Budgeting Nutrients


Active Member
I'm to embark on a medical grow op. For our first season we will have 12000 auto plants growing on 1 ha. Since I'm used to a bit less plants in an indoor environment, I'm searching everywhere for a "shopping list". We're looking to start off the soil with green manure and would like to proceed using compost teas later as a nutritional regiment for the plants. But it is not easy to quantify amounts of additives to buy for such a big grow. We cannot start off the grow buying a bulk quantity and when we run out just buy more, because we will be in a pretty remote location. Also it would be better to know all the costs involved, before we start.

So... can anybody help me with a "shopping list" or just plain quantities of different products used in compost teas over a day/season per plant!?
I'm guessing most people here run smaller set-ups, but maybe it could be scaled.
Thanks ganga gurl!
We're trying to help the soil to do, what it naturally knows what to do. If we were to use pots, we could definitely pre-mix. With 12000 plants, you don't really want to be spending money on pots. Mixing in nutes into soil would require tilling, but -sorry, don't mean to offend anybody, that is genuinely trying to contribute- that wouldn't be organic. Tilling to me is anti-organic., since it literally tears the soil's organs apart.
Also molasses for some people is a no-go as it creates a more bacterial dominant soil, compared to a balanced fungal-bacterial. But there are a few arguments on the topic. Which is not the topic of this converstaton, so I will shut up about it.
Thanks ganga gurl!
We're trying to help the soil to do, what it naturally knows what to do. If we were to use pots, we could definitely pre-mix. With 12000 plants, you don't really want to be spending money on pots. Mixing in nutes into soil would require tilling, but -sorry, don't mean to offend anybody, that is genuinely trying to contribute- that wouldn't be organic. Tilling to me is anti-organic., since it literally tears the soil's organs apart.
Right on...to each their own. Hope you find your answers
Yes, it is a bit like having kids... Everybody wants the best for their own and being stubborn to other people's education tips is normal! :D
That’s a huge number of plants so way beyond what a lot of us are growing. Sounds like you have work cut
Out for you. Can you not amend the dry nutes into the soil you are planting in without containers? If not then chemicals may be your best bet. I use general hydroponics, lower end but works fine if you ph water and it’s cheap.
That’s a huge number of plants so way beyond what a lot of us are growing. Sounds like you have work cut
Out for you. Can you not amend the dry nutes into the soil you are planting in without containers? If not then chemicals may be your best bet. I use general hydroponics, lower end but works fine if you ph water and it’s cheap.

Thanks @codster25,
No, that will not be possible, but that isn't really the problem. I have worked that out, with green manure (cover crop) and mulching after.

The issue here is a calculation for compost tea ingredients per plant... So one knows how much to order.

I have found compost tea calculators, but they're not very specific or clear.
I'm to embark on a medical grow op. For our first season we will have 12000 auto plants growing on 1 ha. Since I'm used to a bit less plants in an indoor environment, I'm searching everywhere for a "shopping list". We're looking to start off the soil with green manure and would like to proceed using compost teas later as a nutritional regiment for the plants. But it is not easy to quantify amounts of additives to buy for such a big grow. We cannot start off the grow buying a bulk quantity and when we run out just buy more, because we will be in a pretty remote location. Also it would be better to know all the costs involved, before we start.

So... can anybody help me with a "shopping list" or just plain quantities of different products used in compost teas over a day/season per plant!?
I'm guessing most people here run smaller set-ups, but maybe it could be scaled.

Just because you can grow 12k, doesn't mean you should. If you go in full blast but half assed you're going to end up with alot of garbage. Try doing half and not skimping.
Just because you can grow 12k, doesn't mean you should. If you go in full blast but half assed you're going to end up with alot of garbage. Try doing half and not skimping.

We're actually doing just 1 ha of the 40 ha available. :) It is in part a research grow, so it is ok. We have to find the right strains that work in that region. We are in the final stages of hiring a master grower, an agronomist and a horticulturist, plus 40 field hands. I'm just the one left to having to deal with planning and preparing the budget for now... :D