Can I add 600w hps in with 2 led


Well-Known Member
It's tin foil and one mirror is in there . I have been worrying about this plant which started drooping down heavily all of a sudden last night about 2 hours before lights off . And another one is semi doing it now
Tinfoil and mirrors are rubbish for light, get some highly reflective mylar that diffuses the reflection evenly from a grow shop, pay by the meter and much cheaper. Same stuff is lining most grow tents.

Plants arent the easiest and good luck, they arent that bad just stick to what works. Bugs are common, just squashing or kicking the fucker out of the grow room is best, no need to go all chemical weapons war till you start seeing a problem and a lot of bugs can be harmless or predatory so not gona hurt your plant in some cases. Identifying your bug is way more important than prevention first and foremost.

Easier than growing plants is making a good space to grow in, lining walls with the right stuff is easy, mirrors and tinfoil is crap for growing.