Budget no frills led bs

So I got tired of waiting for the runt to catch up. Since one of my "boys" turned out to be a stretchy lady, I figured Id try out the modular no till concept. Runt is in the back right.
Concept of letting the roots into the full bed seems to be working.

runt roots.jpg
Stretchy McDudelooking goes into a spare aero pot. Next time i'll do this outside. Can you tell where I was standing?

Stretchy transplant.jpg

much happier with canopy uniformity now. About time to flip.
canopy height.jpg
Was cleaning things up underneath and thought I'd show off the happy companion plants.

companion plants.jpg
So I got tired of waiting for the runt to catch up. Since one of my "boys" turned out to be a stretchy lady, I figured Id try out the modular no till concept. Runt is in the back right.
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Concept of letting the roots into the full bed seems to be working.

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Stretchy McDudelooking goes into a spare aero pot. Next time i'll do this outside. Can you tell where I was standing?

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much happier with canopy uniformity now. About time to flip.
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Was cleaning things up underneath and thought I'd show off the happy companion plants.

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Excellent photography man; crisp, clear, just right lighting.
Excellent photography man; crisp, clear, just right lighting.
Cell phone and led. lol, full disclosure, I take a few of each shot till I'm happy.
Did you see the roots shot? A lot got torn off, that shit was going deep. Excited to see how a flower run with this goes. The transplant seems to be thriving. Thinking to mom the runt and run it with some of the slower ones down the road. Nodes are tight on that lady.
Pretty bud!

You are about to have over a gazillion buds on those defols, it will be effin ridiculous!!!
Yeah I am looking forward to it. The mature plants right now are just old moms that had been cut to hell many times. So the structure...... I guess you could call it avant garde post modern? lol. The Dark helmets have had decent training and care throughout. Wont have a uniform canopy as this is a pheno hunt, but cannot wait to make the keeper selection.
Had a hard time watching his vid, lol! He maybe should not smoke before..


Unfortunately most of the bulbs he bought are completely useless. All these black lights for instance have the highest output in the 400-410nm range, so there is maybe a bit of UVA but for sure no UVB.
The only one is the Reptiglow bulb but with only 14w and a 5% UVB bulbs it would be enough for 1sft or so. He should have used the latest T5 bulbs with at least 10, 12 or 14% UVB(Arcadia, Reptisun, JBL, ...). In the last minute someone mentioned the Agromax bulbs but yea, right before the vid finished, lol!
I agree, there is a lot of bro sience in these area but most peeps do not understand how to harden the plants off to UVB. Its like full sunlight and the plants not used to it need a few days in a shaded area to get used to it.
Yes, the energy used will not be used for new growth/photosyntesis cuz there is only a little light in the PAR range and when you add it you will loose some over all efficiency. But with the Agromax or Flowerpower bulbs you can shorten their usage to 2-4h the day because they are 3-5 times stronger. So the additional energy costs are not soooo high in the end.
I've not done direct comparisions with and without UVB but I have used the same strain with and without UVB and UVB weed was/still is for sure different and a lot stronger. I have made blind tests with my buddies and 4 of 5 find the UVB weed much better, me included. And I'll never look back!
I've currently a grow going on with 325w of F-strips above 9sft and I have 48w of Agromax PureUV running 3h the day(2x 1,5h). Distance is ~24" now and they have fully adapt to it and look super healthy. Below are a few shots from the last week..

He should visit the websites from the Agromax and Flowerpower bulbs to get a better idea of how it works. There are also user reviews and pdf's available. On youtube there are only different output tests of the Agromax PureUV bulbs available as far as I know but to be honest, I have not searched for more than that.


  • SSH upper right corner, pretty small.jpg
    SSH upper right corner, pretty small.jpg
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  • day 6 with 11,5-12,5 regime+3h Agromax @26-30inch distance.png
    day 6 with 11,5-12,5 regime+3h Agromax @26-30inch distance.png
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But I really want such an Apogee UV100 sensor. Spectrometers do not read UVB/UVA till now and such a device would be especially useful to figure out which bulbs are good and which not.
The UVR8 receptor/molecule if triggered the most at 285nm and many reptile bulbs do not go this deep into the UVB area(for vitamine d3 reptiles need ~305-315nm). To get the best results you need a bulb with at least a bit UVB in this area.
The UVR8 molecule is in fact a pack of two molecules and when UVB/285nm hits such a molecule it fells apart and shares the stored information. The plants recognize this and switch in a kind of defense mode and produce more resins to save the upcomming next generation of seeds from getting damaged. I found a few seed and some on them were visible damaged and have get a few sharp edges. But I've not tried to sproud them. Would be interesting to see if the seedlings are healthy or not. I've used a lot UVB last run, lol!

Its for sure a useful devive for MJ growers but for sure that thingy costs a half grand or so..
But I really want such an Apogee UV100 sensor. Spectrometers do not read UVB/UVA till now and such a device would be especially useful to figure out which bulbs are good and which not.
The UVR8 receptor/molecule if triggered the most at 285nm and many reptile bulbs do not go this deep into the UVB area(for vitamine d3 reptiles need ~305-315nm). To get the best results you need a bulb with at least a bit UVB in this area.
The UVR8 molecule is in fact a pack of two molecules and when UVB/285nm hits such a molecule it fells apart and shares the stored information. The plants recognize this and switch in a kind of defense mode and produce more resins to save the upcomming next generation of seeds from getting damaged. I found a few seed and some on them were visible damaged and have get a few sharp edges. But I've not tried to sproud them. Would be interesting to see if the seedlings are healthy or not. I've used a lot UVB last run, lol!

Its for sure a useful devive for MJ growers but for sure that thingy costs a half grand or so..

This is exactly the kind of conversation he wants to have. If you want a thing tested I'm sure he would be more than happy to do it. I watched and thought "Well this is what RB and OR have been on about and are far ahead on."

My own experience is limited to one run with a cfl desert bulb, only 20w but the plants do seem to like it. It's centrally located in my 4x4 and the plants do lean towards it. Does that mean anything? No idea. His point about a lack of side by side testing is valid. I know that my own personal grow habits don't improve one quantifiable thing at a time. I can confidently state that the flower i'm growing now is better than I'd ever done before, but it's hard to point at a single thing and say that was the deciding factor. An agromax or larger desert bulb is in the future but likely a long ways off. Resources are going to a needed greenhouse rebuild.

I tied down branches to spread out the canopy, fills out the 4x4 nicely now.
Have some gg4 in the side closet area. Yum, looking forward to it.

gg4 127.jpg
And my new washing machine arrived! Now I need tons of Ice!

This is exactly the kind of conversation he wants to have. If you want a thing tested I'm sure he would be more than happy to do it. I watched and thought "Well this is what RB and OR have been on about and are far ahead on."

My own experience is limited to one run with a cfl desert bulb, only 20w but the plants do seem to like it. It's centrally located in my 4x4 and the plants do lean towards it. Does that mean anything? No idea. His point about a lack of side by side testing is valid. I know that my own personal grow habits don't improve one quantifiable thing at a time. I can confidently state that the flower i'm growing now is better than I'd ever done before, but it's hard to point at a single thing and say that was the deciding factor. An agromax or larger desert bulb is in the future but likely a long ways off. Resources are going to a needed greenhouse rebuild.

I tied down branches to spread out the canopy, fills out the 4x4 nicely now.
View attachment 4245306
Have some gg4 in the side closet area. Yum, looking forward to it.

View attachment 4245307
And my new washing machine arrived! Now I need tons of Ice!

View attachment 4245308

Yeah, problem is I dont follow youtubers. He should create an account here and I'm willing to share all my knowledge about UV with him. I've a lab test where they tested BlueDream buds from cuttings grown with and without UVB(daily dose 13,4kJ/m²). +20% thc without and +23% with means 15% more thc and with other strains or a higher dose you can get up to 30% increase.


Plants are leaning towards the bulbs because of the blue light. Blue light is also used for signaling and plants use blue to know the direction of the light.
Outside they always follow the sun(and her blue light ), indoors plants always look to in the direction where the most blue light comes from. Try it with a 3000 and 5000°k light source and 2ft distance between the lights, put a few plants below them and the plants below the 3k light would look envy to the 5k light source within a few hours.

These reptile bulbs have a coolwhite spectrum (7000-10.000°k depending on its brand) with high output in the 400-480nm range. Arcadia d3desert have 7000°k/CRI90 and 12% of the light is UVB, 30% is UVA and the 58% left is visible light. Plants also recognize UV but it works in a different way like blue light. (Flavonoids and UVR8 receptor)

Plants are leaning towards the bulbs because of the blue light. Blue light is also used for signaling and plants use blue to know the direction of the light.
Outside they always follow the sun(and her blue light ), indoors plants always look to in the direction where the most blue light comes from. Try it with a 3000 and 5000°k light source and 2ft distance between the lights, put a few plants below them and the plants below the 3k light would look envy to the 5k light source within a few hours.

These reptile bulbs have a coolwhite spectrum (7000-10.000°k depending on its brand) with high output in the 400-480nm range. Arcadia d3desert have 7000°k/CRI90 and 12% of the light is UVB, 30% is UVA and the 58% left is visible light. Plants also recognize UV but it works in a different way like blue light. (Flavonoids and UVR8 receptor)

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Love the info you put out.

I may be able to up my spectrum game much sooner than I'd thought. The next big project is rebuilding my greenhouse and I'd charted out the expense and had a monthly budget going for materials, it was a 4 month plan.

Yesterday I saw a listing for "free old greenhouse" and spent the day tearing it down and making trips with an entire garden worth of pots and materials. It's bigger than I'd planned and uses the same durable panels I'd budgeted for. Hoping to get the rest knocked out today.

I am excite. I have a lot of work to do but I now have an excess of resources and can throw that 4 month budget plan in the bin. The greenhouse had been lit with 4ft t5's and while I wont be using those, they'll be great for slapping strips onto. Might keep 4 as is for the reptile bulbs, not sure yet, I need to get everything organized, take stock and get a new plan together.
Day three of greenhouse saga report.
It's down, and mostly at my place. Think "roomy two car garage" as far as room goes. Sore as hell, still very excite to get this thing rebuilt here. Lack of pics, I know, but I'm in a hurry as the current GH has failed and the plants are a loss, hoping to save the koi and crawfish.
Have a lead on some IBC totes to do even more with the fish.
Day three of greenhouse saga report.
It's down, and mostly at my place. Think "roomy two car garage" as far as room goes. Sore as hell, still very excite to get this thing rebuilt here. Lack of pics, I know, but I'm in a hurry as the current GH has failed and the plants are a loss, hoping to save the koi and crawfish.
Have a lead on some IBC totes to do even more with the fish.

Good luck with the fish, bro!