Bushcrafting, the weed addition: Bugout patch

I got out yesterday afternoon and dug three holes around the downed tree above. I used five gallons of a recently made soil mix {which I do not have the notes on in my hands at this time} between the three of them, with a cup and a half of 13-13-13 added to each hole.

Once again I backpacked the soil and fertilizer in. I found out 15 minutes is as long as my shoulders can take at a time.


I dug the holes pretty big. I left my shovel and the 13-13-13 in the woods. {I gave out of time before I had used up the fertilizer} But when I get it back I will do some measuring, then math and see how many gallons my holes are.


I didn't attempt the other Crazy Eddy hole. Too many Sunday afternoon flyers in the sky to get out in the open. I did start on two other 13-13-13 holes near where I was going to put it. It was too close to game time to get them done, so I left the bags of fertilizer and the shovel for another day.
There was a sunny spot I had seen on GM that I hadn't planned on using because one of my cousins lives just across the road from there. Talking to my Mamma, I found out he had got a promotion and had moved to another town. So I hiked in today with 5 gallons of soil mix and a couple gallons of 13-13-13.

I had already dug 6 holes on this land, with patches of 4 and 2 holes. I have been calling them {collectively} WC or KP. The sunny spot where I went today is a little ways to the west of the 2 hole patch. When I got there, I saw it was the old homestead of my great grandfather, and it was grown up in vines big time. {My Mamma's Mamma's Daddy} He died in 1935, and the old lighterd {fat-wood to you non-southern folks} house burned down a few years after that. I went by Mamma's after I got the holes dug, and got her to talking about her grandfather. If I have time, I will tell some of the stories over in inspired art.

This was the 1st hole, and the easiest to dig. I did three holes with the 5 gallons of soil mix, adding a cup of 13-13-13 per hole. Vines like this will pull down any young trees trying to grow in them. I cut a lot of vines, but when I bring in the plants, I will have to cut a whole lot more. Also did one hole with 3 cups of 13-13-13 here.


On the way out, I added a 3 cup 13-13-13 hole to each of the other two patches. If my math {and memory is right} that is 12 holes on this land.
As much as I was bragging on holes dug at the base of downed trees, there is one big drawback. Roots. Lots and lots of roots. Yesterday I gave up on this one and decided I am going to plant around it. Having room to use the saw on all the roots was a big reason why I dug the hole as big as I did. {note to self. Think I will call this patch DW or DDW}

I had several nice pictures of my new weedcrafting tools, but my laptop {or SDcard} ate most of them. My old shovel had a cracked handle from too many roots, so I bought a really nice one this week. Also got a folding saw, garden shears and a pair of micro nippers for topping. Plus a $4.00 tarp that I cut a 32" circle in the center of.

Yesterday I used the new shovel {with a fresh coat of green paint} to dig 3 holes near my Slo patch. Each hole had 1/3 bucket of the latest soil mix, 3 cups 13-13-13 and 1 1/2 cups 15-0-15.

Today I dug 3 holes where I had left my short handled shovel the other day. They had 3 cups 13-13-13 and 1 1/2 cups of 15-0-15 per hole. One of the holes was dug around this old stump hole. Easy digging for once. And I had to dig it big in order to fill in the hole.


I decided against the Crazy Eddy hole. It was just too far out in the open for me. Instead I dug a slightly Eccentric Edward hole with 4 cups 13-13-13 and 1 1/2 cups 15-0-15. It is in a clearing, so will get good light, just not from all sides. The hole is in the edge of the sunlight. My shovel is there, you just can't see it through the brush.

Here is the tarp in action. Since I'm on par with a PGA event {yes, I have 72 holes dug already}, this will be my last digging for the year. I hope to find a poncho at an Army/Navy surplus store by this time next year. The cheap tarp will not hold up to much use. Plus it is so light the wind will blow it around. I put a few sticks on the corners until I had some dirt piled up on it.

I need to get this down before I forget what is where. I did a rough list on scratch paper and it didn't add up. I will start a grow journal later, and move all this as needed.

From north to south.

Ale 4
Alw 4

Kpe 5
Kpm 3
Kpw 4

Bp 3

Gb 3
Lp 3

Ll 3
Cp 4 {These 7 holes might not get used. The activity level on the land has picked up the last couple of weeks. I will wait to decide how much risk I can tolerate. If it slows down, I will try it}

3dt 5
Ce 1
Dw 3
See 1
Jp 3

Sol 3
Gv 4
Sloe 3
Slow 4

Whe 3
Whw 3
Hr 3

It adds up to 72 this time. So now I just have to wait.

Speaking of waiting, or the lack there of, the other day when I was putting Sidetracked: seeds away in storage, I grabbed a package of old seeds at random. They were from three ounces bought in November and December 2004 and January 2005. That was just about when I stopped smoking, so these are the newest of the old seeds. They were labeled BSP. We used to have a funny name for the dealer, it was Brenda's {Something starting with an s} Posse. So the name was from her crazy ass family, not the weed. But I did keep the seeds, so it must have been pretty good. It was local, but I don't know who the grower was. There were about 25 good looking seeds from 3 ounces. I planted 20 of them on Wednesday. If they do sprout, I will put them in the Kp or Al patches, far away from everything else. If the tops throw me for a loop, I'll breed with it.
I dug another hole in the Slo patch this afternoon. It was 5 gallons of the last soil mix plus 1 1/2 cup each of 13-13-13 and 15-0-15. I haven't done the math, but I would guess it's a 100 gallon hole. And the 8 holes are so close together I'm not going to call them Sloe and Slow, but just Slo.

This morning I worked on my trees. I have Red Cedar and two kinds of palm that I grow from seeds. They are great camo for the young plants. I try not to keep but about six plants at a time at my home garden. As soon as they get a couple weeks old, I move them out to the holes where they will be transplanted, and start some more.

Today I started six of my CP1 seeds. {also put three kinds of the old seeds in wet paper towels, but last summer didn't have any sprouts off of them. They were 21, PPE and more of BSP. The PPE was my old Purple People Eater strain. Would love to get one of those beans to pop. I have no idea what the 21 strain is. Maybe I should have taken better notes}

I forgot to mention my new addition to the garden. I have more pepper and tomato plants inside under the lights than I have room for, so I dug a hole in the ground and covered it with a couple of old shower doors. We had a spotty frost this morning, but I'm thinking there won't be too many more of them. If any of you try this, remember to leave a gap on warm sunny days. It will burn the plants up in a hurry if you leave it completely covered.

I forgot to mention my new addition to the garden. I have more pepper and tomato plants inside under the lights than I have room for, so I dug a hole in the ground and covered it with a couple of old shower doors. We had a spotty frost this morning, but I'm thinking there won't be too many more of them. If any of you try this, remember to leave a gap on warm sunny days. It will burn the plants up in a hurry if you leave it completely covered.

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Great idea for overwintering chilli plants id say