Building a Grow Wardrobe - Help & Advice Appreciated

Oh I see. The compost I had was outside closed in the rain. Think its unwise to use? May pop into town tomorrow and get some potting soil.
yeah, dont use that compost this year, it may have bugs, and other nasties in it. if you wait till spring and lay it out on a tarp or something for the sun to bake it dry, you should be able to use it then.
Well my setup is completed, Well at least for today coz im bloomin shattered. I promised I'd post some pics up of my work so far.

Im proud of it even though it has its drawbacks i.e lightleaks but i'm just awaiting a drill so I can fix some wood and repair bits of it.

I still have to get some mylar or something similar as the matt white paint i put on today isnt holding up on the wood, also have to sort out building a carbon filter for my exhaust. but all can be done in good time :)

I have placed 3 White widow seeds & 1 White Domina seed in some damp kitchen towls and placed them covered in my wardrobe (cant wait for them to germinate)

I popped down to the diy store today and picked up some potting discs, some liquid feed for tomatoes & some Fish, blood & bone plant food. I put a small amount of compost (from the outside bag) into the bottom of the pots and then put the potting discs on top and kept flushing with water until it filled out, got them under my lights now drying out a bit.

I'd really like your comments & suggestions guys about my build and about my purchases & what I should or shouldnt use. I really have no prior knowledge to gardening of any kind so its all very new to me. Just hope im on the right track

Oh and thanks so much for your help so far guys, really appreciate it. Ill keep updating this thread with my progress, and I will start a new thread with my grow diary & lots of lurverly pictures (love using my new phone for these piccys HTC Desire HD Pwnz)

(oh and if you can guess the name of my duccy in my photos ill give you a super secret special prize thats so secret I dont even know what it is.... crazy i know!!!)

First of the seedlings split today and as I went to get some tweezers so did the other one 2 left germinating still but not bad for about 36 hours :)

Planted them in small plastic pots with a tiny bit of fertilizer at the bottom and the rest filled with the soil created from the potting discs.

Comments anyone?
i think you have a good working start, but honestly i dont think it is ready to grow in. it makes it difficult to build and grow at the same time. its possible, but more likely to cause more problems. work on getting your light leaks sealed and test temperature. just keep them in veg until you fix the light leaks then you should be ok to flower.
Yeah I definately need to fix the light leaks had a go at it today but its difficult as taking parts of the wardrobe apart has destroyed some of its integrity so doesnt seal shut properly, It'll do for the time being When I get some mylar I think I will be able to cover it all properly at least enough to get a half decent yield until i maybe invest in a tent or a better wardrobe, I used to have a really good one with a keylock on it but threw it out years ago, wish I hadnt now lol.

But at least everything is in motion and i've got a starting point :D
Quick update guys ... went away for weekend and came back to a lil cutie pie poking out and another just beginning to emerge from the soil see pics...

Havent been able to fix light leaks as of yet but as soon as I get some moneys ill invest in some more equipment (prolly after xmas) in time for vegging :)

Keep lights as close as possible so they don't stretch...CFL's can be kept and inch or 2 away with no damage to the leaves....Good luck and have fun!!
They look good, keep a humidity dome on them, and as moist as they were in the photos, I wouldn't water them for a few days, not even any spray
Check out the plasma induction light @ One $145 light would rock that cabinet. No kidding.

Plus, heat issues would be minimal.

Paint the inside of the cabinet flat white (best reflective option).

edit: Oh, I now see you've already got lights. I didn't get here in time, but induction lights are amazing.

Checkout for future reference.
after a week or 2. depends how much they grow. if they really seem to take off, post a pic and ask. i'll be here
after a week or 2. depends how much they grow. if they really seem to take off, post a pic and ask. i'll be here

Cheers dude I'll give them a week or so to 'settle in' then ill put my surgeon gloves on and give them nip/tuck to their new homes

Hey, I am starting something just like this. Not nearly as far as you though. But I have a cabinet as well, and was hoping some people from this thread could hop over to mine real quick and check my cabinet. I just need some help with questions being answered and the overall setup.

Heres the link to my thread:

Will take a look mate. :)
Quick update guys, They seem to be taking off now since i made a humidity dome for them (old 7up bottles work a treat) they seem to be getting more and more leaves :D

I tried to transplant one today (was kinda a tester one anyway) it was in the bottom of an old 7up bottle with no drainage so figured it would be the best one to test on, When i tried removing it from its cup it sorta just flopped on its side and didnt really seem to have any roots :S so I put it in its pot and propped it up with lots of soil hopefully it will see some kind of revival but didnt look too promising.

I have a question, as I have the 4 plants in the photos in them small plant trays, when will be the best time to plant them into the pots i have in the photos, I dont want them to flop over all dead like when i transplant them, so should I wait longer let them develop more in the small pots or transplant them now that they are showing strength. I only ask because the pots they are currently in are somewhat small so I worry that I may be restraining the root? I've tried looking underneath the pots to see if any root growth is showing but cant really see anything :S any ideas guys?
To help the plant stay together, transplant a couple hours after you water. This will help the roots hold the soil together.