Can any one help


I have 10 seedlings about 4 to 5 weeks. I am using MG soil.Just read its not good for mj plants but I've had this problem with other mj plants. I have it under a 600 watt MH about 36" high. Because I read that MG soil has time released fert. I have been just watering with RO water. PH at 6. I was giving GH nutrients at first till I read about MG soil. Now I have had this problem in the past while using other soils. Super soil, coco ect. No one seems to know whats causing this. It starts at the top with the fan leaves and works its way down the plant until the whole plant is like this. I dont know what to do. I just thru one away this weekend. Now another one has it. The rest of them look fine. any Idea what the problem is? Help please...Thanks for the help in advance!



Well-Known Member
A lot of growers wont use that stuff because it causes several issues in all plants veggies included. If it is moisture control you can't feed until the plant needs it. For me it was about 8 weeks. The leaves were yellowing and so I started feeding. I don't use the shit any more because I want the food I give them, in them period, and the control of knowing, so if something happens I know what to decrease. I use Promix and hand water, and flood in flush with a gravity flow timer on res. I always follow ppms for control. If you don't know the ppms you have no idea what is hurting them. If you use MG and feed to soon you can send soil ph into acid which is what it looks like. I would flush with ten times amount of soil with water and then water in some Diatomacious Earth. The DE gives you a buffer in the soil and loads of trace minerals that the plant will take in. The buffer is that it keeps ph of soil in check for the times when you may push to hard with nutes. Also after plants drain out, water in a half dose of Cal mg with the DE. Both are Cal Mg but one is absorbed faster and helps plant recover quicker. Soil ph should be 7. So make nutes 6.5 it will drift up if you don't over feed. Less is more until the plant is taking in a gallon a day at 75 degrees and 50% humidity then that bitch will explode when you feed it and you will be able to feed at higher ppms. Follow ppms and make sure food profile has the right amount of each nutrient at the right week of growth and it will do what you want it to. When using RO water always use Cal Mg because the water you are using is stripped clean even it is has a mineral replacement filter which mine has. They always want Cal Mg because the many things the plant uses it for throughout it's life cycle. Don't stop the Cal Mg until last week of flush. If temps are higher than 74 guess what? that plant is sucking up more nutes and the nutes are stalling and stressing the plants. I always use DE and it keeps my promix at 6.8 to 7.0 and I feed my bitches plenty. I feed 700 ppms every four days in promix. Only two of my plants are same genes and none of them are stressing. One is picky but it doesn't need a lot of food it was bred for low food, low maint. Pineapple kush


uhh. im on my first grow. but in the little research ive done. that is stress caused from heat or light. you didnt mention your temps? If you're temps are good then i would guess its to much light.


hey thanks for all the advice. my temps are 81 degrees and my humidity is 60. my lights are about 30 to 36 inches above my ladies. 600 watt mh. hey there's a dog seems like you know your stuff I will try your advice Thanks


Well-Known Member
uhh. im on my first grow. but in the little research ive done. that is stress caused from heat or light. you didnt mention your temps? If you're temps are good then i would guess its to much light.
You are a noob with some fucking KNOWLEDGE!! holy shit! a rare species !


Well-Known Member
Yep I totally missed that, sorry it could be too hot as well. I still would stay away from Mg products they are cheap for a reason. Promix and coco work so much better I promise you will love the difference. Taco down leaves too much water, taco up too much heat. That said I have flowered up to 86 with good air movement low humidity. Our summers are over 115. No wonder I stopped using a grow cabinet, and the ac was way too much money. If heat is high keep humidity low because it will hold heat.


Well-Known Member
you should never pH water when using MG it is a special formula which pH is supposed to change between waterings

I only get that when i use too much N, your first sign you had too much N would be the bunt tips but that looks like it has had too much N for weeks