can someone please offer some help AGAIN

Actually no this was quite amusing; however, I did mean what I said about respect. Maybe I'm a little touchy about it but I've been doing this for a long time and I've paid my dues. I've been busted twice for growing and I'm still at it after all these years. Maybe I shouldn't but I take this shit very seriously. I don't know of many growers with my kind of experience going on line and sharing it mainly because,as they put it, "Not going on line to teach their competition their 'secrets'". So ya know getting real info from real experienced growers isn't as easy as you'd think.
Plus all I said was that we grow the best weed which means we have the best growers which mean you shouldn't want to go anywhere else for info. Both times I was Amsterdam they weren't that forthcoming with growing info so, think about that.

LIKE I SAID RESPECT NEEDS TO BE EARNT ... what did you do to earn my respect ??
my original comment about americans was because it was posted early in the moring here in UK .. WHEN ITS MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT IN USA SO NO ONE AROUND TO REPLY !!! again get your facts right
I was up, and any professional grower in the U.S. is up because his lights are on at night. So who's getting heated now?
oh yeah, all us brits have pics of the queen round the house and we think of her as our dear old mum, christ, did u just fall out of a bad yank sit-com....sorry i'll rephrase that ,a yank sitcom', lets face it there all fuckin shit low brow crap for fat spaced out couch monkeys. go and shoot up a high school or whatever the fuck it is that you fuckin spanners do in ur spare time between big macs and kfc.,muppet.

One asshole don't make all mari's the same. Please have respect for the people NOT talking.

And echel

Man TBH you should just walk away everytime you say something all I see ( after your first post) is a know it all who is trolling send me PM IS YOU WANT but keep the bs off the forums or in the bs threads.
RAOFL. Yeah thats 90% of us. But I'm a vegan and I hate television. So how bout you go get some fish and chips and eat it off a news paper, while you watch old Benny Hill Reruns. meanwhile I'll fish out my Monty Python DVDs and drop some acid...

benny hill!!! the last time i watched that would be when i was a kid back in the 70s although i watched an episode of The Simpsons and there was an homage to benny hill on it; the chase sequence with the accompanying music( hats off for that particular tv show, true genius, although if i was a yank i'd start gettin a bit paranoid over the social commentary!) now monty python ....thats a whole different ball game, seriously funny, but yeah , you kinda gotta be wasted to appreciate the full humour. btw the newspaper is just used to insulate the chips , there initially put into a small polystyrene tray with grease proof paper . vegan?? bloody hell, bit too extreme for my taste, i prefer my dead animal flesh and dairy products.
I was up, and any professional grower in the U.S. is up because his lights are on at night. So who's getting heated now?

so anyone who has there lights on at night stays up all night ?!? ... man i give up .. not responding anymore , back to the question people
One asshole don't make all mari's the same. Please have respect for the people NOT talking.

And echel

Man TBH you should just walk away everytime you say something all I see ( after your first post) is a know it all who is trolling send me PM IS YOU WANT but keep the bs off the forums or in the bs threads.

youve gotta have a laugh...lets be honest this is a forum for fuckin drug using law breakers( mainly) so u gotta expect a bit of bullshit now and then. and americans are such good targets....all that kfc u just cant miss
youve gotta have a laugh...lets be honest this is a forum for fuckin drug using law breakers( mainly) so u gotta expect a bit of bullshit now and then. and americans are such good targets....all that kfc u just cant miss
LMFAO KFC SUX. Churches chicken is the spit.
Ok what is the pH of your runoff? what is the EC of your runoff. From there you might be able to tell whats wrong, it works with soil. Personally I think you may have a microbe or algae problem. Some kind of root damage. If its affecting the whole plant it sounds like the roots are fried or getting eaten or all your nutes are getting eaten by algae. I've used some coco plug for cloning and I felt they held too much moisture, and they get a slime on them. I don't like slimes...
Ok what is the pH of your runoff? what is the EC of your runoff. From there you might be able to tell whats wrong, it works with soil. Personally I think you may have a microbe or algae problem. Some kind of root damage. If its affecting the whole plant it sounds like the roots are fried or getting eaten or all your nutes are getting eaten by algae. I've used some coco plug for cloning and I felt they held too much moisture, and they get a slime on them. I don't like slimes...

thankyou , see thios is alot more helpfull than your previous posts .. i will check run off again tonight when i water .. last time i checked it was slightly higher but not drastic , like 5.9 going in and 6.1 out ... im going to PH my feed to 5.5 tonight and then try and see if that will fix it .. i havnt checked EC at all during this grow ...
oh yeah, all us brits have pics of the queen round the house and we think of her as our dear old mum, christ, did u just fall out of a bad yank sit-com....sorry i'll rephrase that ,a yank sitcom', lets face it there all fuckin shit low brow crap for fat spaced out couch monkeys. go and shoot up a high school or whatever the fuck it is that you fuckin spanners do in ur spare time between big macs and kfc.,muppet.
Wow man don't stereotype, its like me saying all the english have fucked up nasty teeth. haha j/k
u gotta admit echlec that cumin out with the 'we got the best weed in the world' kinda just pushes the theory of yank arrogance, personally i been at this game for long enuff to have heard, if not it all, then most of it. im almost 40 and ive smoked all different kinds and grown a lot too, the seeds that you lads are working with are the same as we are and the equipment is too. we can all produce sum amazing shit if we take the time and effort to do so. so you kinda laid yourself open for statements like more European about it;