Can anyone REALLY say anything bad about Fox News at this point?

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Well-Known Member
Home made videos don't lie buddy.

This isn't a right wing march. It's a march by people who simply want to keep their freedom.

Let me make a little equation for you.

Tax = money = time = freedom

MORE TAX = less money = less time = less freedom

its a very simple concept to grasp.
No, using your "equation", if tax=money=time=freedom

then MORE tax=MORE money=MORE time=MORE freedom

OH wait, it wasn't an equation at all, just more nonsense.


Well-Known Member
I don't see obama doing anything about marijuana laws, democrats have a majority in both houses, they could easily address it. He did say he would stop the federal raids in California....that didn't happen.
power over drug laws is a DEA issue. there's very little the president can do...until he revokes the DEA's power to control drugs... the DEA sets the schedules, enforces laws, basically controls the drugs in america...


Well-Known Member
power over drug laws is a DEA issue. there's very little the president can do...until he revokes the DEA's power to control drugs... the DEA sets the schedules, enforces laws, basically controls the drugs in america...

DEA doesn't make laws or the drug schedule, that's Congress. They do enforce the law, or at least the ones they agree with.

Congress alone has the power to reschedule cannabis and reform cannabis laws. Some of them have been trying to do it for years but haven't been successful.

The President can do more than you'd think. He could call for drug policy reform (much like he's calling for health care reform right now) and Congress would have to produce some legislation (well, they wouldn't have to, but it would be in their best interest if the President is putting pressure on them to do so) that aligns with the new policies.

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
The number of opposition in this case is irrelevant. This group of people seems to be the most misinformed of the political spectrum. It has come to the point that they believe ANYTHING that their conservative leaders tell them, and on top of that he's a black President. Yes, I am playing the race card because it is TRUE. Conservatives hate the guy because he is black. These people have made it clearly obvious that they don't know shit about politics. I have heard countless times of people calling the president a n**ger or a muslim.
You're a dumbass. I'd tell you to go back to school, but that's what made you a tool in the first place.

Keep playing the race card while your whole party fails and will never get elected again son.:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P


Well-Known Member
This is a right wing website plain and simple. All the wingnuts here want to do is attack the president. Good luck with Marijuana legalization.


Well-Known Member
No, using your "equation", if tax=money=time=freedom

then MORE tax=MORE money=MORE time=MORE freedom

OH wait, it wasn't an equation at all, just more nonsense.

Wow you dont get it do you.

The more money that gets taken from taxes, the more the American has to work.

Working = not being free.

People work because they have to. To survive. It comes first and foremost in peoples lives because nothing else can be done without an income.

Less income = more work

more work = less freedom

its not hard to grasp.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
What fucking facts,all that bullshit is pityfull.I dont like Obama but fox news are a bunch of liars
People like you will be the end to this shity country that imprisons people for nothing.US imprisons more than anyone and the fuckers that run fox news have rammed proabition down the publics throat. Glen Beck would lock your refer smoking ass behind bars and throw away the key


Well-Known Member
What fucking facts,all that bullshit is pityfull.I dont like Obama but fox news are a bunch of liars
People like you will be the end to this shity country that imprisons people for nothing.US imprisons more than anyone and the fuckers that run fox news have rammed proabition down the publics throat. Glen Beck would lock your refer smoking ass behind bars and throw away the key
One problem there buddy, MARIJUANA isn't the highest priority in my life. It's sad you're associating with the left because of marijuana policy, when in FACT, see, going back to facts here... MARIJUANA IS STILL ILLEGAL.

If you wanna smoke it, you gotta deal with the potential consequences. Don't be a dumbass and you wont get caught.

Yes, righties should believe in more of the lefts policies (such as being more pro marijuana) and visa versa.

It's called bipartisanship. Doing what works, regardless of what party the policy originates from.

Interdependence will always beat out independence.

Being an ALL OR NOTHING liberal or conservative will get us nowhere in this world. Start listening to each other.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Both Bushes and reagan would throw every weed smoker in jail and I agree about working together but its not going to happen.Im 50 and lived with these republican presidents and have seen it get worse


Active Member
What fucking facts,all that bullshit is pityfull.I dont like Obama but fox news are a bunch of liars
People like you will be the end to this shity country that imprisons people for nothing.US imprisons more than anyone and the fuckers that run fox news have rammed proabition down the publics throat. Glen Beck would lock your refer smoking ass behind bars and throw away the key
The only prison I see is welfare. Keeps people down and dependent on the govt. No people like us will be the beginning of the end of corruption. Independents don't believe in putting people in prison for victimless crimes. Wako nut job religious people do. The moonbat libs let extremists hold powerful govt. positions without being elected. I bet you applied at fox news and got turned down. Smoke up, msnbc will have a couple slots open. I mean ED lmfao what a box of rocks that dumbass is. Have a wonderful day everyone:bigjoint:


New Member
proof is in the pudding bro. eagles came back after the ban and the major difference in egg shell thicknesses back it up.

we won't wipe out mosquitoes with ddt, they will fare better than species with lower birth rates (us). are you seriously not baiting peeps with this CJ?

and your point about windmills is relevant how in the ddt discussion? vertical axis windmill don't have that problem BTW.
Like I said, the eagle studies were found to be flawed and inaccurate.... but don't let me get in the way of ur misinformation.

I hope you are out protesting windmill energy if you are so concerned.

How was Malaria WIPED OUT in America and Europe?.... DDT. Now the UN says the poor ppl can't have the same chance.....

Environmental racism.......

Doob.... nice but if you look at the chart.... where is europe? You honestly want to follow those numbers?


Well-Known Member
You didn't answer my question, which had nothing to do with your chart (which is the MAXIMUM income tax levels, btw. I'm assuming you know what "maximum" means)

Here's a chart that shows the MINIMUM and MAXIMUM income tax rates for several different countries. Notice the US is pretty much on par with everyone else.

I take no issue with tax rates in the US, because the government pays ME about 4x what I pay THEM, but saying that "Europe" pays 70% is simply untrue. No country in Europe has a maximum tax rate of 70%, none. The "average" of a bunch of numbers under 70 will NEVER equal 70, because that's how averaging works.


New Member
Quick question, CrackerJax..

You're against universal health care for OUR citizens, but you're okay with spending money that could be used on our health care to provide health care to OTHER nations?

In other words, don't let the poor children of the world die - just the poor children of America?
I'm against GOVT sponsored health care.... absolutely. One need only look to SS, Medicare, Medicaid to see that the promises about the costs are NONSENSE. This is just common sense, but again, I can run some very real numbers by you.... scary numbers. We are dooming ppl who haven't been born yet. We are perhaps at the pinnacle of societal selfishness right now. History will not be kind to us. If we don't care, then it just proves the point.

No one is dying for lack of care in the US. You would have to go to Mexico,Canada, EU, Africa,Asia for that.... No one is denied care in the US.... no one, not even illegal citizens.

We have wiped out Malaria in the USA... you take it for granted. Africa deserves the BEST CHANCE at eradication. To do otherwise is to be an environmental racist.

You didn't answer my question, which had nothing to do with your chart (which is the MAXIMUM income tax levels, btw. I'm assuming you know what "maximum" means)
Yes, I do.... maximum in this case means they added up all the little taxes that the average citizen must truly pay... such as VAT. Everything counts..... all must be paid...all those little city taxes... all must be paid.

So, this means that a fellow in Europe who makes about a thousand bucks a week (certainly a generous number) gets to actually take home less than 400 dollars. This is the main reason why the EU is not a competitive place to do business. Investment performance is low in the EU compared to China, India, USA. The ppl in the EU have hardly any money left over to enjoy everyday life. They make do.

Americans don't want to make do. Especially while our govt. employees make more than their private sector equivalents....

We don't want to be mediocre, and I'll give you a tip, the EU doesn't want us to be either. Our slipping into debt ridden socialism only hurts Europe, it doesn't help them.
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