caligirls grow!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, came back from over the weekend and my ladies REALLLY grew.
But a little too much? I started flowering at 6-9in clones, and from what i read should only get to about 12-18in, But most are at 20in 1 is even at 30in.
Also i dunt know if you can tell from the pics but alot of them are different sizes in different areas, so its not because of lighting. Is this normal?

Here are some new pics! =)

Here are my clones, last batch they rooted all 100% in 2 weeks but this time its been 17days and they have not rooted as good as last time, I think its because i cut bigger clones this time.

thats all thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
Hey What's UP????,,,,,,,,,,,,They Look Great, Yes A Bigger Clone Will Take Alittle Longer To Root.,,,,,The Clone's In The Pic's Are Doing Great!!!,,,,,,There Is Alittle Heat Taco'ing Going On On Some Of The Leave's,But Not Bad At All!!!!,,,,,,,They Are Reaching For The Light,,,,,Because They Are Vigorously Growing!!!!,,,,,,,They Are Going To Be Fine!!!,,,,,,I Would Check There Growth Daily, & Keep The Light The Same Distance!!!!,,,,,,,,Your Doing A Awesome Job!!!!!!!,,,,Best Of Luck!!,,,,Later,HATCH:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
just a thought 600 watt hps puts out light slightly unevenly....yours may be doin the you use a single light in your hood? looks like one side of the table is a little taller than the other..looks great are gonna be one proud momma soon :mrgreen:

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
theres alot of people trying to "jerry rig" co2, some/alot of people either dont really benefit from it or destryoy their harvest from not doing it correctly, but i promise ya, if you do it correctly, you will never want to harvest without it ;) its like taking what you have and doubling the potency... some say the yield is better but i think thats debatable??? i would put that on your list of "the next step" you'll love it....
You have it reversed---no increase in potency but you can easily gain 20% weight------golden rule is ---1#understand you already have 450 to 550 ppm in air(variances is due to altitude density/temp/humidity). 2# use the same ppm's of co2 as your nutes---ie-nutes-1200ppm----co2---1200ppm's. best of luck.


Active Member
most hps dont put out light evenly but instead on a concentrated area.
try centering your hps or getting a second so your light is more evenly spread.


Well-Known Member
Hey cali if you can it is good to move your plants around a bit for more even growth the ones in the middle will get more light than the ones on the edge or just move your light around a bit. It might be time to go to flower or they might outgrow your room. That strain seems a bit stretchy so I would expect them to at least double in size during flower. You have nice alternating nodes and you new growth looks good, still got a bit of leaf curl though huh? What is your humidity in your room? Keep us updated! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the suggestion guys,

Acutally those plants are already in flower, Im doing SOG so i just put my rooted clones directly into flowering. They have been flowering from 6-9" clones for about 17days now and all of them doubles and some tripped in size. But i see signs of budding =)


Well-Known Member
The humidity is at about 50% But the temp when its at its hottest gets to about 88deg and lowest at 79deg. So its still a little hot in there somtimes, dam summertime! I want to try not to use a ac unit unless i hit 90s im already using alot of power for a 3bedroom apt.

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
What shaken?--I purchased a small water chiller for my ez cloner--seems to keep the temps were they recommend---I've got the 60 unit and the temps would slowly climb due to the heat from the pump---EZCLONE has an updated instruction sheet that says to keep the water temp at 21 deg C and the air temp at 23 deg C.---I don't know---mine did throw roots even when it was without the chiller---I did upgrade the airpump just to make sure there was plenty of O2 in there----oh ya----the new instructions also say to plant the clone when the roots are short and fat--not to wait till there hanging like a vine.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I'm in love with outdoor growing, but goddamn if hydro setups don't look so fucking cool!!