Can I use sugar leaves for cannabutter???


Well-Known Member
I was looking to carefully trim and save the sugar leaves this harvest. But what to do with them? Looking to make some cannabutter as it seems the easiest, and I'd like a quality edible. How much is needed for good potent butter? I will only have trimmings from one lady. Do the sugar leaves need to be dried before making butter? I really dont want to use any flowers in the butter.


Well-Known Member
YUP! I do it every single time. It turns out GREAT! I let them lay out and fully dry then I just put em in something and start the process. I would used 2-3 sticks of butter with the sugar from one plant. What I do is I get a sauce pan and I boil some water then I drop my butter sticks in. When they are melted I turn it down but keep it at a boil (butter tends to "froth" over the edges and catch on fire) then I dump my sugar trim in. I stir it around for about 10 minutes then I pour all of that into my crock pot and cover it and let it go on high for 6 hours. After that I have a deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep GREEN butter. I pour it into a cake pan (It cools faster) after it cools and the butter is a solid at the top I I cut a hole in the butter pour out all the water and bullshit (except for the thick white stuff (I theorize that this is just fat with extra thc attached to it(weighing it down)))At that point I boil some clean water and I put the butter in a jar. I set the jar in the boiling water until it melts then I pour some of the water in the butter then I let that cool. I repeat the jar part until the water at the bottom is CLEAR. I call it cleaning my butter and it makes it taste a lot better. But I make my baked goods for taste and not to get me crawling around seeing tracers and shit. For that I just eat 5 cookies!

edit: no lid on the jar btw


New Member
Sugar leaf is just as potent as the bud your cutting it from. I use it for Rick Simpsons hemp oil and man its killer. Cooking with it with a butter would also be a treat for sure.

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
sure I use em to make oil from


I use a small container to play it safe as I use butane gas, that is from one that hold about 5-7 grams of cuttings, guess I can make a few grams out of a plant, if I use smaller popcorn Buds even more, so why not butter, if its potent enough there is plenty of tricks/oil in the sugar leaf`s


Well-Known Member
I normally make hash with my sugar leaves. BHO is probably my favorite, ice hash is probably right up there as well.


Active Member
I had two boys in my current grow, as soon as I saw em I pulled em and turned em both into budder. All leaves from both plants mulched up and boiled with 3lbs of butter for 5 hours, some of the best butter I've ever made. I've never let the leaves dry out first, what difference would that make?


Well-Known Member
Edibles are what I use for pain. A nice snickerdoodle or two and off to bed. I use a crockpot on low. A pound of butter and trim/popcorn. 6 hours and strain. Dump in a bowl and into the fridge. Pull the butter off after it hardens. Any other stuff fans/stem/old shake ground up can be put in 90% alcohol and shake of and on for a bit. Strain thru coffee filter and evap off in a glass pan. There is a fair amount after 4 plants. Haven't tried the roots ..:bigjoint: