can you be heat detected by Ir

Look at it for what it is . Infrared RADIATION . The electromagnetic spectrum consists of visible light, radio waves, x-rays, gamma rays, microwaves, infrared rays and ultraviolet rays. The differences between these radiations are their wavelengths or frequencies.Infrared red waves are emitted by all warm objects. They also heat up the objects on which they fall. When they fall on any substances, the molecules in the substances absorb this energy and get excited and as a result of this, the substance gets heated.

Infrared radiation is emitted by all objects above zero degrees Kelvin (zero degrees kelvin is absolute zero which is -273.15 degrees Celsius or -459.67 degrees Fahrenheit and is the temperature below which all atomic and molecular motion stops).

One of the most effective methods to block IR is to conceal behind glass. Glass is opaque to thermal imaging. It is not a practical solution though, due to the obvious impracticality of carrying around a pane of glass, or constructing your walls and ceiling out of glass .
A simple and effective method to block IR is an ordinary ‘space blanket’ or thermal blanket of Mylar foil. The foil will block the IR heat signature behind it. A problem though, is that whatever it is that you are attempting to conceal, its heat will either build up inside to an unbearable degree or it will escape ‘somewhere’, which will then be visible to IR imagers.

EVEN MORE simply in laymans speach ...... If the sun is up , IR does not work . If its down , it works . Plan your LARGE HOT lights around the sun up/down times . Use ventillated hoods with fans to cool down your heat source quickly . Ventillate your hot spot ( room ) . Also cool down the area you are ventillating into unless it outside . Again keep in mind the suns schedule . 1/2 hour before it sets isnt bad to go off and cool down , 1/2 hour before it comes up to turn everything on . I know in winter months you get like 10 hours good grow light , but hey if your paranoid for a reason . Play it smart .

Another good way to interfere with IR sensing equipment is to counter it with an outside light source .
(To U.S. readers, mostly the newbies to growing that run across this)---

I don't mean to offend anyone here, but has everyone forgotten that grow lamps, fans, etc are not illegal? No one should be as scared as most of you are in your own home, that is, unless you have broken the rules of growing. No tell, no sell, no smell.. Let's be logical and not emotional.

Hell, you could take a 4 bedroom house, gut it, fill it wall to wall with lights and run it to your hearts content and that is not illegal whatsoever. Keep your property kept up, pay your bills/taxes on time, and keep your MOUTH SHUT. You will be able to grow problem free. Even if you have 20,000 watts doesn't mean you are doing anything illegal. The burden of proof is on whoever is charging you with doing something wrong.

Don't think I am naive, I know crazy shit happens every day and it is quite normal to have feelings of paranoia when doing something risky. But, the chances of getting caught through the things I see posted on this forum and many other forums (noise, power usage, buying equipment, etc) as concerns are a little over the top and should be tempered with reality.

It is my opinion that the people who are most paranoid are the ones who rightfully should be. Those who live in a world of illusion and fantasy thinking that they are the one who can sell or tell their buddies and get away with it, so long as they don't buy a light on eBay or Amazon, or so long as they use plenty of mylar and keep their electric bill down lol.

When is the last time ANYONE actually heard of/saw a grow being busted near you AT ALL? Maybe some can say they have, but for every one that is busted rest assured there are probably several more in the area that aren't.

Most people get busted because they told someone, and that someone told on them. THEN the po-po will show up at your door for a knock-and-talk. If they feel something is off, THEN they will put together all the circumstantial BS to build a case. Police are lazy 90% of the time and are not going to pursue something that doesn't just fall into their lap.

Remember, even that buddy of yours that you may have known for 10 years and swore would't tell, might get pissed at you one day and run their mouth for any number of reasons. Keep it safe and simple by not telling ANYONE.

Sorry for the rant guys, just wanted to put that out there. Happy Growing to all!


Active Member
Hell, you could take a 4 bedroom house, gut it, fill it wall to wall with lights and run it to your hearts content and that is not illegal whatsoever. Keep your property kept up, pay your bills/taxes on time, and keep your MOUTH SHUT. You will be able to grow problem free. Even if you have 20,000 watts doesn't mean you are doing anything illegal. The burden of proof is on whoever is charging you with doing something wrong.
Not entirely true. People have been busted in my city by getting greedy, running too many lights and getting turned in by the power company based on unusually high power consumption.

When is the last time ANYONE actually heard of/saw a grow being busted near you AT ALL?
Well, I personally know of a guy, but when you have a burglar alarm installed, set it to call the cops and you get burglarized while you're at work, well, you're not the sharpest pencil in the box.

Police are lazy 90% of the time and are not going to pursue something that doesn't just fall into their lap.
This is entirely true. :D

Remember, even that buddy of yours that you may have known for 10 years and swore would't tell, might get pissed at you one day and run their mouth for any number of reasons. Keep it safe and simple by not telling ANYONE.
Good advice


You tell someone you trust they tell someone they trust etc. etc.etc. till someone tells sometime they shouldn't trust, that's how you get nailed.



Well-Known Member
Yeah man, anyone that uses a plug in heater is getting raided right now because of 1500 watt heat signatures....

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
After sifting through all the police records through out my life I have found that the only people who have ratted on me for mj are my relatives, who happen to be potheads themselves. Your family is in fact your worst enemy when it comes to mj.


Active Member
Crap, this is 5 pages for a 200w grow op? wtf people.

The real question should be why the hell are you only using 200 and not 1000w.


Well-Known Member
The first answer is the correct answer!

No one is going to be looking at your 200 watt heat signature as anything other than a heater or light in a basement.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member

I would say you have very little to worry about, just start growing and have fun
Dr. Jekyll

Remember what Tony Baretta (Robert Blake) would say "don't do the crime if you can't do the time"
Mr. Hyde


Well-Known Member
There is no such thing as x-ray infrared and is highly unlikely to exist due to principals of thermodynamics. An object that gives off a heat signature is detectable because it emits an electrothermal frequency at a certain wavelength that is detected by an IR sensor that emits a frequency of its own. This frequency bounces off an object and returns to the sensor that measures the wavelength and produces an image due to a pre-programmed computing component. The image you see is the display of various detected frequencies from the sensor. The sensor translates this data and produces a human friendly display that allows the operator to see heat signatures based on the various wavelengths that are detected. Basically, the image produces a 2D image of reflected wavelength signatures that are sent out in a linear pattern (straight lines from the observer towards the field of view) and produces a single signature for each lines point that intersects the viewed surfaces returning a signal based the first surface that is encountered. To detect an objects heat signature below the surface being observed requires too much unknown data to produce an image in depth and a power source far too large to produce the intensity of signal necessary to operate such a device.

The myths derive from lights that radiate heat onto a surface that then permeates through the outer surfaces of a house/grow op producing an image that resembles what can be seen below a surface.


Active Member
Actually, IR sensors are entirely passive, they can see heat emissions but emit no energy themselves. This is what makes fighter jets equipped with IRST, Infrared Search and Track, so dangerous. They can track and target another aircraft while emitting no signal themselves. They then employ IR missiles to destroy their enemy which are also entirely passive, so the enemy aircraft often never knows what hit it. The Russians first employed this on the MiG-29 and it's a highly effective system. The only drawback is that it's range is limited and it can not be used to target radar guided missiles. Radar is an active system and as soon as a fighter aircraft switches it on it lights up warning screens in AWACS and enemy fighter aircraft, thus revealing it's position. Other aircraft now employ IRST and it's widely presumed that the American F-22 Raptor has an advanced version of it.
X-Ray occupies an entirely different part of the EM spectrum and has nothing to do with infrared.


Active Member
Hello. I want to grow one plant in basement with 200 watt light the plant will be grow in a wood closet so what are the chances of being detected by heat detector?
They Actually dont pick up the heat from Lights, When marijuana is charged from its Daily Light, It gives off a particular light/Heat reading to the radars, Meaning when there above you, every light bulb will give off a yellow/orange/red/black colour because its giving off light to a light /heat radar, Your body temp (if you are sitting in a chair or in bed) will give off the same colours but added with a Blue/Green effect because your not giving off light, Only heat. So all in all Yes, they can tell exactly whats what, wether its your toaster going off
Heres more food for thought , there arent cops out there watching houses with IR equipment , its is illegal . THE ONLY way they can even think about that is if they have probable cause , want to watch you and have a court oredered warrant / document allowing them to do that . There are cases where people HAVE beat charges because it is an illegal search of YOUR property unless it is authorized by a judicial order .
And another thing , be a LITTLE paranoid , just a little , not much just a little . Usually makes you spend a little more time being a lot smarter if where your doing anything is illegal .


Well-Known Member
Heres more food for thought , there arent cops out there watching houses with IR equipment , its is illegal . THE ONLY way they can even think about that is if they have probable cause , want to watch you and have a court oredered warrant / document allowing them to do that . There are cases where people HAVE beat charges because it is an illegal search of YOUR property unless it is authorized by a judicial order .
Well most the time theyd raid your house and as they collect the evidence, get a warrant signed.. dirty pigs.

And another thing , be a LITTLE paranoid , just a little , not much just a little . Usually makes you spend a little more time being a lot smarter if where your doing anything is illegal .
I'm always uber paranoid. Have yet to get caught! Even when I smoke in public I keep looking over my shoulders