Bud Pics.


Well-Known Member
None of my plants are half dead by any means,the mix that i made of erricacious miracle grow,normal miracle grow,tomorite and molasses was to much but it was the first time that i had used that exact mix of nutes and all though i mixed it half strength it was still way,way to much for the p.p.p. crosses and only very slightly to much for the big indica and the big sativa,causing only very slight tip burn to them.

My ppp crosses hate all nutes so far,the only thing they seem to like is one 3rd strength tomato food and molasses but even the molasses has to be fed on a separate week and the nutes can only be given once a fortnight as mixing some molasses even with the one 3rd strength tomato food causes nute burn once again.

These plants are a bitch to grow but i can tell you that i haven't lied to you and that these plants are very very strong and i gave someone who smokes on a regular basis one joint and they freaked out and had to go home,grow difficulty,maximum.

As to your comments about ph and electrical conductivity of my soil i think i covered that before when i said that i am a very untechnical grower,to be honest i can just about be assed with doing what i do now.

If i had had the problems that other people have i would do this but i live in a soft water area not in a city like yourself,where you live the water is awful,i would not drink the tap water where you are and i can understand that you have no choice but to do these tests.
Where i live i just leave the water to evaporate the chlorine for 24 hours or so then run it through my cheap as chips carbon filter from argos.

Anyway as i have said before get yourself a P.O. box no and pm the details and when they are ready i will send you and only you 10 seeds and you can test them out with all of your fangled equipment.

The few people that have tried my stuff said that they would happily pay 10 quid a gram for it,the trics are real and heavy and full of the right stuff.
I have bought enough street weed including cheese and other seemingly very hairy stuff for 20 an eighth and nothing i have ever bought over the years is anywhere near this stuff.
My missis has smoked for years and years and after one single skinner she is wasted.

Anyway me and you are opposite ends of the same stick,we have totally different growing styles and you require high yields and strict conditions as you rely on the plants and need them,we both know why.
I just plant and go so to speak,i have my main 4 plants that i take great care of and the others that sit around the outside providing me with experimentation,clones and seed.

Anyway all said and done the ppp cross would only be good for yield if you gave it a long veg time(4-8 weeks) and topped or lst it.
The biggest yielders are the indica and sativa.
Would be kind of cool to see you grow this shit,i may be old and untechnical but so was the guy who created cannabis in the first place:mrgreen:
And yes all of my original seeds were bought from other seed banks.lol.
White widow.(nirvana)
Snow White.(nirvana)
Shaman.(pukka seeds)
Blueberry(Male pollen only)(nirvana)
Matanuska Tundra.(sagarmatha)

p.p.p.(nirvana) not used in the sativa or indica crosses used a blueberry male to fert the p.p.p. female as i had no blueberry females,the blueberry from nirvana is called blue mystic but it is only called that due to copyright restrictions and not because the seeds are rubbish.


New Member
I was wrong about you Nat'... i thought you were one of these fake hippies, but I now know you're not. You're the real thing. I'm not saying that to be offensive, but you remind me of a couple of guys I know, that grow just like you... right down to the dark period for 2-3 days before harvest. They don't listen to me either, lol. Stuck in their ways. Old Skool growers... hydro's like a dirty word.

Low humidity causes more intense and potent trichome production... which suggests hotter, dryer countries... which also suggests more light creates more potent trich's. Yet we also know that light degrades THC, turning it into CBN and CBD etc...

Does it do this every night? Or only towards the end of flower, when the THC starts degrading into cbd, cbn... etc. The answer can only be that if the light starts degrading THC at all, it is only when the bud has been removed from the plant... or when it is reaching the end of its cycle on the final week or days, whatever... This is when we note that a certain amount of trich's have turned amber, and have downgraded nicely to the level we want.

This extra few days of dark may increase trichome production, but is it of the potent variety we are all after?


Well-Known Member
Yeah im definately a bit of a hippie but i dont wear hippie clothes lol:mrgreen:
I also have never inspected trics to determine harvest time,i just cut them down when i know they are ready.

The actual science of the darkness is not something i can claim to know enough about,i only know that it seems to make a difference and as i have smoked my stuff over the years at all stages from 4 weeks into flower to 14 weeks into flower and dried and cured in many ways just to see what it was like this is just the way i perceived to be the best so far.

I am willing to listen to your views and opinions and even try them on some plants but i cant be assed with testing for shit lol.
I dont even ph my water,fast tap into a 3 litre milk bottle from asda to create some bubbles,leave it with the lid of for 24 hours,pour it through the carbon filter and thats it for me,back to my synth.:mrgreen:

I keep a disposable dehumidifier in the cupboard and a packet of bicarb to help keep humidity low through out the grow and i never spray them,ever.

I will take some more zoomed in pics as they carry on maturing and see what the trics look like up close.

I think a lot of the dark period appeal for me is that it seems to make the plant produce a lot more resin because the soil is dried and the light is gone,like its trying to protect itself in all of its defenses resin,thc potency,which i believe is a defense mech of the plant,and as im an old stoner i like resin,hell to be honest i even smoke the leaves,ye i am a hippie lol:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Found this old seed booklet earlier its at least 6 years old i think lol.
I forgot that i even grew some of this stuff over the years,must have been good:mrgreen:



New Member
I smoke leaves too, but only in the form of honey oil... which is just pure trich's. The actual leaf contains more tar than tobacco. The bud and seeds contain little to no tar... do you make your own oil and hash?

I like the seedbook, btw. I'd say by the prices that you are right on the timescale. Inflation has risen around 75% since then.


Active Member
nat, how they coming among?? can you post a pic of the hole plant reckon its gonna be solid.
nat, great shots of buds, lokking very good.:mrgreen:

preace :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I smoke leaves too, but only in the form of honey oil... which is just pure trich's. The actual leaf contains more tar than tobacco. The bud and seeds contain little to no tar... do you make your own oil and hash?

I like the seedbook, btw. I'd say by the prices that you are right on the timescale. Inflation has risen around 75% since then.
I don't smoke the large fan leaves,but i don't trim my buds as closely as most peoples pics that i have seen anyway.
Most of my small leaves have plenty of oil and trics on them so i just cut any non hairy leaves and leave the rest on.

I have never made any honey oils or anything like that as i have never grown enough weed in my small cupboard to do it.
I have made "old skool hash" for meself often though,i know many people dont like it but i do,probably because its what i grew up with.

To make the old skool hash simply bone brittle dry a couple of ozs then trim it of the larger stems and put all of the popcorn buds into a moulinex/food mixer and blend it until it is fine like talcum powder tip the whole lot into a smallish plastic tupperware container and wrap several pieces of card in clingfilm,the exact size to just about fit on top of your ground bud and cover the entire top area of your powdered weed but still be several inches proud of the top of the container in clingfilm.
I then get 10 kg of dumbbell weights,4 x 2.5 kg weights,and leave it on top of the card.
Day 1 i leave 2.5kg on top day 2 5kg day 3 7.5kg day 4 10kg,then leave all 10kgs on top for another 3 days.

After 7 days you have what i always used to call flat press.
Dont forget to scrape all the edges of the moulinex bowl and the blade with a piece of plastic card and smoke the scrapings.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
nat, how they coming among?? can you post a pic of the hole plant reckon its gonna be solid.
nat, great shots of buds, lokking very good.:mrgreen:

preace :mrgreen:
I will take some pics of the whole plants later on this evening,i can no longer move them to the old by the door position as the top buds are to heavy on the big plants and i think i will have to tie them of loosely soon in case they snap of.

The other plants are fairly small and nute burnt as they were experiments really and haven't even been directly under the 400 watt lamp and they were also grown from seed to weed with no veg light cycle at all.
All though they look great considering how they have been treated they will only provide about a single 24" stick of bud by the time they are done.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Heres plenty of pics of the whole plants including the scabby ones that i nute burnt lol.
Weirdly one of the ppp crosses is turning red?
Maybe they will always turn red under hps lighting,as ive only ever grown with fluro tubes before this,will have to wait and see.
All plants except for the 2 obvious big ones have had no veg cycle at all and were planted as seed on the 1st september straight into a 12/12 cycle.
All of the smaller plants have at least 4 weeks left of flowering time.:blsmoke:

PPP x Blueberry

PPP x Blueberry

Matanuska tundra x my own indica.

Matanuska tundra x my own indica.

Mostly indica.

Mostly sativa.

Mostly sativa top.

Mostly indica.

Mostly indica.

Mostly sativa.

PPP x going red?

Both big plants.

Very lowest on the stem mostly indica buds.

Sativa lower top.

PPP x going red.

Large sativa top.


Active Member
you have some great looking plants nat, how funky does your ppp x bluebery look>? that colouring is awesome, thanks for the posts. nothing like drooling over someone elses buds,, . well the weekend is here and i am gonna be laying in the pool, drinking beer, rolling a couple of fatties!!!! yah!!! starting to warm up, 40degrees all last week. fuck the heat gives me a thrist!!!!


New Member
I like the look of the purple too... Is that in the genetics or did you need to get them cold?

I've never really sat well with blueberry, it just never seems strong enough for my tastes... but with the PPP this may add to the strength.


Well-Known Member
I like the look of the purple too... Is that in the genetics or did you need to get them cold?

I've never really sat well with blueberry, it just never seems strong enough for my tastes... but with the PPP this may add to the strength.
Must be in the genetics.
What i believe has happened is that the plants never developed properly under my old shop fluro tubes,but that the mix of a dual spectrum hps and the fluro tubes has allowed them to reach their full potential.

I have an oil filled 700watt radiator in the cupboard with a thermostat that keeps the cupboard at the correct temperature so its definitely not cold induced.

Its a shame that i nute burnt it.
The plants that are going red still have 4 weeks left to go but are about 22" tall so even though i only grew them in mini pots with no veg cycle i should still get about 23-24" stick of bud from them,not to bad for a sideliner thats burnt.

I have decided to grow a couple of these as my main plants next time and i am going to use 4 weeks of 24/0 on them as i want to see how they do as a big topped plant.

The hashberry can take a sideline as i only really want its resin producing genetics anyway to cross into my own stuff so hopefully i will get a couple of males if not ill just use the leftover triploid sativa male pollen to pollinate the hasberry,but hopefully i can get some hasberry males and fertilize all of my own stock with the hashberry pollen.

The red stuff is very strong but does not yield as much as other plants and will definitely require a veg cycle and topping or lst for yield all though if it was sog or scrog it would be ok.
The crystal formation is tremendous for its age of only 4 weeks into flowering,i never got this amount of crystals with my fluro tubes to say the least.
On one last note i have 2 cool blue fluro tubes as well as the hps i think this addition of blue light has helped with crystal formation and general health.


New Member
I agree... and I believe that this is the sole reason for your resin production. My best plants were always grown under both red and blue lights. One blue two red, for flower... and I used to alternate the blue each day.

Now though, i just have two reds in the flower area... and the difference in strength, even growth patterns is fairly obvious. I want to introduce MH back into my flower area asap.


Well-Known Member
I agree... and I believe that this is the sole reason for your resin production. My best plants were always grown under both red and blue lights. One blue two red, for flower... and I used to alternate the blue each day.

Now though, i just have two reds in the flower area... and the difference in strength, even growth patterns is fairly obvious. I want to introduce MH back into my flower area asap.
Yeah i am definitely thinking that having a good amount of blue is helping a lot,but i also think its down to very careful watering and keeping my plants fairly dry but no so dry as it hinders them in any way and keeping the humidity fairly low and never spraying them:blsmoke:


New Member
Spraying plants is a bad thing because under the big lights the leaves will get necrotic spots. I only ever spray my clones... yes, dry is good too... the most potent cannabis always comes from the dryer areas... which also happen to contain the most UV... again and again blue light springs up. I think I got my head that filled with HPS is best, that I just forgot all about the blue.

But our little talk/debate on trichome production put me back in mind of it. I think it's something that's been missing for too long now. I'm fairly lucky inasmuch as I can change a blue bulb for a red. Just means I got to climb up to do the lights every morning, just so I can change the bulbs over... I couldn't really handle the heat of another big light, so I like the idea of switching them around.

I got to order myself a new bulb.:mrgreen:


Active Member
skunk its well accepted to give plants darkness at the end of the grow. why do you challenge commonly accepted / well known practices? you just sound ignorant bashing someone about something already known to be effective


Well-Known Member
Spraying plants is a bad thing because under the big lights the leaves will get necrotic spots. I only ever spray my clones... yes, dry is good too... the most potent cannabis always comes from the dryer areas... which also happen to contain the most UV... again and again blue light springs up. I think I got my head that filled with HPS is best, that I just forgot all about the blue.

But our little talk/debate on trichome production put me back in mind of it. I think it's something that's been missing for too long now. I'm fairly lucky inasmuch as I can change a blue bulb for a red. Just means I got to climb up to do the lights every morning, just so I can change the bulbs over... I couldn't really handle the heat of another big light, so I like the idea of switching them around.

I got to order myself a new bulb.:mrgreen:
I did consider doing that but to be honest i like to touch those bulbs as little as possible,i have bought gloves for bulb changing but screwing them in and out every day sounds like a chore and a risk.
Why dont you try getting a dual spectrum bulb and adding a couple of cheap fluro tubes.

I vegged those big plants with the dual spectrum and 2 tubes works fine.
Next year some time im going to try making my own led track to light up all the middle and lower buds a bit better.:blsmoke: