California Schools Save Unions

You said it was stealing or theft (same thing), by definition (and no not the sneaky government changing in statutory laws, it from a dictionary) it is infact not stealing. Why, because not only is it legal for them to do so, they return the money (or tax) in the forms of services, such as defense, fire departments and schools. Just because you feel robbed, does not mean you have, by definition, been stolen from.

You say you will stand up by casting a vote? Okay when was the last time there was a reduction in government spending? Significant reduction trend or Drop in ANY tax?

In the 1990's the goverment reduced military spending wich lasted until we went to Afghanistan in 2001, and yes I have seen the GST (thats government sales tax, I live in the Yukon Territory, Canada) drop from 7% to 5%. Hows that for voting for change!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You said it was stealing or theft (same thing), by definition (and no not the sneaky government changing in statutory laws, it from a dictionary) it is infact not stealing. Why, because not only is it legal for them to do so, they return the money (or tax) in the forms of services, such as defense, fire departments and schools. Just because you feel robbed, does not mean you have, by definition, been stolen from.

You say you will stand up by casting a vote? Okay when was the last time there was a reduction in government spending? Significant reduction trend or Drop in ANY tax?

In the 1990's the goverment reduced military spending wich lasted until we went to Afghanistan in 2001, and yes I have seen the GST (thats government sales tax, I live in the Yukon Territory, Canada) drop from 7% to 5%. Hows that for voting for change!
Not buying your rationalizations on the meaning or redefining of theft/'s why. You imply it's okay for them to take money against a persons will because they provide a "service" that a person does not or may not want. That doesn't add up, for it to be a service there must be a request for "service" by the payee. Barring the willful request, the payee, becomes the "extortee".

Some of the so called services I have seen lately....Felony charges for believing I own myself, threat of home stolen.
My friend is about to have her house stolen by them, for growing a plant. I don't want to pay for that "service". Defense ? They "return" the money by killing people I have nothing against in far away countries? Gee thanks government.

They "return" the money by forcing people to pay for schools they may not use or want? What if I don't want that kind of school and prefer to home school at my expense? Fire departments can be manned voluntarily or return to being operated similar to insurance companies like when they first came into being.

Using your method of providing a "service" I could really make some money. Hey lady your house needs painting, so I went ahead and painted it, I know you didn't authorize it, but now you owe me $10,000 dollars and if you don't pay me, I'll hurt you. Hmm, do you mean that kind of service?

Your use of "return the money" through "services" is again an attempt to JUSTIFY their action and sidesteps what has really occurred.
If I don't want their "services" and didn't agree to pay for them, but they take my money anyway through force or the threat of it, it cannot be anything but theft. By the way, would you like your house painted ?

Would you allow that the trend is towards an increase in the amount of taxation?
Just because you don't like the way the tax money is being spent, doesn't mean you don't have to pay taxes because you conjure up some disillusion that your money is being stolen. The fact of the matter is, that the majority of the population is willing to pay taxes, otherwise taxes wouldn't exist. Sure not all of them (myself included) like how all of the tax revenue is being spent, but that does not make it illegal for the government to tax you. If you don't like how the money is being spent, write your politicians, become a talk radio host, or just get out and do something about it.

Here is a question for you, If someone is unwilling to pay taxes, should they have the right to vote / say how the tax money is being spent?

Oh and it sucks that your friend is loosing their house because of growing bud, and I truly believe that the government should not spend any money enforcing any type of prohibition. But I guess you and I are not in the majority. My house is made out of stone, but you can paint my stable if you would like.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Just because you don't like the way the tax money is being spent, doesn't mean you don't have to pay taxes because you conjure up some disillusion that your money is being stolen. The fact of the matter is, that the majority of the population is willing to pay taxes, otherwise taxes wouldn't exist. Sure not all of them (myself included) like how all of the tax revenue is being spent, but that does not make it illegal for the government to tax you. If you don't like how the money is being spent, write your politicians, become a talk radio host, or just get out and do something about it.

Here is a question for you, If someone is unwilling to pay taxes, should they have the right to vote / say how the tax money is being spent?

Oh and it sucks that your friend is loosing their house because of growing bud, and I truly believe that the government should not spend any money enforcing any type of prohibition. But I guess you and I are not in the majority. My house is made out of stone, but you can paint my stable if you would like.
If the money is spent aggressing against them they do have a right to say how it is spent. If the money is spent on nothing that affects them, no. The majority ISN'T WILLING to pay the taxes, that is the point of them being INVOLUNTARY AND BACKED UP BY FORCE.

Thanks for your concern about my friend, she's a good person.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Just because you don't like the way the tax money is being spent, doesn't mean you don't have to pay taxes because you conjure up some disillusion that your money is being stolen. The fact of the matter is, that the majority of the population is willing to pay taxes, otherwise taxes wouldn't exist. Sure not all of them (myself included) like how all of the tax revenue is being spent, but that does not make it illegal for the government to tax you. If you don't like how the money is being spent, write your politicians, become a talk radio host, or just get out and do something about it.

Here is a question for you, If someone is unwilling to pay taxes, should they have the right to vote / say how the tax money is being spent?

Oh and it sucks that your friend is loosing their house because of growing bud, and I truly believe that the government should not spend any money enforcing any type of prohibition. But I guess you and I are not in the majority. My house is made out of stone, but you can paint my stable if you would like.
I didn't say it was illegal for them to tax. I said that involuntary taxation is theft. They can make anything "legal" or "illegal" if they want to....that doesn't mean they're right. I haven't conjured up anything. They take money against the will of people, that's a fact...where's the conjuring? How do you know I haven't done radio? Gave up on writing my politicians and on being one too.

As far as getting out and doing something about it, that's good advice. I'm pretty active there too.


Well-Known Member
you are just small minded. imagine how much better the education will be after the 15% is taken from the people and given to the "educators". california will be a state of geniuses, all 50 million of them.....
Hell yea 15% will let a few more illegals be put through college and maybe they will take your job. The teachers are not getting a raise it is to make sure the unions have enough money for obama. You can see how great the unions are look at greece spain they have great unions just like the people of California win a ball game burn the streets up. So who is simple minded asshole