Can anyone tell me what this is from?


Well-Known Member
looks like thrips to me. if it was summer some ladybugs would do the job. i know they hate garlic. apart from that pesticide. not sure if you can use them in flowering. some one will know how to get rid of them if thats what it is for sure


check your nutes. your leaves are really green for flowering, so you are giving your plants quite a bit of N. I couldnt see your leaf tips so I dont know if youre burning them or not. too much P or K can cause micro nute defficiencies.

Thrips often leave slimey trails... so I dont think its thrips. I wont say for sure, but do look at nutes before applying bug treatment.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
i dont think yellow is a rust color but we may live in different dimensions where your oxidized iron looks different then ours

but i will apologize as i am semi retarded and the quote i used i thought was from a responder trying to give you the OP advise


Well-Known Member
But somebugs leave places that look similar by sucking all the plants deliciousness out with their little for real often times rust spots are from are my questions...Could we get a full plant pic because sometimes some issues look different by where on the plant you are your leaves curled? curled up? curled down? any yellowing? stuff like that...a million questions along those lines but I would need to see the whole thing...


Well-Known Member
search for bugs real good , you'll find um.

i wouldnt even worry about getting rid of them this far into bloom. you can take a spray bottle an knock them off the plant until its done. ...... then get rid of them with a pesticide.

it dont really look like bugs to me , it just looks like a standard nutrition issue, no big deal. if the whole plant looks like that then its healthy overall.

a pic of the whole plant would help though.

Im having the same issue, on 2 of my 4 plants.

the first 2 pictures are of Blue Mystic which is the worse of the 2, Super skunk is showing the same dots on a few leaves. i did spray with neem oil about a week before flowering, they are now in week 3 of flowering. think another spray of neem should do it?

I thought it was a pH issue at first, signs of acidic soil/too much mg, but i treated them with calcitic lime to raise the ph, that was 2 days ago, i think the problem is slowed but not corrected, based on the passed two days.

i'll be checking back to see if anyone recognizes this and saves the day :hump:
