Buying seeds online? BEWARE... somthing you might want to read


Well-Known Member
No, your missing the point. You gave us some 'facts' and we interpreted the information using common knowledge and realized this is BS. If he does smoke he was probably high and figured youd run on here and tell people this so thought it'd give him a laugh.

Also you can stop defending yourself saying how you don't care if we believe you or not and were all fucking retards because it really just makes you look worse.


Well-Known Member
Its ALWAYS a great idea to have your seeds delivered to either a post box or a friends place were no one is going to grow anything..... I have never had seeds delivered to where I grow....and I would recommend that it always pays to be very careful and secretive when doing any thing illegal.....that way even if "they" change their tactics you will still be safe


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info man. I'm not paranoid about it even after hearing that but good lookin out. They don't have enough resources to pop every order coming from Nirvana. If it is true I'm sure they pick the ones that have the most or that are the most reoccuring. I don't know what entrapment means but whatever lol. Maybe you don't either but who cares you were just lookin out cause you thought it could help someone. Screw the haters..
I have seen alot of stories where the Highway Patrol and the local sherriffs dept gets involved when someones package gets caught at customs. They get warrants for trafficking then search the persons home.. Usually ends up very bad. Just do some searching on the subject.


New Member
So what if you order the seeds but sit on them.....what kind of trouble are you going to get in with the FBI for 10 seeds.


Well-Known Member
So what if you order the seeds but sit on them.....what kind of trouble are you going to get in for 10 seeds.
I'm pretty sure if you didn't have anything growing in the house you had'em shipped to you would be fine. Maybe a misdameanor possession charge?
how safe are these seedbanks anyway? I only can get local strains unless i go to a seedbank. My question is what are the chances of them getting through customs? Anyone got any tips for oredering online? Please share :)


Well-Known Member
Yep, I am a douche. But this bullshit thread is a total DOUCHE. Complete bullshit. A friend of a friend of a friend that is a FBI agent that smokes dope wih my family. We are all douches for even giving this thread an ounce of credibility.


Well-Known Member
how safe are these seedbanks anyway? I only can get local strains unless i go to a seedbank. My question is what are the chances of them getting through customs? Anyone got any tips for oredering online? Please share :)
They are cool. Seeds in the mailbox. No worries.


Well-Known Member
if your package passes customs without a note, or if its unopened when it arrives to your should you still be paranoid? if it got opened and confiscated then id be concerned...


first off dont you think they would drug test members of the FBI frequently. Second of all i believe yes if u order a mass amount of seeds there is a greater chance the packeage will be stopped at customs cuz the more u have the less stealthy it is. And do you really think it is worth it to the government to stake out your house for ten seeds it costs them money to do that and they would probably rather spend their time busting bigger grow ops. The most i ever heard happening to someone is they get a letter saying there package was stopped by customs for illegal substances and can not be delivered


Well-Known Member
if your package passes customs without a note, or if its unopened when it arrives to your should you still be paranoid? if it got opened and confiscated then id be concerned...
Even if you're a licensed marijuana should never think you're outta the clear. Just be extremely careful! Don't be concerned...just know the consequences of your actions. =D


Well-Known Member
I didnt go to Amsterdam to get these.
Ok? So now that you have them in your're in the clear? All i'm saying is no one is really safe...not even if you're licensed . All you can do is be careful and be aware of the consequences that may lie in the future.


Well-Known Member
if your package passes customs without a note, or if its unopened when it arrives to your should you still be paranoid? if it got opened and confiscated then id be concerned...
If they get nabbed you get a little note. Package seized by customs. Claim your package here. (something like that) If you get a note. Never respond. One of those rare cases you can self-incriminate. I have never had an issue.