Bud Storage


Active Member
How do you store your bud after curing? Has anyone tried one of those food saver machines that vacuum packs food? Or is that just a bad idea all around?


Well-Known Member
Welcome futrdc
They would work very good if you are putting them in the freezer.

I would go with airtight glass jars if you are not putting them in the freezer.


Well-Known Member
How long can you keep them in the mason jars? Do they eventually still get dry? Do you need to keep them in the dark too?

I'd hate to get halfway through smoking a harvest and the buds dry out or lose potentcy.


Well-Known Member
You would want to keep them in the dark as light degrades the thc. I dont know how long you can keep it for, I havent got that far yet.


Well-Known Member
Well of course this is FYI type stuff. I seriously doubt I'd have bud lingering around for months. Maybe a couple weeks. Hopefully I'll be harvesting enough not to worry about it. Just wanted to know.


Well-Known Member
I use the vacuum bags frequently and have had good luck. For long term storage, good curing is important(excess moisture=mold) for vacuum sealers can't remove all air. Vacuum sealing for sale the curing isn't as important. Jars are my favorite for short term storage because they keep those beautiful buds just as beautiful and keep the THC on the buds, not on the bag.


Active Member
There was a gormet food place where I used to live and they sold these coffee jars that had a pump to suck all the air out of thid container they sold, and they worked great. I never was into selling any of my bud, and I would keep it in these air-tight jars for up to 6,7,8, maybe 9 months or even more and every time I smoked it, I got ripped out of my mind. Meaning that age or sunlight did not play a part in the potency of the weed, at least in my case here in Oklahoma.


Well-Known Member
when i harvest i cure then take half and put it in big baby food jars.. then i put the other half in the food saver containers... i wouldnt recomend using the foodsaver bags inless your bagging shit weed cuz it compresses the shitout of the bed
also in the containers it actuly lets the bud expand a lil bit making it a lil more fluffer.. if you dont believ me put some marshmellows in the container and watch em grow!!!!


yeah food saver can save bud..actually in food saver Air gets in most other food storage containers and plastic bags even when they are sealed tightly. And, oxygen is one of the main reasons that food goes bad. It starts a chemical change, robbing food of its nutritional value, texture, color, flavor and overall quality.Food saver can p· preserve foods for 3 to 5 times longer than their regular life....:weed:

for more information...read this..
