can someone please offer some help AGAIN

i am not a new grower, just new to coco ! 10 years growing in soil so can you please stop talking to me like i dont know what im talking about .
4 weeks into flower so not about to start again as you put it ...
Also whats with the smart alic replies about jamaica? its you that brought it up not me ... you stated americans grow the best weed .. something i never even mentioned then you stated you had been to jamaica upteen times, what that has to do with america im not sure ?? you keep going off point then trying to make out its me ?!?!
Hey dude your the one who fucked your palnts up and decided to come here begging for help.
Frankly, your plant is fucked if I were you I'd toss it and stop wasting my time and money. But that is just me speaking from 25 years of experience growing in soil and hydro that I speak from. I was growing hydro in the 1980's in California and Oregon when most people were still dosing their plants with Peters 20-20-20. Maybe you should go back to soil if you can't handle the learning curve.
So sorry if I hurt your feelings. Actually your not acting much different than most of the limeys I've know in my time. So I'm done trying to help you now.
Coco is actually classed as a hydroponic method ... its kind of classed like hempy buckets , nute free medium ... sort of in between soil and hydro .. all the reading i have done about coco tells you to treat the water and feeds as hydro :)
Right on, I didn't know that, so kinda like growing in rockwool..? what about your nutrients? That pic of the label, is that all your feeding?
Hey dude your the one who fucked your palnts up and decided to come here begging for help.
Frankly, your plant is fucked if I were you I'd toss it and stop wasting my time and money. But that is just me speaking from 25 years of experience growing in soil and hydro that I speak from. I was growing hydro in the 1980's in California and Oregon when most people were still dosing their plants with Peters 20-20-20. Maybe you should go back to soil if you can't handle the learning curve.
So sorry if I hurt your feelings. Actually your not acting much different than most of the limeys I've know in my time. So I'm done trying to help you now.
Nobody cares your from cali bro
Hey dude your the one who fucked your palnts up and decided to come here begging for help.
Frankly, your plant is fucked if I were you I'd toss it and stop wasting my time and money. But that is just me speaking from 25 years of experience growing in soil and hydro that I speak from. I was growing hydro in the 1980's in California and Oregon when most people were still dosing their plants with Peters 20-20-20. Maybe you should go back to soil if you can't handle the learning curve.
So sorry if I hurt your feelings. Actually your not acting much different than most of the limeys I've know in my time. So I'm done trying to help you now.

Retard you havnt hurt my feelings i couldnt really give a fuck ... you joined earlier this month wow .. my plants not fucked and im not begging for help .. your done trying to help me?? didnt realise you had helped me at all
Retard you havnt hurt my feelings i couldnt really give a fuck ... you joined earlier this month wow .. my plants not fucked and im not begging for help .. your done trying to help me?? didnt realise you had helped me at all
WTF is a limey? Who talks like that?
Nobody cares your from cali bro
I'm not from Cali bro I'm from New Jersey I follwed the Grateful Dead around for 6 years ended up on the west coast in the 80's and part of the 90's then bounced around and finaly inherited a house in Texas. What being from Cali my have to do with I couldn't tell ya but what I can tell you is that I have been growing marijuana since before most of you kids where born. I've been in and out of these discussion site for years and the overwhelming majority of people post on these boards have no idea how to grow a plant using miracle grow much less using complex hydroponic nutrients and organics. These kids usually fuck up their plants and then come on the internet to beg for help with their "bag seed". then when they can't get it right they accuse experienced people of "withholding info" or some such shit as that.

What I'm saying is that back in the 80's and 90's on the west coast of The United States of America we pioneered all of the techniques and learned all of the knowledge that you kids enjoy using today, so have some damned respect for those who's shoulders your attempting to stand on.
I'm not from Cali bro I'm from New Jersey I follwed the Grateful Dead around for 6 years ended up on the west coast in the 80's and part of the 90's then bounced around and finaly inherited a house in Texas. What being from Cali my have to do with I couldn't tell ya but what I can tell you is that I have been growing marijuana since before most of you kids where born. I've been in and out of these discussion site for years and the overwhelming majority of people post on these boards have no idea how to grow a plant using miracle grow much less using complex hydroponic nutrients and organics. These kids usually fuck up their plants and then come on the internet to beg for help with their "bag seed". then when they can't get it right they accuse experienced people of "withholding info" or some such shit as that.

What I'm saying is that back in the 80's and 90's on the west coast of The United States of America we pioneered all of the techniques and learned all of the knowledge that you kids enjoy using today, so have some damned respect for those who's shoulders your attempting to stand on.

wouldnt mind standing on your face ..idiot , 1 .. im not a kid , i have many years experiance growing MJ in soil and im trying something new ... 2 .. you gave no positive help at all ... 3 this is not bag seed its a uk clone only rare strain i have had for ages .. 4 i never said anyone was witholding information ... fucking get your facts straight mr bigshot weed grower !

No shit. If I really wanted to piss you off I'd have made fun of the Queen...
and if you knew anything about us "limeys" you would know we dont give a fuck about the queen or the royal family ! The USA care more about our monarchy than us ...
I'm not from Cali bro I'm from New Jersey I follwed the Grateful Dead around for 6 years ended up on the west coast in the 80's and part of the 90's then bounced around and finaly inherited a house in Texas. What being from Cali my have to do with I couldn't tell ya but what I can tell you is that I have been growing marijuana since before most of you kids where born. I've been in and out of these discussion site for years and the overwhelming majority of people post on these boards have no idea how to grow a plant using miracle grow much less using complex hydroponic nutrients and organics. These kids usually fuck up their plants and then come on the internet to beg for help with their "bag seed". then when they can't get it right they accuse experienced people of "withholding info" or some such shit as that.

What I'm saying is that back in the 80's and 90's on the west coast of The United States of America we pioneered all of the techniques and learned all of the knowledge that you kids enjoy using today, so have some damned respect for those who's shoulders your attempting to stand on.
Whatever arrogant old timer. Go somewhere else, don't insult people seeking help, its what this fourm was designed for. I also know your kind, the old close minded guys talking about the good ol days in the grow shops that think they know everything because they've been growing since nam who you can't tell anything to because they just know it all, because of course they been doing it since the 80s. Probably doing it wrong since the 80s based on your ignorance.
Whatever arrogant old timer. Go somewhere else, don't insult people seeking help, its what this fourm was designed for. I also know your kind, the guys talking about the good ol days in the grow shops that think they know everything because they've been growing since nam.
There is nothing like experience. We all need help sometimes but there is a way to ask for it and accept it.
oh yeah, all us brits have pics of the queen round the house and we think of her as our dear old mum, christ, did u just fall out of a bad yank sit-com....sorry i'll rephrase that ,a yank sitcom', lets face it there all fuckin shit low brow crap for fat spaced out couch monkeys. go and shoot up a high school or whatever the fuck it is that you fuckin spanners do in ur spare time between big macs and kfc.,muppet.
Actually no this was quite amusing; however, I did mean what I said about respect. Maybe I'm a little touchy about it but I've been doing this for a long time and I've paid my dues. I've been busted twice for growing and I'm still at it after all these years. Maybe I shouldn't but I take this shit very seriously. I don't know of many growers with my kind of experience going on line and sharing it mainly because,as they put it, "Not going on line to teach their competition their 'secrets'". So ya know getting real info from real experienced growers isn't as easy as you'd think.
Plus all I said was that we grow the best weed which means we have the best growers which mean you shouldn't want to go anywhere else for info. Both times I was Amsterdam they weren't that forthcoming with growing info so, think about that.
oh yeah, all us brits have pics of the queen round the house and we think of her as our dear old mum, christ, did u just fall out of a bad yank sit-com....sorry i'll rephrase that ,a yank sitcom', lets face it there all fuckin shit low brow crap for fat spaced out couch monkeys. go and shoot up a high school or whatever the fuck it is that you fuckin spanners do in ur spare time between big macs and kfc.,muppet.
RAOFL. Yeah thats 90% of us. But I'm a vegan and I hate television. So how bout you go get some fish and chips and eat it off a news paper, while you watch old Benny Hill Reruns. meanwhile I'll fish out my Monty Python DVDs and drop some acid...
i got busted 7 months ago, fuckin pain in the arse. i just started again 2 weeks ago. i fucking HATE not growing.