can i dry in the oven!!!!


Well-Known Member
Dude if you dried in the oven, you wouldn't turn it on, if that's what you're thinking. It's got pretty spacious rack room though.


Active Member
the high heat would melt the tricomes and "vaporize" your shit. you will end up with schwag...but fuck it try it anyways.


Well-Known Member
if you keep the oven at 140 degrees its not going to melt your tricomes. I have done this many times when sampling buds from a plant just cut or about to be cut. don't get me wrong it isn't going to be good tasting smoke or anything and real harsh but you can do it.


Well-Known Member
Good reply med grower, I'd only do it to sample a bud, if your itching to try it out.

Hang plants with plenty of air circulation, fans.