Building my growroom.

I see what you are doing, I think. But you would have been better off building two walls maybe. Or something that concealed the doorway into your grow space. Then sealed everything with foam. then you would not have lost vertical height. . A grow tent is just a smaller space than a grow room. You have a grow room. You are just trying to conceal it a little better.
In trying to help you along right now. IF you want help. I would remove everything start over because you have a grow room or at the min a great grow space. That need to be blocked off from the rest of the house. and you want it concealed from prying eyes and It cool.
First think ventilation. how are you going to move the air in and out of the space. At least how to move the air out.
Second think how am i getting electricity to the space. Your a electrician that should be easy.
third how am i getting in and out of this space and keep it concealed while I am working.
fourth, which way to hang my lamps for optimum lighting
fifth or second how will i get water to this space without carrying buckets through the house.
sixth how many plants do i want to grow at one time
What I am trying to say is plan it and you will see it. You have the vision and path of what you want. Its just going to take some more planning and time on your part,
Hell good first effort. now make this one count
I just re-did my grow space. realized I was not getting max lighting and reflection. Been growing in that set up for years. after re-doing the lights I think I have more space for plants. Same amount of lights, same amount of space. but just repositioned lights to run 90 degrees to walls. Now I am able to fit ten nice size plants under two lamps. catching better light reflection and getting better lighting from the other lamps.
In other words some simple changes makes a world of difference
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I thought it was a joke when I seen the 3 pieces on backwards, but when I seen the time spent on insulating the joints with spray foam, i knew he was serious.

I'm sorry but this looks absolutely terrible, and you lost a bunch of vertical space. Best option at this point is to tear it all down and put up a big tent.

I have enough vertical space.
Not something he wants to hear after all that work. You couldn’t be a little nicer about it. Find something you like and compliment it

I think it’s huge. I thought it was box or tent. But this just shows it can be both!

I have already a big tent wich will be inside that room
In trying to help you along right now. IF you want help. I would remove everything start over because you have a grow room or at the min a great grow space. That need to be blocked off from the rest of the house. and you want it concealed from prying eyes and It cool.
First think ventilation. how are you going to move the air in and out of the space. At least how to move the air out.
Second think how am i getting electricity to the space. Your a electrician that should be easy.
third how am i getting in and out of this space and keep it concealed while I am working.
fourth, which way to hang my lamps for optimum lighting
fifth or second how will i get water to this space without carrying buckets through the house.
sixth how many plants do i want to grow at one time
What I am trying to say is plan it and you will see it. You have the vision and path of what you want. Its just going to take some more planning and time on your part,
Hell good first effort. now make this one count
I just re-did my grow space. realized I was not getting max lighting and reflection. Been growing in that set up for years. after re-doing the lights I think I have more space for plants. Same amount of lights, same amount of space. but just repositioned lights to run 90 degrees to walls. Now I am able to fit ten nice size plants under two lamps. catching better light reflection and getting better lighting from the other lamps.
In other words some simple changes makes a world of difference

I have 3 phase 230v ac feed. 25A head fuses. I ventilate this room and i ventilate the growtent. I have water supply and even a toilet there ":D" At the moment this might look like im a madman, but this will be good. thanks for your reply
The edited areas are kinda overkill in an empty room lol.

If I were you I would frame 2 walls with a door and stand them right to the roof. Sheetrock and paint then ventilation etc. You have the ultimate room I'm sure alot of us dont have.

I wish you the best and hope you are successful. Look at some builds on here and dont let people being dicks discourage you.

Do a little research and YouTube framing 16" on center wall to help you along. Also how to frame in a door etc. You will figure it out. Good luck!

Thanks for your reply
One more thought about this. Are you bringing air into the room with a fan and then into the tent with another fan? That’s what I’m picturing when you say double filter.

Yes separate air flows. 160mm östberg fan and carbon filter in the tent. Tent air will go to this room that im building, and then the air will be ventilated 200mm östberg and carbon filter. Thanks for your reply
Why are you putting a tent in the grow room you are building?
I see what you are doing, I think. But you would have been better off building two walls maybe. Or something that concealed the doorway into your grow space. Then sealed everything with foam. then you would not have lost vertical height. . A grow tent is just a smaller space than a grow room. You have a grow room. You are just trying to conceal it a little better.

Im not sure how insulated my room walls are, so if the smells escape, they would go trough walls etc. Insulated door would be the easy way. I dont really need more vertical space. 2.3m is enough for me.
I think what they are saying is that you didn’t need the main room if you had a tent. But I’m sure you already thought of that and there must be a reason for that.

Is there someone in the house you’re worried about? Seems like high security for your own place. Or is this strictly for the smell?
Negative Pressure keeps the smell in. You don't need double venting. One exhaust + one carbon filter = clean room.

It works because your exhaust is bigger than your intake by a bit in order to cause a situation where more air is being pulled from the room than can be easily replaced by the smaller intake. The air is only trying to enter your grow room, never leave, except through your exhaust fan. If you have a carbon filter on the exhaust, then the air will be clean when it is sent out.
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I think what they are saying is that you didn’t need the main room if you had a tent. But I’m sure you already thought of that and there must be a reason for that.

Is there someone in the house you’re worried about? Seems like high security for your own place. Or is this strictly for the smell?

Yes there is another garages behind every wall, exept the front. Usually thease garages are build cheap as they could so almost none insulation in the walls. So if the smells escape, they will penetrate the walls and im screwed.

Negative Pressure keeps the smell in. You don't need double venting. One exhaust + one carbon filter = clean room.

It works because your exhaust is bigger than your intake by a bit in order to cause a situation where more air is being pulled from the room than can be easily replaced by the smaller intake. The air is only trying to enter your grow room, never leave, except through your exhaust fan. If you have a carbon filter on the exhaust, then the air will be clean when it is sent out.

Yes i know but i will double it. Because the smells are the only way i get caught, so i will double check it. Also i wanted to built something.
You guys love to point out when people are new, very welcoming. Just because I joined yesterday doesn’t mean I haven’t been on here longer reading and learning as well bud.

You created an account here yesterday, and immediately went all Trumpy in the Politics section. You obviously disregard fact and truth, and just want the fluff so you can believe that everything is fine. Learn to take criticism like an adult.

OP made a nice attempt, but to me there are a few things wrong/questionable:

- There are no nailing edges for the drywall at the ceiling corners
- Some of the drywall is upside down
- It doesn't even appear a room inside of a room was necessary. It would have been easier to use what was there, then put up a single wall to close the area in
- Why lop off all of that headspace? Why not build right up to the ceiling?
- Why now use a tent inside of the new space?