Bubbleponics NooB!


New Member
Understood, the water is back in the fridge....any takers on the curling yet? Am I right about the N deff. making them pale green?


Well-Known Member
If you change the nutrient solution you will need to be round for the net 2-3 days to adjust the PH as it goes up from the airstones. I find that it always goes up for about that long and then levels out at what you set it at until it begins to go slightly acidic. If you dont have a PH pen then you NEED to get one because there is no way to tell if it is a nitrogen problem when you are not exactly possitive what your ph is. You could be locking out nitrogen if your ph is too high.:( The is a little chart that comes with the GH liquid test that shows you when what nutrients can be used and what PH is best. ;)

The hardest part is that every strain likes different PH (IMO) you should get a pen and use the GH PH up and Down and get things constant for your ladies ;)

Good luck but def dont change your nutes!! i have sen what happens when you leave and come back to a 7.5 PH because they were adjusted and maintained after they have an airstone added to them :( GL



Well-Known Member
I have then same curling on my organic Hydro grows. What type of nutrients are you using. I still havnt identified exactly what it is, because it is def not a heat issue for me. I do know that as long as it doesnt get any worse then that you will be fine and she will still mature.


New Member
Damn Hydro you're allowed to edit your emails to add more if u forget something! No you're absolutely right though. This shit is bag seed that wasn't all that hot even the last time I got one to grow. I have my Diesel seeds Fem now and they are Indica dominant so i think they will be a little more stout and I can always look up the specifics on what she likes. As far as the Ph goes it's almost neutral. I don't think thats really an issue, the roots looks strong and are plump looking, I'm really not going to worry about it until they start drooping over. The scheduled nute change is monday so when I am home and have all day I will rip the system apart, clean it up and re nute with like 1/4 strength and see how the color improves. the adult plants are going to need it and I put alot of effort in so they are priority. I am using GH nutes Grow and I was topping the water of with a nute solution that was also light because I was going from just pure water and wanted to feed them slightly...so its not an overnute issue, it was lighter than 1/2 the whole time after pure from the start. I dont know my PPM, dont have one of those


New Member
your grow is looking good. The first one was a big stretch. Hopefully you get good things from this. I have a DWC setup with lighting that many ppl on here dont like. Im using cfl's and a small 70w HPS security lamp converted to grow light. All DIY!! This is my current (first) grow @ around 2wks of flowering.



New Member
Well I think I have about a 6 gallon tub. I was so worried about my babies over the weekend but when I came in the color looked good, they spread way out, got taller and got deeper in color in less than 48 hours. See the pics. I trimmed some leaves off the bottom that were in the shade before I left, want to trim the wider ones as they grow to keep them narrower while making sure they take enough light and respirate well. I'm going to change the nutes tomorrow to a fresh and precisely measured 1/4 strength. Will get more pics later this week if they keep doing well.



Elite Rolling Society
Jizz, yu have a 8 gallon tank that holds 6 gallons of water for optimum performance.
And your plants are ready for full strenght nutes.


New Member
Thanks and I agree with you which is why I measure out from 3/4 strength to full strength nutes. I left one jug plain water just in case. I would hate to burn them and then have to flush and lose time or the plant. I did the changeover in record time with the small tub full of PH bal water and the air stone in it while I scrubbed the large one, was quick and clean. Pics will come this weekend supposing everything continues to go so smoothly, really have no complaints on this grow so far...seems I could be ready for the high quality seeds after I see this through. Hoping to show sex on the largest one in a few days. the largest one FYI is 23 days old The rest are from 5-whatever days behind..hope the largest is a female so i can clone off her and try that on for size. Will update soon


Well-Known Member
Hey Jizzmaster0 - just wanted to point out a new thread on Microsexing before taking clones. Earl shows how to tell sex before 12/12! Read the thread, he looks at the 8th node, which should be perfect timing for you. I am at day 18 from popping out of the soil. Yes, I said soil. Mine is 8.5 inches tall, and completely fills the inside of a 9.5 inch square bucket! The 8th node is just starting to form, so I will be hoping to get early signs of SEX! Good Luck! I hope they are all Females!



New Member
Moose, thanks for the link! The lights are out right now ut I switched to HPS and 12/12 as of today. I will check them out in the AM when they go back on, They also go over this method of early sexing in the Jorge Cervantes book/DVD where u flip down the spike and see the little male nut or as u said, more obvious fem pistil. My kids are growing up slow as they are bag seed and probably not the hardiest strains! Thanks again for the useful info, happy growing and hope your kids grow up big and strong!


New Member
NOONE, sweet avatar, I have to get a T shirt that has that printed on it just for shits n giggles. Update: The plants are growing well but I have a bad feeling about Gender again. I have the HPS on 12/12 as of yesterday lights on and they are growing very well but I looked at the spikes at the nodes up high and think there might be a bump indicating a male pre flower. I really didnt expect much out of these plants as I mentioned b4 they are bag seed from a non reliable source. I have just been having fun getting my methods down and having a consistent plan for my shit. I have the Feminized Diesel ready to go and more good news, I am moving to a HUGE place with my GF that has massive walk in closets and extra space for growing so it should work out very well with the new seeds in a few weeks. I will see these through to the end and hope for the best. As u can see the smaller ones are leggy and not that great looking but non of them were really super. I'm just happy I know what I'm doing now for real and think when I start the new seeds I will do 2 plants at a time. One reason being it's way easier to prove personal use and jesus these things turn into Azalea Bushes when they start eating! I think im going to get a new tote lid and cut 2-3 larger holes in it for 4-5" net pots and really give them their space to grow out. I may start a new thread/journal when the diesel seeds pop in a few weeks when Im situated so hopefully everyone stays interested. Largest plant age is approx. 29 days now. I am also in love with the 250 Watt Lumatek Ballast and Daystar hood, wish I had started with that. I also am going to go with GH Flora Nutes that are more liquid and less sludgey than the GH ones I have now. they are staining the roots and leaves a film on the tote. Ok no more huge entries...enjoy the pic and will update later in the week.



Active Member
Bro I think your little ones are going to get covered
I got 5 out of 6 bag seeds left in my bubbleponics and just went to flower yesterday
Only one succesfully perfloered female, but if they are no boys I am going to have to wack a girl pretty soon
Bnut same as you just practicing this time



New Member
DISSAPOINTED! Ok not really I had an idea the little shits would be male but I had a percentage of hope hanging in there. I see little green bud heads at the nodes so I guess the largest one is male.

Is there ANYTHING? I can do with it other than stuff it down the garbage disposal???

The rest look stout, Ph didnt skyrocket with the Bloom nutes like it usually does with the Grow nutes. That was nice.

I started 2 seeds of the Fem Diesel late last night while cleaning. I'm not wasting any more time or resources. Gota get my green on.

I am also going to get a 10 gal tote and rig it up for 3 plants with 4" netpots..this this is really small as u can see i dont think 5 plants would do a damn bit of good in it for 3 months.

Thats about it, I will let them live a few more days since I just changed the nutes. Y not right? Any input on whether I can do anything with the leaves would help,,,i know it's not worth it but throw me a bone here.

At least if I move in a few weeks they will be strong enough to take it and get them situated for flowering. Thanks for the support, enjoy the pic.



New Member
Well fuck it I got too pissed to wait for replies to I stomped their asses down the disposal and now all 5 fem seed are in water. Another month of waiting and waiting and then some more waiting and waiting a little longer. Obama better fuckin legalize this shit im really getting tired of sneaking around and trying to grow my own shit and dealing with inconsistent sources in the meantime. 2 more smaller yet still stretched plants are waiting to show me gender...not like it will make much diff if they are stretchy. In any case, hopefully the new seeds will pop today. Had 2 of them in paper towels since Yesterday AM but no pops yet, the paper towel got a little dry though so i douched them and covered the tupperware back up. Looking at a temp layoff at work thank fucking god so I am booking a flight to Amsterdam for March Probably and going to get demolished every fuckin day im there. Then maybe with a few months off I can actually get some decent plants going. Wish me luck, I'm done with this thread, thanks for all the support and interest.


Well-Known Member
I wish I would have caught you Yesterday before you "stomped their asses down the disposal". I found out that even though
Males are generally a waste of time to smoke, you can use them to make Hash, and different Edibles.

I hate to admit again that you are not alone, but I wanted to try to Micro Sex, and yes it does work, and Mine is Male too.

Here is a pic of Lil J at day 25 from seed, 24/7 veg under 2 - 4 ft flouro shop lights. GrowLux bulbs (2 - 6500, 2 - 3100)

Pic of Male sacs, and when they appeared, they apperared on Nodes 6,7 and 8. They first appeared on day 24 of veg.

I was gifted some Leonard Peltier seeds recently. I was told that 1 plant can fill a 3'x3'X6' area nicely. Has a 12 week Flower Period,
and is supposed to KICK ASS!

I think we both proved we can do it now. Hopefully the Ganja Spirits, will grant us Females this go-around!

Entertainment purposes only, Blogger does not really grow/smoke marijuana?