Can I Get Some Transplanting Advice??


Active Member
I just planted several seeds a few days ago in some coco and most have sprouted up through the surface. My question is.....can I transplant them into oasis cubes or rockwool cubes and put them into grow rocks. I prefer the oasis cubes since the ph is neutral. The reason I didn't sprout them in the cubes to begin with was because I didn't have any yet. Please....any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
you cant transplant into rockwool cubes they have to start in for the grow rocks i have no idea


Active Member
Well, can anyone else advise me if I can transplant them into straight hydroton or not??


Well-Known Member
yea rockwool is what i use for clones, you actually put the clone/seed in it and when it grows roots you plant the rockwool itself - no need for transplanting. ive never used hydroton before, but as long as the plants are healthy and large enough then you should be able to transplant without any problems. you might want to invest in some B1 Thrive Alive, it's perfect for transplanting.

munch box

Well-Known Member
Is coco not a neutral growing medium as well? coco can hold 10 times its weight in water, and greatly reduce the risk of certain types of pests