can i use tomato fertilizer?


can i use tomato fertilizer? for my 2 plants? i read on here that marijuana is close to the tomato plant so jw


Well-Known Member
Yes you can. More important however is to read the NPK %. the higher the number doesn't mean that it's better, its just more concentrated so you'll need to use less or dilute it. During Veg you want the N to be the high number. But in flower, aim for high N & K. When in doubt, a general fertilizer will also do the trick (2-2-2, 5-5-5, etc).

RedEyeJedi UK

Well-Known Member
I've been thinking about the same thing, so I done a bit of reading and found... Levingtons Tomorite NPK is 4-4.5-8 Vs Canna Flores NPK 2-2-4.. Very similer ratio! Should be fine! ;)