Buying weed on craigslist

I wouldnt buy off of cl simply because the quality is crap, but the same goes for dispensaries. As far as the legalities, there is nothing illegal about buying it. Conspiracy? Yea sure, show the last time someone got convicted for conspiracy for buying an eighth ounce of weed even when it was illegal. The guy trying to scare the shit out of people me thinks has some connection with a dispensary.
Actually it is illegal to buy or sell unless you have a red card to buy or a dispensary license to sell. The guy who got busted recently for selling 3 1/2 ounces on CL was just one of many that have had a very bad day. It is legal to have an ounce if you are over 21, but the law is clear about no money changing hands. Stupid, yes. Illegal to get it from a CL seller, yes. Illegal to sell it on CL, yes. Only dispensaries and red card holders can conduct business, oh, and licensed growers. Bottom line: every transaction is taxed.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it is illegal. Lots of people get away with it, but every so often a bust happens, maybe when the cops need something to do. I want an end to these stupid laws and the prohibition.:peace:
Sir, thanks for that!

The guy trying to scare the shit out of people me thinks has some connection with a dispensary.

If you're taking about me, I wish! I'd love to work in the industry! Getting paid to play with weed all day sounds fabulous! I just don't want to see folks going to jail because something they read on a forum was incorrect. Better to be safe than sorry!

What if someone were to give weed away for free on CL, and when you meet up you give him "gas money". No card needed.... sound legit?
Better talk to a lawyer, those details are still being worked out. I recently read a new story quote from a police chief saying the whole donation thing was illegal.
so what is a pot smoker to do then? I just moved here about a week ago.... my stash that I brought with me ran out a few days ago and i'm in need of some flowers. I only know one dude who would be able to connect me with it and he is MIA. I don't have a card obviously. Apparently I can get arrested or f***in robbed for using craigslist :shock:. I tried to hit up another online cannibus community/classifieds and got slapped with the "spend a few months getting in with the community... nobody wants to sell weed to a n00b."
Jesus Christ.... so much for legalization. I just wanna puff some ganj, keep my freedom, keep my life and not get robbed!! lol is that so wrong??

I don't have a green thumb... i just wanna toke, man. Didn't really have any quarrels with purchasing from craigslist until i found this thread.
all I got to say is these 150 dollar zips running around the disps are bullshit.
I've found better shit on craigslist. haven't bought weed for several years of course.
Wax I used to get off craigs was hit and miss, sometimes it was the bomb and dirt cheap, sometimes it may as well just have been dirt.
My kid just bought a 75 dollar half at some place, I warned him but truthfully I have nothing for him.
This shit won't happen again!
Although I never strayed from having a redcard about 5 percent of the people actually want to see it, since you show them you're they gotta show you there's right?
And with a little photographic memory you just got the address of possibly their grow.That would be enough to make someone paranoid.
oh I'm repeating my post (sorta) sorry.
New to CO as well. If I pursue CL, what do I need to look for- specifically when buying a clone? I am not a red card holder and at this point don't really see a need as things will be changing in the next few months. I don't care to purchase produce- I have always been a big indoor grower of many other plants, and I have honestly taken a true interest in growing marijuana. Any recommendations?
Tarmac - my recommendation is to start from seed rather than clones from CL. Those clones may have hitchhikers that will be a bitch to get rid of. If you start from seed your odds of a clean, happy room full of plants are much higher.
All of my buddies interactions on CL have been positive. From flowers to clones. And one of those was with the aforementioned guy that supposedly robbed someone. FWIW.
Avoid cl. Avoid clones they bring bugs, spores, possibly virus (hmv / tmv). Legal states are a breeding ground for these things as knuckle heads keep passing the shit around.
ive bought ounces off of guys off craiglslist before more than once. ive bought clones multiple times and bought plants that were half way thru flower...that was the most sketch being in a strangers house buying halfway flowered plants because the guy was "moving" all in all i think CL is great, its worked for me, just be aware
When I first moved here before I got my medical card, I found a guy on craigslist that delivered. This was a few months ago, but just checked to see if he was still advertising and hes still out there. Had good quality and cheap prices. Even gave a few prerolls with each deliver.

I haven't dealt with him since I got my card. But if you dont have a card I wouldn't be worried about craigslist as long as you are careful. I doubt cops are setting up stings to bust people purchasing. They maybe want to go after the sellers, but the guy I bought from is still advertising multiple times a day on craigslist for 4 months, so I doubt they're even putting much effort in to that either.

I also bought 6 mango plants from another guy. The plants have been great. Flowered 5 of them and have another batch going now that I took cuttings off the 6th one which I kept for a mother.

I'd be more concerned about being robbed. But if you keep the amount you're buying small for your first time dealing with someone, I think you'll be ok. Meet in public during the day.

Basically just treat it like you would if you were buying anything off craigslist and you'll be ok.
I've bought clones off CL here in the Springs. Nothing but Fire! I did buy some bud twice from CL, 1st time was awesome, 2nd, not so much. Don't need to worry about that anymore though, running some SinCity seeds I picked up at the Cup in Denver this April.
Theres some dude on craigslist who goes by joe 719 243 7557 my homie jesse said that that dude I guess pulled out a gun and robbed him for $345 dollars which he was gonna use to buy the bud from ill never fuck with anyone off of their thank god I got my REDDIE.
That's crazy to read this. I bought off of Joe multiple times off of Craigslist before I got my red card. Crazy world, be careful people!
I would never buy weed off of Craigslist.
Quality is unknown...
Has it been treated with chemical sprays ?
Has it been flushed ?
Was it diseased ? PM, Bud Mold etc.
Is it cured properly ?
Are you going to get ripped off or even hurt ?

Of course I have not bought weed in 5 years either. I'm too anal regarding quality,taste, smoothness and being organically grown and well flushed and cured weed.
To get around this I just grow my own.
Cost me 10 bucks an ounce to grow...why buy?

I like your thinking, the problem, dispensaries and "rec" shops do all the same shit, chem nutes, unflushed, mold, flash dry, etc. There are a select few, like CAM, that are worth buying from, and are worth the $300oz med price imo(time is money so it works out to being worth it for me). However my most recent homegrown efforts are ON THE FUCKING LEVEL, lol, so I'm starting to come around to the homegrower's POV.
Actually it is illegal to buy or sell unless you have a red card to buy or a dispensary license to sell. The guy who got busted recently for selling 3 1/2 ounces on CL was just one of many that have had a very bad day. It is legal to have an ounce if you are over 21, but the law is clear about no money changing hands. Stupid, yes. Illegal to get it from a CL seller, yes. Illegal to sell it on CL, yes. Only dispensaries and red card holders can conduct business, oh, and licensed growers. Bottom line: every transaction is taxed.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it is illegal. Lots of people get away with it, but every so often a bust happens, maybe when the cops need something to do. I want an end to these stupid laws and the prohibition.:peace:

Lol, i just noticed how old this thread is.

If its all the same, could someone answer this for me. I have a card, but am not a caregiver(yet). Can I outright sell my bud(or cuts, or edibles, or whatever) to other card holders? Not that I want too, just curious.

PS> I bought off CL a few times before seeing the doc, both flowers and bho. I'll NEVER do it again, the bullshit they sell is worse than the cheap ass shit you can get at wall-mart dispensaries like TGS. Also, better believe I had the .380 at the ready and only met them in public places.
Lol, i just noticed how old this thread is.
Can I outright sell my bud(or cuts, or edibles, or whatever) to other card holders? Not that I want too, just curious.

you may not. not even as a caregiver to a patient of your own or otherwise. unfortunately any type of cottage / home seller type business is strictly forbidden.

i've been here long enough to not look at craigslist for weed but i bet it would be weird to meet someone in a parking lot somewhere and have to tell them that their weed wasnt as good as they claimed it was on craigslist. which is pretty much the only outcome i could envision, lol.
Lakewood Police bust people off Craigslist all the time. I have a friend in the force, it is the same unit that does prostitution busts.