Can you clone plants in anything?


Well-Known Member
ive been searching the threads not much really come up for cloning, i just wanted to know if i need the rockwool cubes or can i just fill like the flower starter pots with coir or peat. cause i dont really wanna drive all the way to the hydro store and i have peat and coir and verm an perlite and all kinds of stuff even those jiffy seed starters what about those i dont think there deep enough for a clone any help would be appreciated:weed:


Well-Known Member
Use peat pods the kind that expand in water,they are deep enough , and some rooting hormone powder or gel . put in a humidity dome .


Active Member
I've heard about this before, you want to watch how much sun you give them and you have to be very careful. You also want to make sure that the branch you use is at least 7 nodes or layers up from the bottom or the branch won't be able to mature into a clone and it will be a waste of time.


Active Member
i use the peat pods the expanding kind and have had great success just make sure to have the leave moist all the time


Active Member
i tried making some clones the other day, thought i did okay, but they died :( any advice ??


Well-Known Member
I've heard about this before, you want to watch how much sun you give them and you have to be very careful. You also want to make sure that the branch you use is at least 7 nodes or layers up from the bottom or the branch won't be able to mature into a clone and it will be a waste of time.
thats simply not true.

bottom branches actually root faster than any other, the reason being they have more auxins in them the the newer upper branches. bottom branches are also superior because they have more available carbs stored in there leaves vs newer branches with newer leaves.

there is also a factor called apical dominance, that has alot to do with it... im not going to go into it though. just know that the branch with a lower apical dominance roots faster.

to the OP-

you can clone directly into jiffypots (the self expanding peat pucks), cocoa noir, rockwool, bubble/aeroponically, or just about any sterile medium that will retain water and allow air to reach the rootzone at the same time. methods of cloning are endless, but the trick is finding what method works best for you. some type of rooting hormone or clonex is essential though, untill you understand the process better.


Well-Known Member
yeah i got some cloning gel cant remember what kind, thanks for all the replies +rep i think im gonna do some in the peat pucks just cause seems easier than trying to mix and ph my own, i'll let you know how they go, thanks again


Well-Known Member
i stuck some cuttings into plain water no rooting gel no nothing and put on window sill the way my granmother used to to it a week and a half ago roots are starting to show


i stuck some cuttings into plain water no rooting gel no nothing and put on window sill the way my granmother used to to it a week and a half ago roots are starting to show
Currently trying multiple methods of cloning. The ones that look the best have been rockwool with tap water simply poored over, cut clone at diagonal (45 degree), and stuck into cube with flouros over it. Surprising after trying so many methods that require so much extra work.


Active Member
Read Subcools thread of Cloning, I just cloned about 30 clones in Rapid Rooters, Basically turn them over so the fat side is on the bottom and poke a hole in them, dip in gel and plug them in. Look at the thread first though. Sub has it down to a science, a very low tech science but very effective. My babies should be rooting right after the weekend. Got my fingers crossed. I hope