Bud Pics.


Well-Known Member
That is complete madness... the final few days are imperative for adding weight to your bud. Light=Bud, without light you are losing out.
This process allows the bud to be as dry as possible before harvest and most importantly seriously increases resin production and texture,feel and flavour of the bud.

Small single stem plants and medium size plants 48 hours,large plants with several stems 3-4 days depending on fatness.
Ive done this for years and i know it works,all you are doing with those extra 3-4 days of light is causing more of the kind of growth that you don't want i.e. scraggly tops bigger leaves.

I have heard you say before that the tops seem to keep on growing lol,well this is how you stop that happening and if you for once would trust me and try it on one of your plants and see for yourself instead of constantly trying to ridicule me you'd see that i do know what i am talking about.:blsmoke:


New Member
This process allows the bud to be as dry as possible before harvest and most importantly seriously increases resin production and texture,feel and flavour of the bud.

Small single stem plants and medium size plants 48 hours,large plants with several stems 3-4 days depending on fatness.
Ive done this for years and i know it works,all you are doing with those extra 3-4 days of light is causing more of the kind of growth that you don't want i.e. scraggly tops bigger leaves.

I have heard you say before that the tops seem to keep on growing lol,well this is how you stop that happening and if you for once would trust me and try it on one of your plants and see for yourself instead of constantly trying to ridicule me you'd see that i do know what i am talking about.:blsmoke:
Your first sentence, the one I underlined is completely UNTRUE. When the lights are on it is hotter, so your plants will use up more of the feed left in the medium (they'll also continue to photosynthesise and produce bud). The way to get your buds dry before you chop them is not to give them any water for the last week before harvest. That's how I do it, and I have noticed the difference between plants that I have taken when the medium is still wet. The dryer bud is dryer because the medium is dry. You get it dry by not giving it any water for the final week. By switching off your lights for the final 3 days you are aiding in not only losing out on bud but also to keeping your medium wetter.:mrgreen:

I like scraggly tops... the plant bursting here there and everywhere with new growth. It also does not happen in the final 3 days, lol. But all the way through... it's really down to genetics, as not all of my strains have done this. In fact my indicas dont, they grow fat and solid... hit someone on the head with a harvested cola and they're going to feel it. Genetics.

No nat', you have me wrong. I am only pointing out your mistakes...

All you've ever proved to me is the complete opposite. You showed me your true colours the day you told a newb he had undernuted AFTER I had told him the complete opposite. Then you and another guy sit there for 2 pages talking about how your 'experience' makes you the better judge. I then had to go back to the thread to correct you, even provide a link to another site for proof... a SIMPLE overnute question.

You then go on to tell people that turning off the lights for the last few days will improve their harvests. BULLSHIT... and that's exactly what your 'experience' is worth. :mrgreen::peace:


Active Member
skunkushy thats a knockout blow!!!!!:mrgreen: this is one of the only thread i have bothered to keep looking at,:mrgreen: i think both of you guys grow stink nugs:joint::joint:. great stuff:mrgreen::mrgreen:

PS: natmoon, chopped the indy yet??



Too many brownies
Your first sentence, the one I underlined is completely UNTRUE. When the lights are on it is hotter, so your plants will use up more of the feed left in the medium (they'll also continue to photosynthesise and produce bud). The way to get your buds dry before you chop them is not to give them any water for the last week before harvest. That's how I do it, and I have noticed the difference between plants that I have taken when the medium is still wet. The dryer bud is dryer because the medium is dry. You get it dry by not giving it any water for the final week. By switching off your lights for the final 3 days you are aiding in not only losing out on bud but also to keeping your medium wetter.:mrgreen:

I like scraggly tops... the plant bursting here there and everywhere with new growth. It also does not happen in the final 3 days, lol. But all the way through... it's really down to genetics, as not all of my strains have done this. In fact my indicas dont, they grow fat and solid... hit someone on the head with a harvested cola and they're going to feel it. Genetics.

No nat', you have me wrong. I am only pointing out your mistakes...

All you've ever proved to me is the complete opposite. You showed me your true colours the day you told a newb he had undernuted AFTER I had told him the complete opposite. Then you and another guy sit there for 2 pages talking about how your 'experience' makes you the better judge. I then had to go back to the thread to correct you, even provide a link to another site for proof... a SIMPLE overnute question.

You then go on to tell people that turning off the lights for the last few days will improve their harvests. BULLSHIT... and that's exactly what your 'experience' is worth. :mrgreen::peace:
MAn I just read through this whole thread and you have been giving him shit the whole time. He is growing some beautiful looking plants so why does it matter if he does it a little differently from you or someone else....

He isnt the only one I have seen suggest the whole few days of darkness before harvest idea....ive seen it used for alot of grows.

Im not saying either of you are right or wrong but jeez lighten up a little man youve been giving him a pretty hard time.

Nat I want to end this by saying those are some beautiful plants and whatever you are doing is obviously working pretty well for you. Keep it up man.

Peace guys :peace:


Well-Known Member
Well all i have to say is that i have been growing for a very long time and that i was brought up with growers growing,and you haven't.
I am not going to agree with you just so that i can fit in.
You are regimental in your book read methods and i only do what i know works.

The newb that posted about his yellow leaves,i gave the correct advice to.
He quite clearly said he had only been giving his plant half strength nutes so how could he have overnuted???

The chart you supplied a link to also agreed with me but you just didnt read it or chose to ignore it,i don't know why.
The plant had lower yellow leaves which indicates npk and mg deficiency which is what i told him and what your own supplied chart stated as well,lol.
Here is the chart you left but did not read yourself lol.
Cannabis Nutrient and Deficiency Table

Anyway it is true i do enjoy our arguments most times,but really you are missing out on my experience if you think i am a foolish newby grower,everything i say is because i have tried it already and know the difference.
For those that know the difference lol:blsmoke:

I appreciate the support nowstop,skunks just angry because i disagreed with him a couple of times,he will get over it....eventually.lmfao.

Theres a lot of sativa in my indica so it wont be ready to harvest for another couple of weeks.


Well-Known Member
I went and bought a new kodak camera today from argos as it was reduced to 129 quid from 200 and has a 10x optical zoom.
Missis is not happy lol:blsmoke:

Bloody hard to use when your zoomed in wobbling and shit and i am still fiddling about with the settings but seems great so far.
Heres a couple of zoomed in shots,still not great but better than my old cheap vivitar camera by a 100 times at least.

Mostly sativa.

Mostly indica.


Active Member
Dude your plants are fukn beautiful, man tell me how u do that shit, i got 8 growing right now, and i am under flor. right now, they're about 3 inches tall. I have a 250 w plant light, should i start using it right now or keep with the flor. lights


Well-Known Member
Dude your plants are fukn beautiful, man tell me how u do that shit, i got 8 growing right now, and i am under flor. right now, they're about 3 inches tall. I have a 250 w plant light, should i start using it right now or keep with the flor. lights
I would use the light right now,if you read through the whole thread i think that ive pretty much covered most of what i do:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Mmmmm I cant wait to see the finish product...and dont forget a smoke report....everyone seems to forget on their grow journals...or they get to stoned and lazy hahaha :mrgreen:

good luck with the new camera does it have the macro that you can get like 1cm away with?

...I got this one a little while ago it works really well but needs good lighting

Amazon.com: Fujifilm Finepix S700 7.1MP Digital Camera with 10x Optical Zoom: Camera & Photo

I still haven't installed the manual as its on cd,so dunno about all the details yet as i just got roped into watching Tron lol.
It does have a macro feature but all i did was take a high res pic and then zoomed in on it.

Optical zooming is manically hard in a close up,i was wobbling everywhere,i will have to put the camera on something stable and set the timer.
This is the camera that i bought.
Buy Kodak Z710 7MP Digital Camera. at Argos.co.uk - Your Online Shop for .


Well-Known Member
Heres a few more various close ups:blsmoke:

4 weeks in flower matanuska tundra x my own mostly indica.

Lower buds on the mostly indica.

Lower buds on the mostly sativa.

My own p.p.p. x blueberry(male).
I tested some home mixed nutes on it,didnt work lol.
This stuff does not like high strength nutes however you water it down.
Still will be a 24" stick of amazing shit though,has 4 more weeks to go still to finish and is severely crystallized already.


New Member
The newb that posted about his yellow leaves,i gave the correct advice to.
He quite clearly said he had only been giving his plant half strength nutes so how could he have overnuted???

The chart you supplied a link to also agreed with me but you just didnt read it or chose to ignore it,i don't know why.
The plant had lower yellow leaves which indicates npk and mg deficiency which is what i told him and what your own supplied chart stated as well,lol.
Here is the chart you left but did not read yourself lol.
Cannabis Nutrient and Deficiency Table
The problem was yellowing and browning leaf tips... you even said yourself after I provided the link that you made a mistake because you just read what the guy said rather than look at the pic's. Must I draw up the thread, and requote you?

You actually said, that for all you knew the guy was using 1/2 strength nutes everyday.

Considering you have all this experience, I find it quite shocking that you don't realise the importance of ph and electrical conductivity in your feeds. Also shocking, that you constantly overnute your plants... which would help explain you giving the wrong advice.

How does giving a plant no light make it drink quicker? Your medium will stay wetter, logic. More water in the medium=wetter plant come harvest, also logic. The final three days are imperative for adding weight to your bud... yet you think that its good to turn off the lights for this CRUCIAL period? Illogical. I work with common sense and logic. The best thing you can do for your plants the final 3 days, is leave your lights on 24/0. THIS is what will increase trichome production. The plant will go crazy. Also trimming the bud the day before harvest will likewise increase trichome production.

I know a grower that has been growing for 15 years... he taught me how to clone. He doesn't even know the difference between a hermaphrodite and a hybrid... or rather he didn't, as I have now educated him. He taught himself how to grow, even grows aero... but didn't know that tiny little difference. Experience isn't what counts, but actual UNDERSTANDING. Some people have the capability to understand things very quickly, and some just don't... for some, it can take years.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I will save you the trouble of trying to find the thread.
There was no browning of the leaves.
The plants that i nute burnt were test subjects.
Tric production is faster in the dark period.
I think you have a lot of posts and your a moderator but your fairly new to growing:mrgreen:

Pictures of yellow leaf tips, couldnt find answer under search

Although i was sure this problem gets asked every day, i wasnt able to find a sure answer. The only other yellow leaf TIP thread i found said it had somethign to do with using warm CFLs but i dont see how that could be it.
Im 9 days into flowering, have 210W warm CFLs, 120W cool and am using alga-bloom at half strength. This is only happening to one of my two plants who have the exact same living conditions and strain. What do you all think the problem is?

Originally Posted by natmoon View Post
Well from his pics i had assumed that they were his lower leaves which indicates npk and mg deficiency.
He also said he had only been using half strength nutes so i didn't assume over feeding i assumed underfeeding.

Originally Posted by skunkushybrid View Post
I got to be honest.. I just looked at the pic... a
nd the title of the thread. Whenever I hear leaf tips, it sets off an alarm bell in my head.

Originally Posted by natmoon View Post
Well it is still
possible that you are right he may have been feeding it half strength nutes everyday for all we know lol


Well-Known Member
A couple of mostly sativa close ups while i play with my new camera.
I am amazed at how much detail this camera can pick up,i love being able to see them right close up.
Was worth every penny and im glad that i didn't bother with a usb microscope.
Camera was more expensive but so much more fun.
Hope you enjoy the bud pics:blsmoke:

Close up on a lower mostly sativa side bud.

Close up on a lower mostly sativa top.

Close up on a large p.p.p. x blueberry(male) top with the flash on,hps seems to make it appear even more yellow than it really is.

Close up on the mostly sativa large top.


Well-Known Member
wow you go to get these seeds out to the public
Well half the point of my thread is to present the pictures and info to a head shop and see what happens.
Basically if you look at the plants that ive crossed its not hard to guess how strong the shit is.

I guess its just the fact that it takes a long time to end up with what i have now.
You said before that you have a mate in the UK who sorts seeds for you,well if they ever go live then they will be in the Glastonbury head shops being sold for food use only lmfao.:blsmoke:


New Member
Well half the point of my thread is to present the pictures and info to a head shop and see what happens.
Basically if you look at the plants that ive crossed its not hard to guess how strong the shit is.

I guess its just the fact that it takes a long time to end up with what i have now.
You said before that you have a mate in the UK who sorts seeds for you,well if they ever go live then they will be in the Glastonbury head shops being sold for food use only lmfao.:blsmoke:
Aren't most of your strains from nirvana? Although I did notice a Matanuska Tundra in one of your earlier pic's.

What strains have you got then, exactly? That you can provide seed for?

BTW, yellowing leaf TIPS is always overnute.:mrgreen:


New Member
The plants that i nute burnt were test subjects.

I do that too, but never to the degree where the plant is half dead. As soon as you spot it you lay off the nutes, make the plant healthy and green again. How does half killing a plant enable you to adequately test the hardiness of a strain?

You've nute burned every plant in every pic' I've seen of yours.

Also, heavy trichome production is not necessarily a sign of a potent plant... as not all trich's contain cannabinoids. By increasing the dark period you will lose out on weight, fact. You cannot deny it.

Also, trich's are a part of the plants protection system. Plants grown at higher altitudes naturally have more cannabinoid containg trich's than plants grown at lower altitudes. Now, ask yourself why the plants at higher altitudes produce more potent trich's... could it be that they are closer to the sun, and need to produce the trich's to protect both the plant and its seed?

Environment does play a part in trichome production. The wrong nutrients being available for example... like calcium. A lack of calcium in the later stages of flowering can adversely affect trich' production. Likewise too much nitrogen (which is why we flush the final week) will also decrease trich' production and potency. Notice the 'and'... as production and potency are not one and the same thing.

All leaving the lights off really does is maximise thc production and stop it from breaking down into cbn, cbd etc.... YET, using a magnifier we can tell when to harvest because of the colour of the trichomes. We can also help maximise thc potential by harvesting in the morning, after the plants USUAL 12 hour rest. This is all it needs. IMO.