Buying from strangers?


Well-Known Member
Years back I took a family vacation to key west florida. One night as I was walking down the sidewalk I saw a rasta man playing a funky jam on a big drum. He had a bucket full of money from pan-handling or performing or whatever he was doing. I dropped a dollar into his bucket and he said "thanks mon!" I asked him if he knew where I could get any of "this" as I pointed to my shirt with a pot leaf on it. He delightfully replied "oh the ganja! ye you want 10 or 20 dollar bag?" I kindly replied "20 please," and then he told me to "stand by that red fire hydrant."

The streets were packed with pedestrian traffic and people were walking right past us as he smoothly quit drumming and got up. To my surprise the tourist took zero notice in the rasta man walking over to a nearby granite column holding up the building we were in front of and placing two fat 10 bags in a paper towel on the ledge of it.

He walked the same way back to his drum all casual. Then I casually walked over to where he put them and swapped the bags with the money inside the paper towel. I went to stand back at the red fire hydrant and he got up once more, took the money and told me "thanks" and "take care, mon."

That was cool as fuck.

Anyone got any similar stories?


Well-Known Member
Hooking up from strangers was the name of the game back in the 80's

There was this gas station in Detroit that sold bud but only to the black dudes that lived in the area. Soooo, what do U think 2 desperate white dudes did to score, yep, ask hip looking black thugs if they get us some bud--either at the gas station or where ever they could. Most times they would come back with some weed for us but not always. We would just hand a $20 bill over and pray they comeback with something good

Oh the "good old days", so much fun I miss out on today, ha ha


Well-Known Member
In 1980 I was 16 and my grandparents had a 50th anniversary cruise thing from Ft Lauderdale to some islands. In Nassau I gave $100 to a friendly guy for a nice bag or oregano. That night we smoked some weed my brother scored off another dude. It think it was laced with PCP or something. It was a terribly unpleasant high.
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Well-Known Member
Well let me tell you a little story that happened to myself and a couple of close friends many years was the early eighties and someone told us that you could buy anything you wanted at a particular area in the Raleigh, Durham ,Chapel Hill area so we went to investigate we drove around until we found this Paradise in a low rent area that was straight out of the series The Wire......we watched in utter ecstasy as the customers lined both sides of the street
buying what ever they could afford . With no law enforcement in sight it was like a damn festival. We eventually saw enough and made our way down the street and placed our order coke and money exchanged hands until we were satisfied that we had been treated fairly.........we quickly took leave of the area and returned to our headquarters sampling our purchase the whole drive back. We were all quite pleased after several hours of intense partaking we quickly realized that we were gonna run out before our desire after taking up another collection of dead presidents we returned to the happiest place in the world to us anyway.......this time things were a little different...we placed our order again and this time we were hurried out of the area before we sampled the merchandise. No big deal we quickly drove back to headquarters and made our way into party central and started to divide everything up fairly but quickly realized that we had been took. A plan was hastily put together and away we went. This time we took another car and we switched up the occupants. Not to be blatantly racist we stuck out like 4 big white sorethumbs.......after casing out everything for a period of time we decided upon a course of action and quickly moved into position and swiftly took possession of our target........he never knew what happened until he was in the backseat of the oldsmobile but by that time he was ours.......we hauled his ass out to the middle of nowhere smacked him around a bit took all his money his clothes and his drugs and thourghly scared the shit out of him.........the last we saw of him he was running like Carl Lewis through the weeds while we were shooting over his head the whole time laughing like shit. The moral of the story. Don't rip people off


Well-Known Member
Years back I took a family vacation to key west florida. One night as I was walking down the sidewalk I saw a rasta man playing a funky jam on a big drum. He had a bucket full of money from pan-handling or performing or whatever he was doing. I dropped a dollar into his bucket and he said "thanks mon!" I asked him if he knew where I could get any of "this" as I pointed to my shirt with a pot leaf on it. He delightfully replied "oh the ganja! ye you want 10 or 20 dollar bag?" I kindly replied "20 please," and then he told me to "stand by that red fire hydrant."

The streets were packed with pedestrian traffic and people were walking right past us as he smoothly quit drumming and got up. To my surprise the tourist took zero notice in the rasta man walking over to a nearby granite column holding up the building we were in front of and placing two fat 10 bags in a paper towel on the ledge of it.

He walked the same way back to his drum all casual. Then I casually walked over to where he put them and swapped the bags with the money inside the paper towel. I went to stand back at the red fire hydrant and he got up once more, took the money and told me "thanks" and "take care, mon."

That was cool as fuck.

Anyone got any similar stories?
I stood by a fire hydrant and a dog came up and peed on it. I like your story better.


Well-Known Member
When we where 16 and just got our drivers license we used to drive down to the hood and buy dime bags and dubs of reggie all the time. We where lucky we never got robbed. Ended up meeting a connect down there that used to hook us up with ozs for $80. All that changed a year later when I met the older brother of a girl I had a huge crush on and went to highschool with at the time that had top shelf headies.


Well-Known Member
Also went to the Dominican Republic with my family when I was 18 and the first person I asked (a friendly younger bar tender at the resort) ended up hooking me up with herb the entire stay. The first time I bought from him I came back and gave him a joint for free for helping me out. Came back later that night to get a drink and him and the other bartender where absolutely blazed singing songs in Spanish at the bar laughing and having a good time.


Well-Known Member
There was a pub in the town I used to hang out in, the name of which I won't divulge.
It was the local Rastafarian's drinking hole, you could easily smell the skunk from the other side of the road. Blatantly.

For years, it was thought to be a no go zone, especially for white boyz like us. We knew one lad who'd go in for us. He'd hang around in the car park out the back cos he was underage but his cousin drank in there.
Anyway, we wanted to score once and he wasn't around. It was daytime and quiet so we went in and bought a pint of Guinness.
Turns out these chaps were very open to new custom. There was hash, weed or skunk to be had and there was no problem with sitting and smoking it openly at your table. Fourth time we went in we were laid on an ounce of hash for week.

We frequented said pub often after that. It was literally like an Amsterdam Coffee shop, only with booze as well.


Well-Known Member
I almost pulled out a sword I used to carry when walking to and from my late job last year.

Some cracked out guy on a bike signaled me and yelled at me about buying "dank dope purp" behind a walgreens. lol. I knew he was gonna try to rob me as he first approached me asking if I seen anyone...literally the word "anyone"

likewise thereafter he began saying he has drugs n shit and weed in his black backpack. No doubt if I was some high school kid he would have gotten the money, pushed the kid down and hustle on his bike the fuck outta there.

it actually pisses me off when people offer me to buy shit. Go ahead, advertise yourself...

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
Back in early 2001 I was in the country Panama at a strip club. Our "tour guide/cab driver" Jamaican Mike tells us he can score some ecstasy. We give him $80 and he comes back with about 5 grams of the purest bestest cocaine we've ever seen, says they were out of ecstasy but he didn't want to come back empty. We party like rock stars with the most beautiful strippers in the world that night.

Then we bought 2oz of the same coke and brought it home with us. I cut up and sold enough to put a good down payment on my first brand new truck. I was only 19yo and in the military having the time of my life, and then 9/11 happened and shit hit the fan, fuck war.