Can too much lst hurt yield?


Well-Known Member
Lets say you lst and supercropped an indica plant to the point it stays 1 feet tall vegg all summer. I mean my plant has like 25-40 1 foot colas bit the plant is only 2.5 feet wide and 1 feet tall as opposed to an untrained plant reaching 3 feet tall already with very few colas. Can too much lst hurt yield in a pot outdoors? I only lst to keep it fron being visible. At this point it feels like i overdone it and the plant is 4-5 months old at this point


Well-Known Member
no turning back now. I dont think it will harm it at all, i mean if its producing 1ft colas at 20-40 sites then it couldnt be harming it.


Doesn't sound like a problem. I lst'd the crap out of a plant last year and ended up with about 40 1' colas and yielded over 8 oz's. You will be very happy!!!


Well-Known Member
low stress training. it a way of tying down your plants so new colas form from one plant-you tie a part down and it wants to grow upwards. helps with height issues as well.


Well-Known Member
Low Stress Training. basically you tie down the main stalk, and then other branches as they start to grow up. Almost necessary if headroom is an issue, but otherwise makes for bushy plants with many bud sites versus a Christmas tree-looking plant with one main bud.


Well-Known Member
The 1 foot colas are the ones you see, what you dont see are the much smaller colas that arent getting enough light bwcuase its too bushy.


dang! Okay - I've heard it referred to as 'caging' or 'netting' - was not sure if it was a type of 'extreme topping' but tying it down makes much more sense!

Thank you very much!


Active Member
I just lst'd the main shoot right now, it already has pre flowers but I want some side branches to catch up and they aren't getting any light, once flowering starts I'm going to cut the string. Anyway, I have a question that kinda pertains to your sitch. Would cutting some of the branches getting very little light and growing slowly, be beneficial? I kinda assumed it would, seeing as how the plant doesn't waste energy on them...or should I just leave them and whatever bud does come from them, throw into the trimmings for edibles?


Well-Known Member
Its all preference, you might lose a lil yield but you will have bigger top buds becuase the plant will concentrate into it. As for me im leaving it. All personal stash so it dont gotta be pretty but it has to get me high


Well-Known Member
low stress training. it a way of tying down your plants so new colas form from one plant-you tie a part down and it wants to grow upwards. helps with height issues as well.
Thanks for the explanation...I have been doing it and didn't know what the lst stood