Can I manage sativa height by using smaller pot w/o side effects?


I was thinking I'd get a mostly sativa strain to grow w/ my ak-48, have one quicker strain with a longer one but my grow area isn't that tall. If i kept the sativa in a 3 gallon pot will it should stay small, but will it stress the plant into herming? If i finish the ak-48 could I move the sativa into a bigger pot and grow it out more like 6 weeks into flowering or is that too risky for turning herm?


Well-Known Member
Pot size won't make a difference on how tall it grows. To small of a pot will just make it root bound and stop growing altogether. You should look into LSTing for height issues.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
420God is correct- if the pot is too small, the plant will become rootbound and completely stop growing. You should never transplant during flowering as it can disrupt the flowering process. The pot they begin flowering in needs to be big enough for them to finish. If you absolutely had to, you could do it but you must be extremely gentle.