Buying weed on craigslist

If you think about it, you'd have to be a total dumb-ass to put yourself in a pos of getting busted for selling or buying on CL. If you are going to do, which I in no way recommend or endorse, the trick is to get the other person to be explicit about what is happening, that way it's entrapment if they are the pathetic doughnut jockeys.

So sad that they bother with this shit, I guess they need something to distract the sheep from all the unsolved violent crimes.
This thread again?
I dunno how craigs rolls nowadays but back in the day when dispensaries were selling grams of wax/oil for 50-70 dollars I could get just as good shit off craigs from most of the time friendly people that were just out to make some of their investment back at 20 per gram for some decent ass wax.
If you're a little sheep craigslist might not be for you , if you at least THINK you can hold your own and you won't have it if anyone fucks with you it should be fine to BUY off craigs.
Selling I would have no part of but buying shouldn't be a problem. Then once you get to know someone there will be no more searching craigs and you can put your paranoia away.
I just came to this section looking for some shiny new 303 gear, maybe I should check craigs.