Cali Connection store, took my money & no seeds !!

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So you have no control over your site? Hackers just put paypal/credit card options for people to click on and there's nothing you can do, but sit back and let customers use it?
LOL, ya... he too busy spending peoples money to notice whats going down on his site :)
Have a 6 pack of headband 818. Came with 7 seeds, two of which are totally immature, and 5 very small seeds. Have all my rp og #18 pop but still waiting for my headband's to pop. Nothing yet :-/. Will not buy cc seeds again
^^^^^^^^^^^^ this is BULLSHIT!!! All that happend is a girl posted a video up of herself and Swerve.. It went viral.. NO one was busted. Why even spread crap like this around.
Might be bullshit, might not.

Either way I'd rather ppl have access to the info and be warned if it's true.
I'll be ordering from SOS now just in case.
^^^^^^^^^^^^ this is BULLSHIT!!! All that happend is a girl posted a video up of herself and Swerve.. It went viral.. NO one was busted. Why even spread crap like this around.

Funny, swerve himself posted about getting busted on his FB page before he deleted his FB account and on a thread here.

Get off you high horse, maybe if you read what Swerve himself posted you wouldn't be so quick to defend him and attack me.
I don't give a rats ass if it angers you, if tge info is correct I did what I had to do and shared it.
Funny, swerve himself posted about getting busted on his FB page before he deleted his FB account and on a thread here.

Get off you high horse, maybe if you read what Swerve himself posted you wouldn't be so quick to defend him and attack me.
I don't give a rats ass if it angers you, if tge info is correct I did what I had to do and shared it.

Swerve never seemed all that bright to me really.
i'm not trying to attack you. I'm just stating it's not fact. And yes I read Swerves FB nad post here. And we have heard from him.
One Swerve doesn't deal with the TUDE, his rep does. He has the same rep as many seed companies, and I doubt the rep is going to roll on anyone. A
ttitude is completely legal in the UK.. you can sell all the seeds you want, but you can't germ them.
Raskal isn't even in Amstardam, he's in the states.

If the persn who did the first post stated: Swerve is fighting with some girl cause she posted a sex vid of him and then she called the cops on him... then it would be fine.

seriously , the truth is strange enough with out the added BS.
OH shit.... better than TV. Not that its any of our business what the fuck Swerve does, but this shit just keeps getting deeper. If I was Swerve I'd be pissed right now, reading this shit. What does anything he does other than breed seeds have a damn thing to do with any of you? I don't know how he attracts the drama but some of the shit people say about him is complete bullshit even if it is true. Send these guys some of those auto flowering hermies from a while back just for talking shit about your personal life. Keeps throwin stones and see what some idiot ends up showing about you someday!
i deleted that other thread as it was a cluster fuck from the get go, and then it went down hill from there.. swerve has no control over me nor my actions, but i will continue to delete bs as i see fit..

thanks for the accurate info ms rare dankness, you're a true gent.. :D
c'mon guys were back to deleting posts again? i can understand not letting RIU get involved in some sort of police issue, or legal matters however tho.

this part of RIU needs a new sub-forum... Seed and Strain review rediculous-ness.

IMO swerve has done irreversible damage to his company, on a personal relations type thing. if the guys wasnt flipping hype strains and spending money no one would be on his side.

all i know is that i had some posts removed before too, and all i did was cuss and argue with swerve. and since that is very common on here i find it hard to understand why i had my posts removed. im just sayin... ive told a LOT of people about this crap in person, showed examples when possible and people can hardly believe it. first thing out of most peoples mouth is either "wow" or "money/greed"
hell Swerve has done irriversible damage to RIU alone. even if your a fan of him u cant deny that.

i shouldnt have to worry about making a post that says OGK or Chem-something, w/o having him or his "followers" talking rediculous to me.
alright, i'm just going to lock this thread up now.. it's not going anywhere positive and seems to be more mud slinging..

and yes, i deleted posts that were so ridiculous and held not a bit of truth to them.. :D
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