Well-Known Member
Actually no this was quite amusing; however, I did mean what I said about respect. Maybe I'm a little touchy about it but I've been doing this for a long time and I've paid my dues. I've been busted twice for growing and I'm still at it after all these years. Maybe I shouldn't but I take this shit very seriously. I don't know of many growers with my kind of experience going on line and sharing it mainly because,as they put it, "Not going on line to teach their competition their 'secrets'". So ya know getting real info from real experienced growers isn't as easy as you'd think.
Plus all I said was that we grow the best weed which means we have the best growers which mean you shouldn't want to go anywhere else for info. Both times I was Amsterdam they weren't that forthcoming with growing info so, think about that.
LIKE I SAID RESPECT NEEDS TO BE EARNT ... what did you do to earn my respect ??
my original comment about americans was because it was posted early in the moring here in UK .. WHEN ITS MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT IN USA SO NO ONE AROUND TO REPLY !!! again get your facts right