ASA needs your help to stop Los Angeles City Attorney Carmen Trutanich from pushing an ordinance through the City Council that could effectively ban medical cannabis collectives in the city. On Monday, October 16, the Planning and Land Use Management (PLUM) Committee and Public Safety Committee will consider this badly flawed draft ordinance. Can you take a moment to call the committee members before that meeting and tell them to reject the City Attorney’s ordinance?
A simple phone call can make a big difference! Just call the committee members and say, “I am a medical cannabis supporter calling to ask the Councilmember to reject the draft medical cannabis ordinance prepared by City Attorney Carmen Trutanich.”
Ed Reyes-Chair (213)-473-7001
Dennis Zine (213)-473-7003
Jose Huizar (213)-473-7014
Tony Cardenas (213) -473-7006
Jan Perry (213)-473-7009
Greig Smith (213)-473-7012
Join us on Monday, November 16, to ask committee members in person to reject the ordinance, and adopt one that protects patients’ privacy and ensures that collectives can stay open. This is an important point in the process, because the draft ordinance may go to the full City Council for approval after this committee hearing.
What: Joint PLUM and Public Safety Committee meeting
When: 9:30 AM * Monday, November 16
Where: Room 350, City Hall, 200 N. Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Public Transit Info:
Arrive early to complete a public speaker’s card if you want to talk with the joint committee on Monday. You may have as little as one minute to speak. Keep your comments brief and on topic!
You can download a copy of the City Attorney’s draft ordinance: … LA_ord.pdf
You can see ASA’s suggested changes at: … LA_Ord.pdf
Don Duncan
ASA California Campaign Director
Americans for Safe Access (ASA) is the largest national member-based organization of patients, medical professionals, scientists and concerned citizens promoting safe and legal access to cannabis for therapeutic use and research.