Bushcrafting, the weed addition: Bugout patch

Looks to me like someone was shaking out some meth.
Remember that old Shake and Bake ad? And we heeelped.

We've got it bad enough down, but I hope that's just 65 years of swamp gunk. My Granddaddy did a year and a day in the state pen in the early 50's for untaxed whiskey. When that happened Daddy moved down south to find work. No one ever made any more whiskey down there after that.
I forgot to mention I put 12 Slo2 and 9 Slo3 seeds in wet paper towels on Wednesday. This morning I put them in cups. 9 and 6 of them were popped. There is a chance of frost tonight, so I put them in my subterranean greenhouse. {in the white cups}


Hell Bitch {cat} got in there and knocked over the CP1 sprouts, so I sunk everything in the dirt to keep that from happening again.

I can't say much more but to say the whiskey made down the road from my area was famous for the quality of the moonshine and was asked for by name in Chicago. The area in question has huge underground deposits of limestone situated between two major rivers and produce underground spring water like none other friends. Shits that good and besides knowledge and recipe, the water quality is the great equalizer.
I can't say much more but to say the whiskey made down the road from my area was famous for the quality of the moonshine and was asked for by name in Chicago. The area in question has huge underground deposits of limestone situated between two major rivers and produce underground spring water like none other friends. Shits that good and besides knowledge and recipe, the water quality is the great equalizer.

There is a lot of limestone in my area too. We don't have a spring, but there is still a pipe from a shallow well nearby. As far as recipe, I was surprised to learn they added chicken scratch feed to the mix instead of going with straight corn. I guess the rye and other grains made it taste different.
Moonshiners and pot growers have a lot in common.
The two substances do not .
So true. I used to get into it with my Mamma about my growing vs her whiskey peddling. I tried to show her where her drug was the one that did the most damage, but you know how old folks are. She didn't want to admit the whiskey they made ever did any harm. In her old age {she's 88} she has mellowed some. She said if our state does go medical she will try it. But she said no to me growing one in her garden. I tried to tell her she would never go to jail for it, but she said that even one night was more than she could risk.
Awhile back I mentioned possible land use changes affecting my planting. It has happened. My LL patch is damn near to a newly cleared fence row. I don't know if they saw the trench or not, but I can't use it now. Also the CP and Crazy Eddy patches are in doubt at this point. I may go in late in the year, but I have a feeling I just wasted time and money on those 8 holes. That is why you don't put all your eggs in one basket.
16 of the Slo2 and Slo3 seeds are above ground and doing well, with 4 yet to sprout {as of yesterday before dark when I last looked at them} and 1 that got uncovered too soon and the sun fried.


I moved the 5 CP1 plants. I like to sink them level with the ground. This helps with water retention and animals don't turn them over. But the biggest thing is the camo. When done right, I have trouble finding them myself.


I use some of the dirt dug out to fill in around the sides, then add a little cover. In this case dried grass. I like doing this in a briar patch, but weeds will do if no briars are available. The weeds in this spot are just above the ground now. I hope they grow as fast as the plants do.

I gifted my BIL the six WH holes. He works so many hours, plus he's having back problems right now, so I figured he could use a hand. He's just now getting around to smoking the samples I gave him back at harvest time. He's going to run his own seeds though, so I'm getting back all the seeds I gave him. I'm excited about that.

Since I was 6 holes short, I went out and dug 6 more in a scrub oak woods I grew in 25 years ago. There is plenty of sun, but not much good green ground cover. I worry about the adjacent land owner seeing the patches, so I stuck pretty much to the middle of the 40 acres. I used 1 1/2 cups of my 14-6.5-14 {with lime and Epson salts} and 1 1/2 cups of 13-7-13 time release plant food. {except for the last one, which was 3 cups 14-6.5-14 because I didn't bring enough of the time release with me}

I had to walk across an open area to get to the woods, so I carried a small back pack with the folding shovel. The ground was really soft, so I got pretty good holes dug, considering. I cut one 15-20' oak tree for better sun. Looking at GM, there is several more places I could plant in this woods, but I think I'll stop at 6. Most likely I will use some of the Slo2 and Slo3 here.

Edit: I'm calling these patches GN.