Bug question


Well-Known Member
I have these little green bugs on my plants, they sort of look like grasshoppers, do you think they are harming my plant or helping it


Well-Known Member
Get some neem oil and spray your plants. there are several sprays you can get at home depot. I think Schultz makes one that is safe. You can also go to the hydro shop and they will have neem oil, and gognats. Thats what i use and it has helped me with a bug infestation. I dont even know what they were but their asses are gone so im cool.

If you can kill that fucker then kill him. Better safe than sorry. If you didnt indroduce the bug then get the fuck rid of it. I have two spiders im my closet but i put them there when i found them in the house.

Yeah Proheto says Kill em!


Well-Known Member
i killed him, there was only 1 but ill keep checking on it every day, have to look closely to because those assholes blend in with my leafs


Well-Known Member
GET THE SPRAYS, you will be on here with a sob story in a few days if you dont get those babies sprayed. Its easy to use neem to prevent insects its harder to use it to eradicate them. Get on top of your shit or your buds will suffer.


Active Member
neem oil works great, $10 for a small bottle at the hydro store, depending on how many plants you have

and if your going to home depot DO NOT USE house and garden insect spray.

It does not work AT ALL. waste of money.