Building inspectors. Oh Shit. Please help.


Well-Known Member
I fucked up. I guess where I moved you have to get a occupancy permit when you move in. The building inspector came and asked who lives here(been here a little under a year). I said I don't live there but I am replacing the dry wall. Well apparently that's not small enough of a task to do without a permit. I can put siding up without a permit but I can't fucking put up drywall. I made a room that I framed in a floor on top of the one that was there and it makes the room 6 foot 10 inches. Also put up new walls in front of the old one. I was thinking the 10 inches of insulation would be bad ass but all this has to come out because the frame covers the old windows. I've put a month of working everyday all day into this. Now I gotta rip it all out before I file for the occupancy permit. I am so happy I was saving the electric for last. Plus gotta get all the plants and lights and filters and everything out of there. Dammit. This sucks............... The house I bought is pretty rough. Now I'm gonna have to save my receipts for all the new work going in and get double taxed for them. What needs to be perfect for this to pass? The existing electric seems good. The floors have some level problems. Am I about to get fucked? How long do they take to do the inspection?


Well-Known Member
Any one think I can get away with getting a permit to replace the janky porch they'll get off my back? I'll just tell them I'm not doing any other repairs inside except for painting the walls that are in there? After they do the inspection and it passes. What does the building inspector check?


Well-Known Member
He said he wasn't going to give me a stop work notice yet. I told him I'll go to city hall tomorrow. Dammit this is gonna be so damn expensive.


New Member
He said he wasn't going to give me a stop work notice yet. I told him I'll go to city hall tomorrow. Dammit this is gonna be so damn expensive.
i can help u dealt with this stuff alot
and u dont have to take out all sheetrock just on side so they can see inside wall
and sounds like u got a decent inspector most would have issued the stop work
shoot me a pm and we can get it worked out so u pass rough in inspection and occupancy permit