Budget no frills led bs

Sorry for the late reply, guys. A lot of work and almost no time chatting... and all this with my ailing bones ..

I stumbled upon the cut and halve leaves technique as I tried to get more light into the lower areas.
I cut back the upper 2-4 pairs of leaves by ⅔ and noticed that all other shoots started to grow faster. Previously, I had often tied the upper leaves to a tulip with pipe cleaner so that the light could penetrate deeper into the canopy but this has much less influence on the growth of the side shoots. I believe that there are still many hormones in the tips of the upper leaves and that removing the tips has a similar effect as fim'ing but without damaging the meristem. When you fim' the tip but you cut a bit to far above the meristem you get the same effect as when you hit the meristem perfectly unless you still get only one main stem. But both plants would slow down in growth and are more focussed on branching for a while. I wont believe all the hormones evaporate just because the leaves gets bigger. They are only less concentrated and disappear as they get bigger and older. But in the very young leaves at the top are for sure enough hormones otherwise we would see not this behavior.

And if its still of interest, yes UVA will destroy insects dna and they can see and avoid UVA. A spider mite would hastily leave your garden or hide somewhere .. Nemadotes are for example dead within a few minutes "UVA radiotherapy", the harder the chitin armor the longer they can withstand UVA but they all don't like it and will leave your garden.

Halfing the leaves on cuttings slows down transpiration and helps to stop growing. In fact, rooting takes a little longer because they grow a bit further if you leave all the leaves on. You get yellow leaves cuz they have no roots and take nutrients out of the leaves just like when they get too much light. You can see new bright green growth within a week in this case.
If you have only a few leaves and halve a few of them additionally there are not enough nutrients left for new growth. But it's just enough to increase the "rooting pressure" to stay alive.(hope that makes sense).

2/3'rds does seem to be the sweet spot for inducing branching. I hadn't thought to half to keep the leaf small on cuts. I had just been removing a few to limit transpiration. Nice!
Good to hear about the UVA, will be adding a bit more for the Dark Helmet flower run.
Have spores all over the plate I used for drying, do you guys think a damp piece of paper would be adequate to collect them with? I'm regretting loaning out my Stamets cultivation book before I got a chance to read it.
2/3'rds does seem to be the sweet spot for inducing branching. I hadn't thought to half to keep the leaf small on cuts. I had just been removing a few to limit transpiration. Nice!
Good to hear about the UVA, will be adding a bit more for the Dark Helmet flower run.
Have spores all over the plate I used for drying, do you guys think a damp piece of paper would be adequate to collect them with? I'm regretting loaning out my Stamets cultivation book before I got a chance to read it.

Got $9, this is all you need:

Remember the name: roger rabbit

Plus visit shroomery.org
2/3'rds does seem to be the sweet spot for inducing branching. I hadn't thought to half to keep the leaf small on cuts. I had just been removing a few to limit transpiration. Nice!
Good to hear about the UVA, will be adding a bit more for the Dark Helmet flower run.
Have spores all over the plate I used for drying, do you guys think a damp piece of paper would be adequate to collect them with? I'm regretting loaning out my Stamets cultivation book before I got a chance to read it.

Get some q-tips, wipe, put in clean ziplock, freeze.

I wouldn’t use water/damp.

Those spores will be contaminated, so you will have to isolate on agar. Takes a little time, but saves you wasted grow effort.

Cyans are much harder to grow than cubensis, i’d order some cubensis spores (B+ is a good beginner strain) and start there...best beginner tek is called “pf tek”, google it, next step mini-monotubs. Unless you’re going into business or your body can handle frequent trips, a mini-mono or two will keep you supplied till next season....

Spores: http://sporeworks.com/Psilocybe-cubensis-Spore-Syringes

Key tools: glovebox or hepa fan(preferred), couple of collanders, pressure cooker, humidistat, humidifier....

Stamets supplies: https://fungi.com/

I bet you’d even enjoy growing the non psylocibes...oysters are so f’ing easy...quick...and delish

Lemme know how you think the microdosing goes....lotta hype, not convinced...

but a trip or two each year, under right conditions, can have some positive long term benefits on depression and outlook, methinks.
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Get some q-tips, wipe, put in clean ziplock, freeze.

I wouldn’t use water/damp.

Those spores will be contaminated, so you will have to isolate on agar. Takes a little time, but saves you wasted grow effort.

Cyans are much harder to grow than cubensis, i’d order some cubensis spores (B+ is a good beginner strain) and start there...best beginner tek is called “pf tek”, google it, next step mini-monotubs. Unless you’re going into business or your body can handle frequent trips, a mini-mono or two will keep you supplied till next season....

Spores: http://sporeworks.com/Psilocybe-cubensis-Spore-Syringes

Key tools: glovebox or hepa fan(preferred), couple of collanders, pressure cooker, humidistat, humidifier....

Stamets supplies: https://fungi.com/

I bet you’d even enjoy growing the non psylocibes...oysters are so f’ing easy...quick...and delish

Lemme know how you think the microdosing goes....lotta hype, not convinced...

but a trip or two each year, under right conditions, can have some positive long term benefits on depression and outlook, methinks.

"a trip or two each year, under right conditions, can have some positive long term benefits on depression and outlook, methinks" is exactly how I feel about it. The microdosing thing is just an awareness elevator. Last year I did it and walked straight to an amadou. Polypores are what I'm mostly looking for out there. I make a tea every day and don't get sick any more.
I've gotten the lions mane patch from fungi perfecti and grew that out, delish. It's still going and I plan to get some new media ready for it as soon as I get my book back lol.
I love oysters! Fall oysters are popping right now. Had an idea the other day and made General Tso's oysters, corn starch and egg, deep fried, red chili's, garlic and onion, sugar, chili paste, soy sauce shaoxing wine starch and chicken stock for the sauce. Came out better than the chicken i also did. oysters.jpg
"a trip or two each year, under right conditions, can have some positive long term benefits on depression and outlook, methinks" is exactly how I feel about it. The microdosing thing is just an awareness elevator. Last year I did it and walked straight to an amadou. Polypores are what I'm mostly looking for out there. I make a tea every day and don't get sick any more.
I've gotten the lions mane patch from fungi perfecti and grew that out, delish. It's still going and I plan to get some new media ready for it as soon as I get my book back lol.
I love oysters! Fall oysters are popping right now. Had an idea the other day and made General Tso's oysters, corn starch and egg, deep fried, red chili's, garlic and onion, sugar, chili paste, soy sauce shaoxing wine starch and chicken stock for the sauce. Came out better than the chicken i also did. View attachment 4225862

You know all about it...

That looks like foodie mag pic, makin me hungry..
and a thanks for the tips, will be looking into all of that.

Was think about hepa fan the other day, when you posted about fan...best single item if you are into shrooms ...beside pressure cooker...

You can build one just like what stamets site sells...
They’re legal in the netherlands, aren’t they?

Yepp, but only a few shops ship to us.. Same with seeds.. Most of the time I need such shops as kind of middle men cuz the breeders are afraid to lose their licenses if they violate EU laws .. All coffee shops closer than 100 km to the german border have already been closed, passport control and in many tourists are undesired. Only in big cities like Amsterdam you come as a tourist in coffee shops. Seems like the clocks go backwards ..
Yepp, but only a few shops ship to us.. Same with seeds.. Most of the time I need such shops as kind of middle men cuz the breeders are afraid to lose their licenses if they violate EU laws .. All coffee shops closer than 100 km to the german border have already been closed, passport control and in many tourists are undesired. Only in big cities like Amsterdam you come as a tourist in coffee shops. Seems like the clocks go backwards ..

So hard to have fun anymore...
Liberty Caps, first and only fall, 1974 near Oregon coast in some cow pasture. U of O has amazing trees on campus.
I need to learn the trees better. That's the key to finding what you want. I just look for habitat and wander around and find what i can, an easy one, chaga, grows on birch, but for every tree there are associated species and I'm not on top of that game yet.