Cookie Rider
Well-Known Member
Good effort op.
Negative air pressure and a good quality carbon filter will keep smells secret.
Negative air pressure and a good quality carbon filter will keep smells secret.
You created an account here yesterday, and immediately went all Trumpy in the Politics section. You obviously disregard fact and truth, and just want the fluff so you can believe that everything is fine. Learn to take criticism like an adult.
OP made a nice attempt, but to me there are a few things wrong/questionable:
- There are no nailing edges for the drywall at the ceiling corners
- Some of the drywall is upside down
- It doesn't even appear a room inside of a room was necessary. It would have been easier to use what was there, then put up a single wall to close the area in
- Why lop off all of that headspace? Why not build right up to the ceiling?
- Why now use a tent inside of the new space?
I mean, this dude spent easily $300-500+ on building materials for that room. If it was to make it undetectable, build ONE False wall with a lung room on the inside for tools, nutes, shelves, cloning, electrical, etc... sorry to tell you buddy but you went way overboard and didn’t think this out enough
Those garage walls are not so air tight so the smells could escape to other garages etc. One false wall wouldnt work enough. I want to be sure
I work in the building industry, through design, build, and consultation.... trust me when I say this, as long as you have proper air ventilation (which you will need to do with this room too), you wouldnt have any smell issue. your garage would've been fine. I'm just saying, you couldve gotten a much better grow room with the space you had for hundreds of dollars less and with a lot less time / alterations.Those garage walls are not so air tight so the smells could escape to other garages etc. One false wall wouldnt work enough. I want to be sure
dont get me wrong, you did a good job building it. It's well made......
Use the hate as fuel to make the room even better.- Does not have to be
- I know, but it does not matter, the walls are completely airproof.
- it is and it isnt necessary. Also i wanted to build something.
- it is built right up ceiling, theres about 10cm space left before lights
-read above
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It is ugly as fuck but it does not matter not a beauty contest. Iam really amazed of how you guys slam this to ground for a so little things. 'nice try' 'tear it apart' etc.
Use the hate as fuel to make the room even better.
You renting a space somewhere just to grow or something? My grow site better have a damn toilet, its at my house lol!I have 3 phase 230v ac feed. 25A head fuses. I ventilate this room and i ventilate the growtent. I have water supply and even a toilet there "" At the moment this might look like im a madman, but this will be good. thanks for your reply
Cant do that will get caught. Thats why i will double ventilate the smells from the plant. Two separate rooms.
Yes there is another garages behind every wall, exept the front. Usually thease garages are build cheap as they could so almost none insulation in the walls. So if the smells escape, they will penetrate the walls and im screwed.