Bubbleponics NooB!


Well-Known Member

Just a thought...be glad you arent buying clones from anyone. Starting from seed and growing all the way will help you gain some valuable knowledge. I have learned so much from doing research on this site. I studied and read and read on here for over a month before starting. I also started with two bubbleponic systems and have had a very succesful grow so far. I will be happy to assist you..You might find it helpful to read through my grow journal. Myself and Gr33n started one and we have been posting since day one...let me know if it helps...shoot me a question if you have any..love to help!1


New Member
Yeah Longhorn I read the journal about your competitive grows. Very informative. I think I should order quality, but not expensive seeds for my next attempt. The bag seed I am using is pretty old I think and not sure it's been kept in prime conditions. Thanks for your offer, I will try to be more patient this time and go for quality and knowledge vs. speed. Will continue thread after my seeds (same bag seed) sprout tomorrow and then start to look like something. Jesus shit GET A VAPORIZER! I'm so baked right now after a 12 hour night shift. God this weed is fantastic!


Elite Rolling Society
Jizz, seeds ten years old will still grow just fine, age doesn't have that much to do with it.
Are you aware there are two main species of pot, Indica and Sativa? Sativa is not for Hydro growing, they get 12 feet tall PLUS, at maturity. INDICA is what you need.
And Texas Longhornfan really knows his GROW and can really help you much!


Elite Rolling Society
ive grown sativa indoors just fine, and boy was it some fire! WOW
In Hydro? how tall did they get? I'd like to see that. I tried it and they got 6 feet tall in 5 weeks and was growing like a wild onion. i only have 8 ft tall ceilings.


Well-Known Member
i think i still have pics at home, i'll upload, but i starting flowering when they were like four feet, i have a big closet, closet is 10 feet tall by 12 wide and 4.5 deep

when i flowered i used all red spectrum lights so that the plant wouldn't grow vertically much if any

one was dutch dragon and the other was sour disel


Well-Known Member
thanks, yeah i used some chain i bouight at the local hardware store then attached some hooks at the end, wrapped it around something and hooked the chain to itself, that was my first grow, this time im trying to make it look better, not as sloppy


New Member
OK Im starting w seeds again. 5 of the larger seeds are now in rockwool, 2 of them popped after 2 days. I'm going to leave them alone for 2 more days then transfer to the grow cups and put under the MH light for 18/6. The rest should have opened by then. I have no other grow area with just fluorescents other than the kitchen and I cant get the plants that close to the ceiling. So, water/nutes are ready as well as lighting which I lowered again. Will make sure the 250 Watt MH isnt burning them and the fan is kept going. Will post pics in a week or so if things go along well.


Active Member
ok this is my first grow, everything is going fine with the SH bubbleponics system.so far. today is day 1. everything is set up ready to go. Now im just not sure if i should put 1/2 and 1/2 of Grow and Micro nutrients into the tank or just poor alittle bit directly onto the rockwool cube. my seeds have been germinated. Anyone know the proper regement to apply SH nutrients on a daily basis? do i start with seedlings? or should i wait?


Elite Rolling Society
ok this is my first grow, everything is going fine with the SH bubbleponics system.so far. today is day 1. everything is set up ready to go. Now im just not sure if i should put 1/2 and 1/2 of Grow and Micro nutrients into the tank or just poor alittle bit directly onto the rockwool cube. my seeds have been germinated. Anyone know the proper regement to apply SH nutrients on a daily basis? do i start with seedlings? or should i wait?
dude, you bought the system, spent that kind of money and are starting a grow and you have not even read the instructions? How wise is that? where'd you get pouring nutes on the cubes? Straight nutes on baby seeds and baby sprouts is not wise.
And you are hi-jacking this man's thread?
You need to go to the BUBBLEPONICS THREADS,
You need to read the instructions that come with the SH system, read the instructions with the nutes and read the FAQ at Stealthhydroponics and you need to read the threads here on Bubbleponics. Anyone with the SH System can read how to introduce the nutes and in what quanities and when.
Look here:
anyone here is glad to help you, but you got to do some reading on your own.
I'm glad to help you but do some reading and studying first!


Active Member
dude, ive read every piece of paper that came with the system, and ive been researching plenty. Ive asked A question that I could not find the answer to. Roseman im pretty sure it was your BIG Bubbleponics thread in the beggining where you stated to mix half of the nutes and poor some of it on the rock wool cubes. You must be mistaken. I am a forum NOOB so here is the quote from your thread.

"Now get a one gallon jug, and mix half the GROW nutes in it, and half the micro nutes, in warm water and stir it and stir it. Drain it through a tea strainer to catch any undisolved little rocks or clumps. Now pour some of it into each cup or cube, just enough to wet the cubes. If you over soak them, they can possible colapse and you don't want that now. If they colapse later,that is OK."


Active Member
Man i hate when my seedlings look like that, i have some like that under a fluoro tube very close to them and i think that the main reason they look like that its because they were weak or inmature seeds.


Well-Known Member
Do not nute anything until you see the first set of leaves. Not necessary. The nutes are not doing anything until then and you also can over fertilize causing problems with the seedling. no nutes!!