can i do this???tips please!!++rep


Well-Known Member
Looks really good mate... I would wait a couple of days before adding nutes, give the babies a chance to settle into the new environment.

For what it's worth.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
Good to see they are still alive :) you have me thinking of doing this myself have 20 clones in soil,
Sensi Super Skunk,their mothers are flying in the flowering room,twas scouting the local pet shop today
for pump's and stuff,you have inspired me to try something different!!!!Keep us posted!!!

And good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

stink hole

Active Member
Good to see they are still alive :) you have me thinking of doing this myself have 20 clones in soil,
Sensi Super Skunk,their mothers are flying in the flowering room,twas scouting the local pet shop today
for pump's and stuff,you have inspired me to try something different!!!!Keep us posted!!!

And good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh i will i will post the first 48 hours pics tomarrow i got the pump and stone from wal-mart for under 15$


Active Member
hey buddy, your build is missing the submergible pump and the irrigation hub, the pump feeds water to the irrigation hub and then sends water through all the tubes that then feeds water or nutes to your plants roots, without this your grow is going to be difficult, check out rosemans setup and you will see the right way to do this build, your on the right track, but your lacking a few things. good luck

stink hole

Active Member
hey buddy, your build is missing the submergible pump and the irrigation hub, the pump feeds water to the irrigation hub and then sends water through all the tubes that then feeds water or nutes to your plants roots, without this your grow is going to be difficult, check out rosemans setup and you will see the right way to do this build, your on the right track, but your lacking a few things. good luck
what do i need another pump for????the nutes are all ready in the water and it gets air via the stone....lights up top ..i think thats all a plant needs to live?

stink hole

Active Member
ok it has been two days since i transplated from soil to bubble...6 plants in alll....two look really good i am pritty sure they will make it the other 4 are stipp drooping...i will give them another day or so then i will update with some new pics.


Active Member
Ok, the other pump feeds water directly to your roots, if your roots are not already in the water, then how are you feeding them, maybe thats why some of your plants are drooping, you should try installing a under water pump so the roots can get their nutes, at least until your roots have entered the rez below...............just trying to help.

stink hole

Active Member
Ok, the other pump feeds water directly to your roots, if your roots are not already in the water, then how are you feeding them, maybe thats why some of your plants are drooping, you should try installing a under water pump so the roots can get their nutes, at least until your roots have entered the rez below...............just trying to help.
when i made the transplants i made sure i pulled the roots through..each plant has a good amount of roots in the res...i guess i could hand water for a week or so to make sure the root ball gets some food...and the pots sit about a 1/4 inch in the i think they are getting feed....thankx for your input...

stink hole

Active Member
ok so it is day 3 after the transplant....6 plants in all 4 are looking like they are going to take....1 is iffy.....and 1 looks pritty there anything i can do for the one plant that is not looking so good?

stink hole

Active Member
ok so day 4 is apon us when i woke up this morning there was some yellowing on 3 plants so i went ahead and cut it off ...just checked them b4 lights out and all 6 seem to still be holding there any thing i can do to increase my odds?


Well-Known Member
Good to hear most of them are doing ok,and hey even if you get 4 outta six that's
good going considering it was your first time to do this,and given the nature of what you are
doing,it ain't exactly easy like transplanting in soil!!!!!!Maybe try a light foliar feed to bolster up the
weaker plant's,it must be a big shock for the root's to go from snug soil into bubbly water,this way you know
they are definately getting some nute's!!!!

stink hole

Active Member
Good to hear most of them are doing ok,and hey even if you get 4 outta six that's
good going considering it was your first time to do this,and given the nature of what you are
doing,it ain't exactly easy like transplanting in soil!!!!!!Maybe try a light foliar feed to bolster up the
weaker plant's,it must be a big shock for the root's to go from snug soil into bubbly water,this way you know
they are definately getting some nute's!!!!
good idea i will give it a try im sure that will help...thankx