Building LED lights with cxb1830?


Well-Known Member
They are much cheaper than the 3590 as you can get 5 for 35 there any drawback I have not understood?
Mostly the max power input you would need more to get the same amount of light. The 3590's have a max of 150 watts where as the 1830's are maxed at 53 watts.since you want the most efficient light and the fact that you don't want to run them at their max watt to ensure longevity the 3590's can run at 50-75 watts and those 1830's you would be looking at 25 watts.


I'm a bad typist and aucorr t hates me...
Just gonna try a couple, just starting out, under t 12s right now but wanted to try a diy LED project. The 3590s seem to run over 55-60 bucks, so I thought a few of these would seem to give the same watts. I am very new so please be gentle!


Well-Known Member
I'm a bad typist and aucorr t hates me...
Just gonna try a couple, just starting out, under t 12s right now but wanted to try a diy LED project. The 3590s seem to run over 55-60 bucks, so I thought a few of these would seem to give the same watts. I am very new so please be gentle!
Just don't cheap out on lights and really look at the pros and cons.