Can someone help me what this burn or yellowing on the bottom most leaves indicate?


Well-Known Member
That plant doesn't need to be fed anything just yet. Ocean forest has enough to Cary it through until you up pot it.
Also the lower leaves are going to eventually die back as their branches grow. So don't worry that much about them.
Good luck friend! And welcome to RIU.
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Well-Known Member
Overnuted ….. heavy green / clawing leaf

FFOF alone can do bulk of feeding by itself for weeks.
You are adding too much to an already hot medium. IMO just water it only as needed - add NOTHING.

Let it try to exhaust the excess on its own.


Well-Known Member
I agree. I had a bag of FFOF once, that was so hot by week 9 my ppms were still around 1300 and that was in a 5 gal
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Well-Known Member
Looks different than any nute burn I have had, not that I have had a lot. Isn’t nute burn usually more uniform?


Well-Known Member
Overnuted ….. heavy green / clawing leaf

FFOF alone can do bulk of feeding by itself for weeks.
You are adding too much to an already hot medium. IMO just water it only as needed - add NOTHING.

Let it try to exhaust the excess on its own.
Man, I was gonna say N tox., but the clawing didn't look pronounced enough. The dark green had me thinking that first though.