/7). I plan on keeping the bottom of the tray wet to keep the humidity high and NOT watering the cube unless it REALLY needs it. I believe the rw cube will get all the water it needs from the humidity. I plan on keeping it there until the 3rd set of true leaves start to appear(7-14days?), and absolutely no nutes. Last time I took the lid off and fried the 1st set of true leaves. Once the 3rd set of true leaves start to show, I believe the roots should be good enough to put into my hydro system, and start with the MH at the top and bring it down slowly to get them used to the light.

From what I have been reading, the max light a seedling/clone can use is 375 Lumen. In veg, 1500 minimum/2500 max. and in Flower 2000 min/10,000 max.

So I believe you need to wait until after you get the second round of true leaves before introducing her to her new home.

If anyone can confirm that, you could save Jizz and I alot of trouble, then we can work on the next set of problems....


Well-Known Member
im pretty sure a plant uses alot more then 10,000 lumens during flowering. seems alittle low. and i would imaging plant size plays a pretty large part


Well-Known Member
Well the smaller plants look great, I took the one under CFL and put it under the MH light and raised the humidity in the room. It seemed like it was stretching under the cfl and the leaves weren't opening too swiftly so I am trying out the MH and see if she stands up for the day. The other one germinated beautifully and is under the CFL now and will prob go dark tonight then under the MH for daybreak tomorrow. Will get a group shot later on when they are all placed. Looks good though, I'm glad I got germination process down now I am just worried that my transitions to the MH light may be premature. Any thoughts on a 3-4 day old seedling going under 250 watt MH? Its over a foot away from the tops and the room temp is about 71 w humidity at 31. Comments??
Way to go Jizz!! there is no issue I can see with you putting that under a 250, just watch the heat. over 12"?? is it that hot?


New Member
Hey Tex good to see you back. I have about 20 seeds in paper towels trying to get like 5 good pops at the same time so I dont have all these plants at different maturity levels. I have rigged up some tupperware with 2 of them so far and waiting for them to surface. I am going to keep them under the CFL until the roots are really well established and I am using the tub that came with my bubbler system since it has the lines drawn where the water level should be. I am going easy on the lights unless I see them start to stretch or the temp stays down pretty low. I keep losing them between the CFL and the bubbler stages. Something keeps going wrong at this point so I have to be really cautious this time. I am using NO nutes during the first 2 weeks now and going to try not to over water but give the little ones humidity. After this I dont know what else to do. Will get some pics up as soon as there is something peeking, thanks again for the input fellas

I also just put an order in for some feminized Diesel seed from Attitude. This is a good quality Indica dominant variety which I thought would benefit me in the ease of growing. It also was cheap. about 40 bucks w shipping for 5 fem seed. I really am hopefull. 2 seeds were cracked and are now in rockwool in my new dome setup i invented. one is peeking through the top of the cube, think it will b ready for light tomorrow. Got my large res working right now with the air stone to make sure the ph doesnt change and will monitor the ph every other day from there after putting the little ones in. I dont like the seeds I have right now. They are mostly pale and green with few black ones. They also are taking 3+ days to pop which seems way long since the ones I bought took less than 1. Could my problems be due to lack of quality seeds? I killed the good ones I had, no question about it but the bag seed just seems to be stunted in general. Let me know. Thanks all.