nobodys gonna tell u cuz nobody knows!.. evrything is sketchy rite now with the new laws being intepreted differently buy growers police and legislature. BEST ADVICE: " retain a marijuanna lawyer, for about 2000-5000 racks u can have him do all the work for u so u can be AS LEGAL AS POSSIBLE! beacuse really this is all still punishable as a federal offense. So all u can really do is B READY ( with a lawyer) plus with the lawyer u will have the guarantee that u have the latest most up to date info on laws, and how or when they are changing! in addition to advis from a quallified LEAGAL PROFESSIONAL! and not some backwoods hermit or dumbass college kid! or me! thats the best advise in my humble opinion! I know u may not have that kinda money, but really no one knows and if they do they r not gonna tell u no matter how freindly they seem! and its alot more to it than jus putting up someones license in ur room with urs! Why would someone tell u.... u would then b competition. leagal growers(commercial) want all the small guys like u and me and any illegal grower/distributer out the market! less competition! last bit...... if u really cant afford an attorney, enroll in Oaksterdam! they have classes on that shit! otherwise its all jus vicious rumor and hearsay! GOOD LUCK Happy Growing