Bull Investigation --- 'Sham'

LOL. Let the crying begin.

But, in all seriousness, Kavanaugh cannot be confirmed. I know this because @schuylaar proclaimed just yesterday: "it's over! heidi heitcamp is a 'no' vote..they don't have the votes..mcconnell and grassley are having a press covfefe right now with tears.."

Way to hold the line Heidi! Now go collect unemployment. Schuylaar loves the way you single-handledly blocked the Kavanaugh nomination lol.

Heidi. 'no' lol.
Here's my take, the FBI is a political sellout organization and has been for years. So no surprise that their investigation is a bust. I still think it is a mistake for repubs to confirm Kavanaugh, but looks like they will. A short term win for Trump that will have longer term political implications. I'm not sure this will fire up the dem base any more than they already are, but I could see the repub political engagement level dropping after he is confirmed. So good chance the repubs lose the congress and this will lead to all sorts of soap opera drama, which I dearly love. Dems will keep investigating Kavanaugh for impeachment proceedings so Kav may not have a lifetime appointment, I actually think repub senators would flip on him if Ford's story is corroborated and congress impeaches.

Both sides were hysterical in creating storylines to hide the fact that the dems were stalling and the repubs needed to fill the seat before midterms. Brilliant politics by the dems to delay as long as they did, and their lack of concern for Dr. Ford's welfare was breathtaking. Dr. Ford loses some credibility for not making her only source of half-assed corroboration available to the judiciary panel, but hard to flat out call her a liar. Glad this was high school shit and nobody was actually raped, but I do feel for her being scared to death.
You have repeatedly called her a liar you two faced sack of shit
LOL. Let the crying begin.

But, in all seriousness, Kavanaugh cannot be confirmed. I know this because @schuylaar proclaimed just yesterday: "it's over! heidi heitcamp is a 'no' vote..they don't have the votes..mcconnell and grassley are having a press covfefe right now with tears.."

Way to hold the line Heidi! Now go collect unemployment. Schuylaar loves the way you single-handledly blocked the Kavanaugh nomination lol.

Heidi. 'no' lol.
You need to relax, stinky
Right and the Clintons were in the front row of Trumps wedding.
LOL. Let the crying begin.

But, in all seriousness, Kavanaugh cannot be confirmed. I know this because @schuylaar proclaimed just yesterday: "it's over! heidi heitcamp is a 'no' vote..they don't have the votes..mcconnell and grassley are having a press covfefe right now with tears.."

Way to hold the line Heidi! Now go collect unemployment. Schuylaar loves the way you single-handledly blocked the Kavanaugh nomination lol.

Heidi. 'no' lol.

they didn't have the votes atm of my post.
The fallout from this will be far worse than the people who paid for it thought. Watch their faces, what I see is dread. They know they are screwing up and are doing it anyways. It'll be interesting to see how badly this all ends. "May you live in interesting times" Whoever cursed us with that is a jerk.
Once again I say the USA is the most morally bankrupt society on the planet.

You need not look farther then your president.

Politics before principle.

Shame on you.

Yes, it’s going to be interesting to see where this one ends.
Really? That would necessarily require you to know how certain Senators would vote . . . before they announced how they would vote. That's a pretty neat trick. You some kind of mind reader?:dunce:

If, on the other hand, you simply proclaimed: "Heidi is a no. We'll have to wait and see how certain other Senators will vote to understand if there's any significance to that" . . . you wouldn't look like a complete babbling fool. But instead, you said "it's over!"
However, at the moment of your post, it was nowhere close to being over. Odd you can't comprehend that for such a prolific poster in a politics forum constantly making redundant threads. "It's over" is an absolute statement, which leaves no room for any other possibility. That makes you a friggin' idiot.:dunce:

figures it was a man that needed to WAIT for a woman before he had the BALLS to vote.

mitch the bitch still didn't have the votes.
Yeah I got the info wrong. Only Hillary attended the wedding in the front row. But was later joined by Bill at the reception.. anyway prove it false!
Which fake conspiracy theory are you referring to?

Deep state
Protocols of Zion
Lizard people (a variant of Illuminati)
New World Order

Did I miss one?